Thursday, March 10, 2011

Veg Upsets My Stomach

Pope Benedict XVI to the Roman parish priests: be men with the heart of God, proclaim the truth even if uncomfortable, especially the poor love

Pope tells Roman parish priests:
be men with God's heart,
proclaim the truth even if inconvenient,
love especially the poor

The priest is not an "administrator", but a man chosen by God to imitate Christ, as He knows that to be humble, love humanity, have feeling for the poor, support with courage the Church wherever it is threatened. With a comprehensive lectio divina inspired by chapter 20 of the Acts of the Apostles, Benedict XVI this morning he met with the priests of the diocese of Rome, led by Vicar Cardinal Agostino Vallini, in the traditional annual meeting held in the Hall of Blessings . ; service Alessandro De Carolis : ( Audio )

Avere l’occhio di Dio, non quello del burocrate. Non c’è alternativa per un sacerdote. San Paolo lo aveva compreso e San Luca descritto in quel capitolo degli Atti degli Apostoli che il Papa ha definito come “destinato agli uomini di ogni tempo”. L’attualità del testo antico è diventata materia di riflessione per il prete del tempo moderno, centellinata dal Pontefice frase dopo frase. Il sacerdote, ha affermato, anzitutto “non è un padrone della fede”:

“Prete non si è a tempo solo parziale; si è sempre, con tutta l’anima, con tutto il nostro cuore. Questo essere con Cristo ed essere ambasciatore di Cristo, questo essere per gli altri è una missione che penetra il nostro essere e deve sempre più penetrare nella totalità del nostro essere”.

Il servizio, ha proseguito Benedetto XVI, chiama l’umiltà. Che non è esibizione di “falsa modestia” ma amore per la volontà di Dio, che proprio grazie all’umiltà del servitore può essere annunciata nella sua integrità, senza condizionamenti o preferenze, e senza “creare l’idea che il cristianesimo sia un pacchetto immenso di cose da imparare”:

“Questo è importante: non predica Christianity à la carte, according to their tastes, preaching a gospel according to their own favorite ideas, according to his theological ideas, not subtract from announcing all, all God's will, the will also uncomfortable, even the topics that personally I do not like them much. "

The Pauline text was then suggested to the Pope thoughts on the subject of conversion of heart. "Conversion," the Pope said, is above that of thought and heart, so they are not really tangible things or events in the world as it appears, but actually recognize the presence of God in the world. From this vision, the priest shall conduct its "race" in the world, without ever losing - he recommended Benedict XVI - the beginning of the enamel:

"Do not lose the zeal, the joy of being called by the Lord let (...) renew our spiritual youth (...) the joy of walking with Christ to the end of 'to finish the race' in the excitement of always being called by Christ for this great service. "

The priest, as Paul, said the Pope must not think of his mere "biological survival". Of course, guard is a must, but do not forget that the offer itself, even to the gift of life, his model treats the priest, Christ

"Only God can make us priests, only God can choose their own priests and if we are chosen, we chosen by him here is clearly the sacramental character of the priesthood and the priesthood, which is not a profession that must be done because somebody has to manage all the things (...) It 'an election by the Holy Spirit. "

Pius XI, Benedict XVI recalled, remarked on the problem of sleepiness good ", ie the lack of levees that Christians themselves often resist the forces of evil. The priest, insisted, is called to "watch" and to pray intensely:

"'Take heed to yourselves', we are also attentive to our spiritual life, our prayers be with Christ (...) and meditate on the Word of God is not a waste of time for the care of souls, but is provided so that we can be truly in touch with the Lord and so to speak first hand of the Lord to others. "

The Church is threatened, and always will be, said the Pope But this knowledge must never be forgotten and other immodificabili realtà:

“La verità è più forte della menzogna, l’amore è più forte dell’odio, Dio è più forte di tutte le forze avverse ... a Dio. E con questa gioia, con questa certezza interiore prendiamo la nostra strada (…) nelle consolazioni di Dio e nelle persecuzioni del mondo”.

Nell’indirizzo di saluto a Benedetto XVI, il cardinale Vallini aveva definito la lectio divina l’ideale conclusione del recente pellegrinaggio a Cipro dei sacerdoti romani, quindi – ringraziando il Pontefice per il suo nuovo libro su Gesù – ha definito il volume "A good companion for Lent. Affectionate and touching, then, the words he addressed to the cardinal vicar pope recalled the of priesthood - which falls on June 29 - and highlighting the quality of priestly Benedict XVI most appreciated by the clergy:

"The loyalty, humble and joyful, without cracks, the Lord Jesus, and the total availability to serve the Church in which Providence has given him up to the formidable weight of the supreme pontificate, love the Word of God and the Liturgy and the joy of life time to the rhythm of the liturgical year, the exercise of intelligence and passion for the pursuit of truth without compromise to propose and defend, the sweetness of the stroke and the magnanimity of the heart, the soul's serenity of total dedication to Christ. "

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