Sunday, March 6, 2011

Real Life Supplementary Angle




Piazza San Pietro
Sunday, March 6, 2011

[Croatian, English, French, Italian , Portuguese, English, German]

Dear brothers and sisters!

The Gospel of this Sunday presents the conclusion of the "Sermon on the Mount, where the Lord Jesus, through the parable of the two houses built on a rock and the other on the sand, invites the disciples to listen to his words and put them into practice (cf. Mt 7.24). In this way he places the disciple and his journey of faith in the horizon, consisting of the relationship which God weaves the man through the gift of his Word, and enter into dialogue with us. The Second Vatican Council states: "the invisible God in his love speaks to men as friends and moves among them, and to invite them into fellowship with Him." (Dogmatic Constitution. on Divine Revelation Dei Verbum , 2). "In this view, every man seems to be the recipient of the Word, called and asked to enter the dialogue of love with an essay "(Apostolic Exhortation. postsin. Verbum Domini, 22 ). Jesus is the living Word of God when they taught, the people recognized in his words the same divine authority, he felt the nearness of the Lord, his merciful love, and give praise to God in every age and every place, who has the grace to know Jesus, especially through the reading of the Gospels, I was fascinated, recognizing that in his preaching, his gestures, in his person he reveals the true face of God, and at the same time shows us to ourselves, we feel the joy of being children of the Father in heaven, describing the basis solid foundation upon which to build our lives.

But often the man does not build his act, his existence on this identity, and prefers the sands of ideologies, power, success and money, expecting to find stability and response to suppressed demand of happiness and fulfillment that you carry in your soul. And we, on what we want to build our lives? Who can really respond to concerns of our hearts? Christ is the rock of our lives! He is the eternal Word and ultimately that does not fear any sort of adversity, every difficulty, every hardship (see Verbum Domini, 10 ). May the Word of God permeates tutta la nostra vita, pensiero e azione, così come proclama la prima lettura della Liturgia odierna tratta dal Libro del Deuteronomio: “Porrete dunque nel cuore e nell’anima queste mie parole; ve le legherete alla mano come un segno e le terrete come un pendaglio tra gli occhi” (11,18). Cari fratelli, vi esorto a fare spazio, ogni giorno, alla Parola di Dio, a nutrirvi di essa, a meditarla continuamente. È un prezioso aiuto anche per mettersi al riparo da un attivismo superficiale, che può soddisfare per un momento l’orgoglio, ma che, alla fine, lascia vuoti e insoddisfatti.

Invochiamo l’aiuto della Vergine Maria la cui esistenza è stata segnata dalla fedeltà alla Parola di Dio. La contempliamo nell’Annunciazione, ai piedi della Croce e, ora, partecipe della gloria del Cristo Risorto. Come Lei, vogliamo rinnovare il nostro “sì” e affidare con fiducia a Dio il nostro cammino.


Seguo continuamente e con grande apprensione le tensioni che, in questi giorni, si registrano in diversi Paesi dell’Africa e dell’Asia.

Chiedo al Signore Gesù che il commovente sacrificio della vita del Ministro pakistano Shahbaz Bhatti svegli nelle coscienze il coraggio e l’impegno a tutelare la libertà religious of all men and, in doing so to promote their equal dignity.

My heartfelt thoughts go then to Libya, where recent fighting has caused many deaths and a growing humanitarian crisis. To all the victims and those who find themselves in distressing situations assure you of my prayers and my neighborhood, I invoke assistance and relief to those affected.

After the Angelus:

Cres Pèlerins francophones, Le Christ nous invite aujourd'hui à notre maison bâtir sur le roc de la foi en Dieu et de sa Parole. La Fidélité à ses Commandements pushes us to do good and to abandon the choices that lead to death. On the day of our Baptism, we began a joyous and exciting adventure! While we will enter Wednesday in Lent, I invite you to deepen the gift of grace that we are done. Following Jesus, let us be guided by the Spirit in the way of life! To all, I wish a good Sunday and a good Lent!

I am happy to greet All the Français-speaking Pilgrims and Visitors present for this Angelus . In today's Gospel, Jesus invites us to go Beyond a superficial acceptance o Christian calling, by living in Faithful allegiance to His words. May we build up our future upon the solid foundation of the Gospel of Jesus, and find fulfilment and happiness and eternal salvation. I wish all of you a pleasant stay in Rome, and a blessed Sunday!

Ein herzliches „Grüß Gott“ sage ich den Pilgern und Besuchern aus den Ländern deutscher Sprache. Zum Hallelujaruf singt die Kirche heute das Wort Christi: „Ich bin der Weinstock, ihr seid die Reben. Wer in mir bleibt und in wem ich bleibe, der bringt reiche Frucht“ ( Joh 15,5). Im Bild des Weinstocks und der Reben leuchtet die wunderbare Gemeinschaft mit Jesus auf, zu der wir Christen gerufen sind. Im Hören von Gottes Wort, im regelmäßigen Empfang der Sakramente und im persönlichen Gebet haben wir Anteil an seinem Leben. Als Zeugen dieses Lebens können und dürfen wir für unsere Welt fruchtbar sein. Dazu begleite euch Gott mit seiner Gnade.

Saludo con afecto a los peregrinos de lengua española, y en particular a los fieles de las parroquias San Francisco de Asís, de Murcia, y San Francisco Javier, de Los Barreros-Cartagena. Jesús nos dice en el Evangelio de este domingo que quien escucha sus palabras y las pone en práctica se parece a un hombre que construye su casa sobre roca. Esta roca firme sobre la que podemos construir nuestra vida es la fe en la Palabra de Dios. Fijando nuestros ojos en la Virgen María, aprendamos de ella a cumplir en every moment la voluntad del Padre celestial that, con la ayuda de la gracia divina, seam processed image of Christ en un testimonio y demos effective life y su enseñanza. Happy Sunday.

I cordially greet the faithful from parishes and Brandoa Calhariz of Benfica, the Patriarchate of Lisbon and other Portuguese-speaking pilgrims, on whose steps and commitments Christians pray for the intercession of the Virgin Mother, the greatest blessings. Let Christ take possession of your life, to be increasingly more life and presence of Christ! Go with God.

Serdeczne pozdrowienie kieruję of wszystkich Polakow. W dzisiejszej Hear the Gospel of Christ's warning: "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven" (Mt 7, 21). Father's will meet the one who explores the content of God's Word, an open heart the Gospel message of love and peace, making them the principle of his life and conduct. Let us remember to take our daily duty. I cordially bless you.

[ Un cordiale Saluto rivolgo a tutti and Polacchi. Nel Vangelo odierno sentiamo l'avvertimento di Cristo: “Non chiunque mi dice «Signore, Signore», entrerà nel regno dei cieli, ma colui che fa la volontà del Padre mio che è nei cieli” (Mt 7, 21). Compie la volontà del Padre colui che approfondisce il contenuto della Parola di Dio e con il cuore aperto accoglie il messaggio evangelico dell’amore e della pace, facendo di esso il principio della propria vita e del proprio agire. Ricordiamo ciò, assumendo i nostri doveri quotidiani. Vi benedico di cuore. ]

Infine, saluto con affetto i pellegrini di lingua italiana, in particolare i ragazzi di Mattarello, Galzignano Terme, Sottomarina, Thiene, Arzignano e Altavilla Vicentina, e quelli di varie città Campania, with best wishes for their journey of growth in faith. I greet the students and family members of the School "St. Dorothy" Montecchio Emilia, young Lipomo, the faithful from Como, Carmignano di Brenta, Povegliano Veronese, Anzio and snipers. I wish everyone a good Sunday and a good start, next Wednesday, the holy Lent. Good Sunday!

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