Thursday, March 3, 2011

How To Make A Small Folding Table

Benedict XVI to the Bishops of the Philippines: "In dialogue with other religions for the common good of humanity "

La visita "ad limina" del terzo gruppo di vescovi filippini

In dialogo with religions
for the common good of humanity

in dialogue with other religions the Church "work for mutual understanding and progress of the common good of humanity." The Pope said in his address this morning, Thursday, March 3, the third group of Philippine bishops visit ad Limina Apostolorum, received in audience in the Hall of the Consistory.


My dear Brother Bishops,

is with joy that I welcome you on the occasion of your visit ad Limina Apostolorum . Through you I extend my cordial greetings to the priests, religious and faithful of your various dioceses.

Our meeting today gives me the opportunity to collectively thank you for the pastoral work that you carry with love for Christ and for his people. As St Paul says: "Do not grow weary in doing good, if we do not desist, we shall reap in due time" (Gal 6, 9). With these words the apostle encourages his readers to do good to all, especially our brothers and sisters in faith. He presents us with a double imperative, which is very appropriate to your ministry in central and southern islands of the archipelago of the Philippines. You must strive to do good among Christians and among non-Christians.

About the "brothers in faith" that require your apostolate, the Church in your respective regions naturally shares many of the pastoral needs of the rest of the country. Among them, one of the most important factor is the task of catechetical formation permanently. The deep personal piety of your people must be nurtured and sustained by a deep understanding and appreciation for the Church's teachings on faith and morals. In fact, these elements are needed to give the human heart la sua risposta esaustiva e opportuna a Dio. Mentre continuate a rafforzare la catechesi nelle vostre diocesi, non mancate di includere in essa la prossimità alle famiglie, con particolare attenzione ai genitori nel loro ruolo di primi educatori dei figli nella fede. Quest'opera è già evidente nel sostegno che offrite alla famiglia di fronte a influenze che potrebbero diminuirne o distruggerne i diritti e l'integrità. So che offrire questo tipo di formazione catechetica non è compito da poco e colgo l'opportunità per salutare le numerose suore e i catechisti laici che vi assistono in quest'importante opera.

Infatti, come Vescovi diocesani non affrontate mai alcuna sfida da soli, perché siete assistiti primarily by members of your clergy. Together with you, have dedicated their lives to serving God and his people, and in turn they need your fatherly care. As you know, you and your brother bishops have a particular duty to be familiar with your priests and to guide them with sincere concern, and priests must always be prepared to play with humility and fidelity to the tasks assigned to them. In this spirit of mutual cooperation for the sake of the Kingdom of God, of course "in due time reap our harvest" of faith.

Many of your dioceses have developed continuing education programs for young priests, helping them to move from structured the seminar to the more independent of parish life. Along the same lines, it is also useful to assign them mentors from among the older priests, who have proved faithful servants of the Lord. These men can lead the younger brother on the path towards a mature style of priestly life and well balanced.

Moreover, priests of all ages require a constant concern. We need to promote regular days of recollection, annual retreats and other meetings as well as programs for education and a constant care for the priests who may have difficulties. I am confident that also produced the means to support those priests whose duties li portano a essere isolati. È gratificante constatare come il Secondo Congresso Nazionale per il Clero, svoltosi durante l'Anno Sacerdotale , sia stato un'occasione di rinnovamento e di sostegno fraterno. Al fine di trarre vantaggio da questo impeto, vi incoraggio ad approfittare della celebrazione annuale del giovedì santo, in cui la Chiesa commemora il sacerdozio in modo speciale. Secondo le loro promesse solenni nell'ordinazione, ricordate ai vostri sacerdoti il loro impegno al celibato, all'obbedienza e a una dedizione sempre maggiore al servizio pastorale. Nel vivere tali promesse, questi uomini diverranno autentici padri spirituali con una maturità personale e psicologica che si svilupperà per rispecchiare la paternità God

About the St. Paul's commandment to do good to those who are not brothers in the faith, dialogue with other religions is a high priority, particularly in southern areas of your country. Although the Church to proclaim incessantly that Christ is the way, the truth and life (cf. Jn 14, 6), meets all that is true and good in other religions, and tries, with prudence and charity, to establish a honest and friendly dialogue with the followers of those religions, where possible (see Nostra Aetate, n. 2). In doing so, the Church works to mutual understanding and to advance the common good of humanity. I commend you for the work you've done and I encourage you, through dialogue that has been established, to continue to promote the path towards authentic and lasting peace with your neighbor, without ceasing to treat every person, independent of its I think, as created in the image and likeness of God

Finally, as we strive to not "grow weary of doing good," we are reminded that the greatest good we can offer to those we serve, we are given in 'Eucharist. In the Mass the faithful receive the grace needed to be transformed in Jesus Christ. It is encouraging that many Filipinos to participate in Sunday Mass, but that does not leave space for your satisfaction of pastors. It is your responsibility and your priests, never tire of seeking the lost sheep, ensuring that all believers derive life from the great gift given to us in the Sacred Mysteries.

Dear Brother Bishops, I thank the Lord for this day of your visit to the City of Peter and Paul, during which God has strengthened our bonds of communion. With the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, may the merciful Lord to accomplish your work. I assure you of my remembrance in prayer and I gladly impart to you and to the faithful entrusted to your care my apostolic blessing as a pledge of grace and peace.

(© L'Osservatore Romano - March 4, 2011)


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