Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Acupressure And Meralgia Paresthetica




Aula Paolo VI
Mercoledì, 2 marzo 2011

[ Francese , Inglese , Italian, Portuguese , English, German ]

St. Francis de Sales

Dear brothers and sisters,

"Dieu est le Dieu du coeur humain" [God is the God of the human heart] ( Treaty of God's love, I, XV): in these seemingly simple words we take the mark of a great master of spirituality, of which I speak today, St. Francis de Sales , Bishop and Doctor of the Church. Nato in 1567 in a border region of France, was the son of Lord Boisy, an ancient and noble family of Savoy. Lived at the turn of two centuries, the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, picked up in himself the best lessons and cultural achievements of the century ended, reconciling the legacy of humanism with the push toward the absolute of its mystical currents. His training was very thorough, in Paris did high school, he also devoted himself to theology, and those of Law at the University of Padova, as he wished his father, concluded in a brilliant way, with a doctorate in utroque iure, canon law and the law civil. In his youth, harmonious, reflecting on the thought of St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas, had a deep crisis that led him to wonder about their salvation and the eternal predestination of God towards him, suffering as a true spiritual drama major theological issues of his time. She prayed hard, but doubt tormented him so strong that for a few weeks almost completely failed to eat and sleep. At the height of the test, went to the Dominican church in Paris, opened his heart and prayed, "Whatever happens, Lord, you who keep it all in your hand, and whose ways are justice and truth, whatever you established about me ..., you're always just judge and merciful Father, I love you, Lord [...] I will love you here, oh my God, and always will I hope in your mercy, e sempre ripeterò la tua lode… O Signore Gesù, tu sarai sempre la mia speranza e la mia salvezza nella terra dei viventi” ( I Proc. Canon ., vol I, art 4). Il ventenne Francesco trovò la pace nella realtà radicale e liberante dell’amore di Dio: amarlo senza nulla chiedere in cambio e confidare nell’amore divino; non chiedere più che cosa farà Dio con me: io lo amo semplicemente, indipendentemente da quanto mi dà o non mi dà. Così trovò la pace, e la questione della predestinazione - sulla quale si discuteva in quel tempo – era risolta, perché egli non cercava più di quanto poteva avere da Dio; lo amava semplicemente, si abbandonava alla Sua bontà. This will be the secret of his life, which trasparirà in his main work: the love of God Treaty.

overcome the resistance of his father, Francis followed the call of the Lord, December 18, 1593, was ordained a priest. In 1602 he became Bishop of Geneva, at a time when the city was a stronghold of Calvinism, so that the bishop's seat was "in exile" at Annecy. Pastor of a poor and troubled diocese, in a landscape of mountains of which he knew so well as the hardness of the beauty, he writes: "[God] I met him full of tenderness and sweetness between our highest and most rugged mountains, where many simple souls loved and adored in all truth and sincerity, and roe deer and chamois were running here and there among the ice scary to announce his praises "(Letter to the Mother of Chantal , October 1606, in Oeuvres, ed. Mackey, t. XIII, p. 223). Yet the influence of his life and his teaching on Europe of the period and the following centuries is immense. E 'apostle, preacher, writer, man of action and prayer, committed to achieving the ideals of the Council of Trent; involved in the dispute and dialogue with Protestants, and experimenting more, beyond the necessary theological confrontation, l’efficacia della relazione personale e della carità; incaricato di missioni diplomatiche a livello europeo, e di compiti sociali di mediazione e di riconciliazione. Ma soprattutto san Francesco di Sales è guida di anime: dall’incontro con una giovane donna, la signora di Charmoisy, trarrà spunto per scrivere uno dei libri più letti nell’età moderna, l’ Introduzione alla vita devota ; dalla sua profonda comunione spirituale con una personalità d’eccezione, santa Giovanna Francesca di Chantal, nascerà una nuova famiglia religiosa, l’Ordine della Visitazione, caratterizzato – come volle il Santo – da una consacrazione totale a Dio vissuta nella semplicità and humility in doing ordinary things extraordinarily well: "... I want my daughters - he says - have no other ideal than to glorify [Our Lord] with their humility" ( Letter to Msgr. Marquemond de , June 1615). He died in 1622, fifty-five years after a life marked by hard times and apostolic work.

that of St. Francis de Sales was relatively short-lived, but lived with great intensity. From the figure of this Saint radiates a rare fullness, as demonstrated in the serenity of his intellectual pursuits, but also the wealth of his affections, nella “dolcezza” dei suoi insegnamenti che hanno avuto un grande influsso sulla coscienza cristiana. Della parola “umanità” egli ha incarnato diverse accezioni che, oggi come ieri, questo termine può assumere: cultura e cortesia, libertà e tenerezza, nobiltà e solidarietà. Nell’aspetto aveva qualcosa della maestà del paesaggio in cui è vissuto, conservandone anche la semplicità e la naturalezza. Le antiche parole e le immagini in cui si esprimeva suonano inaspettatamente, anche all’orecchio dell’uomo d’oggi, come una lingua nativa e familiare.

A Filotea, l’ideale destinataria della sua Introduzione alla vita devota (1607), Francis de Sales makes an invitation that could appear at the time revolutionary. E 'invitation to be fully God, fully living presence in the world and the tasks of the state. "My intention is to educate those who live in cities, marital status, a court [...]" (Preface Introduction to the Devout Life ). The document in which Pope Leo XIII, more than two centuries later, will proclaim him a Doctor of the Church insist on this enlargement of the call to perfection, holiness. There is written: "[true piety] has penetrated up to the throne of kings, in the tent leaders of armies, the praetorian courts, offices, shops and even in the huts of the shepherds [...] "(Dives in misericordia Brief, November 16, 1877). Thus was born that appeal to the laity, that care for the consecration of temporal things and for the sanctification of everyday life we \u200b\u200bwill emphasize the Second Vatican Council and the spirituality of our time. He expressed the ideal of a reconciled humanity, in harmony between prayer and action in the world, including secular condition and search for perfection, with the help of the Grace of God that permeates the human being, without destroying it, purifies it, raising to divine heights. A Theotimus, the Christian adult spiritually mature, who directs a few years after his Treatise on the Love of God (1616), St. Francis de Sales offers a lesson more complex. It supposes the beginning, a clear vision of the human anthropology: the "reason" of man, or rather the 'rational soul', is seen as harmonious architecture, a temple, divided into several spaces, around a center, which he calls, along with the great mystics, "top", "peak" of the spirit, or "bottom" of the soul. It 's the point where reason, routes all its degrees, "close your eyes" e la conoscenza diventa tutt’uno con l’amore (cfr libro I, cap. XII). Che l’amore, nella sua dimensione teologale, divina, sia la ragion d’essere di tutte le cose, in una scala ascendente che non sembra conoscere fratture e abissi, san Francesco di Sales lo ha riassunto in una celebre frase: “L’uomo è la perfezione dell’universo; lo spirito è la perfezione dell’uomo; l’amore è quella dello spirito, e la carità quella dell’amore” ( ibid ., libro X, cap. I).

In una stagione di intensa fioritura mistica, il Trattato dell’amore di Dio è una vera e propria summa, and with a fascinating literary work. His description of the route starts from the recognition of God's "natural inclination" (ibid., Book I, chap. XVI), inscribed on human hearts but sinners to love God above all things. According to the model of the Holy Scripture, St. Francis de Sales speaks of the union between God and man developing a whole series of images of interpersonal relationship. His father is God and man, husband and friend, maternal characteristics and nurse is the only type which even the night is mysterious revelation. Such a God draws man to himself with bonds of love, that is true freedom, "because love is not forced slaves, but reduces everything under their obedience with a force so delicious that if nothing is as strong as love, nothing is as lovely as its strength "( ibid. Book I, chap. VI). We find in the treaty of our Saint a profound meditation on the human will and the description of the flow, go, to die to live (cf. ibid. book IX, chap. XIII) not only in the complete abandonment to the will of God, but what pleases Him, to his " bon plaisir" to his good pleasure (cf. ibid. book IX, chap. I). At the peak of union with God, as well as the kidnappings of the ecstasy of contemplation, si colloca quel rifluire di carità concreta, che si fa attenta a tutti i bisogni degli altri e che egli chiama “estasi della vita e delle opere” ( ibid., libro VII, cap. VI).

Si avverte bene, leggendo il libro sull’amore di Dio e ancor più le tante lettere di direzione e di amicizia spirituale, quale conoscitore del cuore umano sia stato san Francesco di Sales. A santa Giovanna di Chantal, a cui scrive: “[…] Ecco la regola della nostra obbedienza che vi scrivo a caratteri grandi: Fare tutto per amore, niente per forza - amar più l'obbedienza che temere la disobbedienza. Vi lascio lo spirito di freedom, not one that excludes obedience, this is the freedom of the world, but one that excludes violence, anxiety and scruples "( letter of 14 October 1604). Not surprisingly, the source of many ways of teaching and spirituality of our own time we find the trace of this teacher, without which there would be no St. John Bosco nor the heroic "little way" of St. Therese of Lisieux.

Dear brothers and sisters, in a season like ours, which seeks freedom, even with violence and unrest, should not miss the significance of this great master of spirituality and peace, which he gives to his disciples the "spirit of freedom," the real one, the culmination of a fascinating and comprehensive instruction on the reality of love. St. Francis de Sales is an exemplary witness of Christian humanism, with its family-style, with dishes that have sometimes hit the wing of the poem, remember that man has placed himself in the deep longing for God and that only in Him is the true joy and its fuller realization.


Je salue les cordialement Pèlerins de langue française! À l'école de Saint François de Sales, may you learn that true freedom includes obedience and culminates in the reality of love. Do not be afraid to love God above all! You will find in Him alone true joy and fulfillment in your life! With my blessing!

I am happy to greet The Pilgrims from Saint Mary's University College, Twickenham, I vividly recall my Düring Their warm welcome recent Apostolic Visit to England. I greet aussi The group from St. Norbert's Catholic School in Denmark. To the choirs I express my gratitude for Their praise of God in song. Upon All the Français-speaking Visitors present at today's hearing, Especially Those from Ireland, Finland, Singapore and the United States, I cordially invoke God's abundant blessings.

a cordial greeting to all guests and now the German language course, especially to the pilgrims Pentling. In particular, I thank the South Tyrol for the beautiful music. As St. Francis de Sales, we want to confide in God's hands and let us mark of his love more and more. The Lord bless you all.

Saludo Cordialement a los de lengua española peregrinos, en particular a los grupos provenientes de España, Argentina, México y otros países Latinoamericanos. Os invito a que, Siguiendo el ejemplo de san Francisco de Sales, sepáis find verdadera la libertad en el unconditional love a Dios, nuestra verdadera alegría y nuestra realización full.

Dear friends from the Portuguese-speaking countries, be welcome! St. Francis de Sales reminds us that every human being bears inscribed deep within himself a longing for God. May you all to tell you about her and her guide your lives, because only in God you will find true joy and fulfillment. To this end, I give you my blessing. Go in peace!

Salute polacca in lingua:

Witam serdecznie obecnych tu Polaków. Święty Franciszek Salezy nauczał, że każdy człowiek odczuwa w swojej duszy tęsknotę za Bogiem. Tylko w Nim może znaleźć prawdziwą radość i spełnienie samego siebie. Zachęcał wszystkich, by jednoczyli się z Bogiem, trwali na modlitwie nawet wśród najbardziej licznych obowiązków. Niech ta zachęta będzie i dla nas ważnym przypomnieniem. Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus.

Traduzione italiana:

Saluto cordialmente i Polacchi qui presenti. San Francesco di Sales affermava che ogni essere umano sente nella sua anima la nostalgia di Dio. Solo in Lui può trovare le vera gioia e la propria realizzazione. Esortava all'unione tutti con Dio e ad essere nella perseveranti preghiera perfino Apr molteplici impegni. Sia questo anche per noi un importante richiamo. Sia lodato Gesù Cristo.

Saluto lingua in Italiano:

joyful greetings to the Croatian pilgrims, and especially those from the parish of St. Leopold Mandic from Orehovica and the Parish of the Resurrection of Christ from Sesvetski Kraljevac.
praying at the tomb of the Apostle Peter, Imitate his testimony of faith, recognizing in Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God and Savior. May God bless you!

Italian translation:

greet with joy tuttiipellegriniCroati particularly members of the congregation of St. Leopold Mandićin Orehovica and parish of the Resurrection of Christ in Sesvetska Kraljevec. Praying at the tomb of Peter, followed his testimony of faith, and recognize Jesus of Nazareth the Son of God and your Savior. Praised be Jesus and Mary!

greet in czech language:

Srdečně vitam in upřímně zdravím z České poutníky farností Mladá Vožice, Pacov to Pelhřimov.
Rad žehnám Vám the Vasim nejdražším! Chvála Kristu!

Italian translation:

A warm welcome and a warm greeting to the pilgrims of the Czech Mlada Vožice parishes, Pacov to Pelhřimov.
gladly bless you and all your loved ones. Praised be Jesus Christ!

greet in Slovakian:

S láskou pozdravujem slovenských veriacich, osobitne put učiteľov katolíckych škola Košickej arcidiecézy, vedenú Mr. Bishop Stanislav Stolarik, pilgrims from Sabin, Stropkova the group of Greek Catholics Saris hawk.
brothers and sisters, that our meeting today at the tomb of St. Peter the Apostle may strengthen each of you in the spirit of communion with the universal Church. With these sentiments of the heart I bless you all and your loved ones.
Praised be Jesus Christ!

Traduzione italiana:

Salute con i AFFETTO Slovacchia Fedeli, particolarmente il pellegrinaggio dei delle Associate scuole cattoliche dell’Arcidiocesi di Košice, guidato dal Vescovo Mons. Stanislav Stolárik, pellegrini provenienti da Sabinov, Stropkov come pure il gruppo dei greco-cattolici di Šarišské Jastrabie.
Fratelli e sorelle, questo nostro odierno incontro presso la tomba di San Pietro Apostolo confermi in ciascuno di voi lo spirito della comunione con la Chiesa universale. Con questi voti benedico di cuore tutti voi ed i vostri cari.
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo!

* * *

Rivolgo un cordiale benvenuto ai pellegrini di lingua italiana. In particolare, saluto le religiose Figlie di San Camillo, che in questo anno ricordano il centenario the death of their founder, Blessed Josephine Vannini, and the urge to serve with renewed generosity of the Gospel of life, following Christ, the Good Samaritan. I greet the faithful of the parish of Mary Help of Christians, in Massa Quercioli, and the group of the Secular Franciscan Fraternity, and Scandiano Pavullo in Frignano. I also greet the Movement Sardinian shepherd, the Archbishop of Sassari, Bishop Paul Atzei. I assure them all of my prayers because it reinforces in everyone the desire to witness to Jesus Christ, Savior of the world.

Lastly, I greet the young, the sick and newlyweds. Dear young people, be prepared to meet the important stages of life with spiritual commitment, your project by building on the strong foundation of loyalty to God Dear sick, always be aware that in some mysterious way contribute to building the Kingdom of God, offering your sufferings to the heavenly Father in union with Christ. And you, dear newlyweds, daily build your family know in listening to God, faithful in their mutual love and acceptance of the neediest.

© Copyright 2011 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana

P. FEDERICO LOMBARDI SJ, assassination of

In risposta alle domande di giornalisti, il Direttore della Sala Stampa, P. Federico Lombardi, ha rilasciato questa mattina la seguente dichiarazione.

L’assassinio del ministro pakistano per le minoranze, Shahbaz Bhatti, è un nuovo fatto di violenza di terribile gravità. Esso dimostra quanto siano giusti gli interventi insistenti del Papa a proposito della violenza contro i cristiani e contro la libertà religiosa in generale.
Bhatti era il primo cattolico a ricoprire un tale incarico. Ricordiamo che era stato ricevuto dal Santo Padre nello scorso settembre e aveva dato testimonianza del suo impegno per la pacifica convivenza fra le comunità religiose del suo Paese.
Alla preghiera per la vittima, alla condanna per l’inqualificabile atto di violenza, alla vicinanza ai cristiani pakistani così colpiti dall’odio, si unisce l’appello perché tutti si rendano conto dell’urgenza drammatica della difesa della libertà religiosa e dei cristiani oggetto di violenza e persecuzione.


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