Thursday, November 4, 2010

Chaqueta Nike Rn#56323

Il bene è stato fatto

my blog This is a little over three years ... a long time, or soon ... depends .... In all
these years I have always tried to tell the good things in my life, my love for Giampietro, for the world to Love in all its forms.
I myself, reading the post I wrote all these years, I am a bit 'Pollyanna view ... I did not particularly sympathetic, but I smiled thinking of her as this blog has made me leave my best part and for This is why I always thank my readers, and Gp, which despite having written only a couple of comments in three years, is an integral and essential part of this great energy that is "what you prepare for dinner?"

Today I find myself here, in front of a blank sheet of paper ... and I know I should write about pain, a very great pain, which is the death of Samuel.
few days ago we discovered that Samuel had a congenital malformation. A malformation was difficult to diagnose and difficult to fix, and now Sami is a case study and perhaps to the Treaty will be written will help other children ...

This is the physical explanation, earthly, material ... that is served, it is important, but not enough for me.
now tell you the true explanation

Samuel chose to be born to receive love and to tell her parents what had talked so much that love unconditionally .... It was not difficult for us to receive His love because we knew that there are plenty of ways to give e lo stesso vale per riceverlo. Samuele ci ha inondato di Amore ed è quello che oggi ci sostiene, ci da una forza grande e ci da mille spiegazioni... ci da chiarezza.
La verità è che viviamo in un mondo in cui troppo spesso perdiamo di vista il fine, lo scopo, la ragione, la certezza per cui siamo qui... ed oggi più che mai io e il mio “compagno di vita” siamo certi che si debba vivere con Amore e per l'Amore.

Grazie a chi mi legge, grazie a chi mi comprende... Grazie a chi mi ha scritto, grazie a chi ci sta vicino e a chi continuerà a farlo... Grazie a chi è venuto sabato ad abbracciarci alla festa che abbiamo organizzato per salutare Sami, grazie a chi ha battuto le mani al ritmo del waka waka... grazie who understands, and who did not understand but still respected.

I copy here on this blog the words that I read Saturday in the church, shaking hands and Gp feeling the love that the death of Samuel has moved and released in the hearts of those who wanted to be close.

I do not know how many times has spoken this sentence. I think I have never even understood the meaning before today.
God's will was to give me and Giampietro a beautiful baby to love.
felt they have little time and we are happy to have made as much as possible.
dad and I in fact we knew that if we were talking and crying and then we ran close to you to listen and to understand. We soon realized that you were completely different from our own needs and so we became a couple in from family and it was wonderful to transform what we did in two in something different, to be done in three ....
Our confidence has always been that game, joy, understanding, respect, empathy and, in one word, Love, were the basis on which you grow and that our role as parents, that we were beginning to play, could be a great gift for ourselves grow with you.
three of us were all on the same floor, we parents donavamo to you our love and our knowledge and there you donavi your wonder, le tue risate nel vedere le piccole e grandi meraviglie del mondo, la tua gioia di vivere e la tua straordinaria capacità di donare Amore e di entrare nei cuori delle persone che ti hanno incontrato.
Da questo momento quindi, ogni volta che io e papà sentiremo la frase "sia fatta la Tua volontà" penseremo anche che... IL BENE E' STATO FATTO.
Grazie Samuele.”

...e grazie a tutti voi...