Thursday, October 14, 2010

What Do Latin Americans Dislike

Il pane Frattau dell'amicizia dei Lioni :))

Questa estate siamo stati in Sardegna. È stata una vacanza da sogno.. eravamo in un posto bellissimo, in una casetta che sprizzava gioia e buongusto da tutti i walls, before you get there, my friend had also recommended places to see, the most beautiful beaches, the roads to get there, the nicest places to visit, restaurants to go quite as well as the niches where to buy typical sardines, or simply the fresh fish ... here, as I predicted it was just a dream vacation! Samuel then enjoyed a lot ... at sea was the technical tests of walking and was so exhausted that evening and collapsed blessed us even managed to enjoy the dinners by candlelight in their niches recommended from my girlfriend ... One of the niches

recommended by my friend was the restaurant Lioni Li, that the lions. For the precision advised us asssssssolutamente taste the soup and bread gallurese frattau: and we ... we performed! At the end of dinner we were there to try to figure out which dishes we liked most was ... both incredible! What is certain is that the bread frattau it seemed easier to replicate a small house ... I think the key thing is to have good basic ingredients, a good soup (I used my vegetable broth, in Sardinia, but the broth is made with sheep), good bread carasao (I have bought in a bakery craft) and the sheep ... Sardinian, needless to say:)

ah ... about my friend and I had the restaurant Lioni Li ...... you know what zodiac sign is? Leo, and this is important given that yesterday Paul Fox said that everyone should have a friend of the sign of the lion!
You have a friend of the sign of the lion? You should own it!! They are generous, friendly and fun I would say its hilarious, helpful, considerate, my friend also has a more particular form of irony that makes me laugh more than you can ... Uhmmmm ..... if my friend is reading this post I guess at this point is identified, because the Jewish irony has it she only :))), here ... So now I speak directly with you ....

Thanks my friend, thanks for giving me the keys to your house, thank you for giving me all the tourist information you have collected, thanks for the advice, thanks for making me a satellite navigator phone online, thanks for lending me all the clothes Andrea and games, and the bed and the trio and the seat and the chair and ballaballa e. .. not enough space to write down everything you've worked ... Thank you for the hours spent on the phone in my difficult times, thanks for your advice, and the gentleness with which to give them to me ... Thank you especially for your friendship, which is one of the most precious that protects and will protect more ... Thanks Marzia ...
... and thanks for writing back to your wonderful blog .... we treat them and pamper them as well as our blog for all the beautiful things that give us every day are the means to know us!
I love a good mondissimo!

Bread Frattau
doses per person
3 discs of bread, an egg carasao

400 g tomato sauce

an onion a clove of garlic, basil

pecorino (I used the lily Sardinian cheese)
extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper

broth (if you dare to perfume yourself and your home would be better than sheep, but with a good vegetable stock will be able to have another good result)

I prepared the tomato sauce, chop a small onion and putting a pot on low heat with half a glass of water. Once the water has evaporated I added a generous round of oil, I let brown, then I added the whole garlic flavor and I left. I removed the garlic and I added the tomato sauce, I add salt (I often add a teaspoon of sugar) and cook about twenty minutes. When cooked, I added the basil.
In a large pot I brought the broth to a boil, I dipped one by one the slices of bread for carasao fifteen seconds (you have to wait for it to soften but not make them too pap), I pulled up with a slotted spoon, put into the pot, put on a few spoonfuls of sauce, a sprinkling of cheese and bread again for a total of three layers (basically a tomato and cheese bread lasagna :-]). Freshly prepared all the dishes (if there are many keep warm in the oven) I made poached eggs, opening one by one in stock, creating, before pouring in, a tiny whirlpool in the middle of which I dropped the egg, three minutes of cooking then I took it with a slotted spoon and put it on the plate. Last grated pecorino cheese, a bit 'on the egg with salt, pepper and the pot of friendship is ready:)))
frattau Bread is eaten by opening the egg yolk and spread it on the entire first layer, then just as the lasagne eaten piece by piece:)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monitoring Hemorrhoids


This post is a real post, but rather a series of communications service disguised as posts. Sorry for the abuse of public blog today because I use it for some personal communications, but I would like to become public:

1) with emotion I thank all those readers who just saw a similbarlume of hope about the possibility of more or less weekly updates I have written an email or a comment about a post that gave me a redbull if the dream:))

2) I thank my blogger friends who continue to follow me and leave me even though I miss you sweet comments from their blogs and their megasuper-inspired recipes for a long time

3) I again thank the group 1) and 2) because many of them continue to do so despite the last period very often I am not even able to answer, and then over to thank them also ask their pardon ...

4) Thank you Renata! To celebrate my return, sent me a pot holder made with his hands, perfectly matching the colors of my kitchen, and even most of my aprons, but also of my clothes, eye shadows, glazes etc etc ... You bravissimaaaaaaaaaa and I've opened my heart!! Every time thanks to your wonderful gift, I do not Scotter her hands (as I often do) and you'll think I'll send you many kisses!

Here ...

Now we can convert it back exactly this post in a post:

The chick, or flour, or cake ... or chickpea: a giant light version superpannellone

Yes, today, a recipe of a thousand names that is nothing but a wonderful dish of coastal cuisine of Liguria and Tuscany ... It 'easy to do ... allows the oven to give off a smell great and there is not gluten tadaaannnn:))) (in fact I have prepared this summer tantissime volte!!)
L'unico effetto collaterale è la nostalgia di Palermo che mi ha fatto venire dato che il gusto è una sorta di versione light delle panelle (ovvero delle fettine di un impasto di farina di ceci fritte e infilate in un panino in compagnia delle crocchè, cioè corcchette di patate, e una spruzzata di limone).. e infatti non ho resistito... alla ricetta originale della cecina ho aggiunto del prezzemolo tritato che mi ricorda le panelle ancora di più!
Da mangiare calda calda (che sarebbe un altro nome della cecina, farinata, torta di ceci, superpanellone gigante :P)

250 g di farina di ceci
750 g of water
two sprigs of rosemary
75 ml of extra v.
salt and pepper fresh chopped parsley

First, the morning after getting up, prepare the dough by mixing water and chickpea flour with a whisk to avoid lumps, add salt, rosemary and let stand in a corner of the kitchen into the afternoon.
Now turn on the oven and bring to a temperature of 200 °. Add oil and chopped parsley to the dough (dough will be that rather than a concoction very much a sort of liquid), pour into a large pan (I use something like a dripping-pan, the kind of pizza that fit the oven guides to figure ...) e mettete in forno fino a quando i bordi non comincino a bruciacchiarsi un po'. É importante che la teglia resti perfettamente orizzontale perché, dato che mettete in forno una cosa liquida che via via si asciugherà e si solidificherà, è importante che resti omogenea e tutta dello stesso spessore. Togliete dal forno, cospargete di pepe e servite calda calda.