Monday, September 27, 2010

How Much Is Rv Insurance Cost

Bloccata a pagg 92-93

Come vi avevo raccontato , da qualche mese ricevo il Sale e Pepe in abbonamento... Ogni volta che arriva è una festa! Lo scarto subito e comincio a sfogliarlo con l'acquolina alla ricerca di una ricetta da poter immediatamente testare. Nel numero di Luglio (ehm.... è il caso di dire preparato, fotografato, mangiato and released immediately, right? : P) I'm numb to the front pages 92-93.
The object of desire was succulent slices of roast beef, drowned in a pool of pesto as they played happily with balloons of red cherry ... On the facing page there was also a party to disguise the method the slices of roast beef may be made .... I close the newspaper, I fart and run in the butcher shop to buy a piece of sirloin ... I come home and start the deforested area dedicated to basil) result??

As you noticed I did not use the tomatoes and if I did not there is a reason (besides my absolute preference to the PA-TA-TEEE) ... Last GP pointed out to me that the cherry tomatoes or datterini have to taste a hint of anti-mosquito spray insecticide bouquet flower ... so, for the avoidance of doubt, do not buy more ...

Roast beef Ligurian

1.2 kg of beef loin or sirloin
2-3 sprigs of rosemary
a potato (or some tomato)

extra virgin olive oil a clove of garlic salt pepper

-kitchen string-

for (my) pesto
80 g basil leaves washed and dried without crushing

30 g pine nuts 15 grams of almonds without the skins
50 g parmesan
30 g pecorino romano salt

an extra clove of garlic
v (at least 150 ml)

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.
First you need to prepare the meat, making incisions in it and putting bits of garlic and sprig of rosemary. Then close ties with several narrow parallel turns kitchen string, you brush with a little 'oil and begins to brown in the oven for 10 minutes on a wire rack (this is the hardest part of the recipe, or find a grid interlocking mortise in a pan, I just do not have it done so I put the roast beef on the grill in the oven and I put a pan to collect the juice that goes down during cooking). Si termina la cottura abbassando il forno a 180° per altri 30-40 minuti in base alla preferenza della cottura, al sangue o meno, della carne. (apro una parentesi. Io avevo un pezzo di carne da 800 g così ho diminuito i tempi, 7 minuti per la rosolatura e 25 per la cottura, e poi appena sfornato l'ho avvolto per 5 minuti in un foglio di carta argentata come ho imparato chéz Adrenalin , ed è venuta rosata perfetta stupendissima). Durante la cottura si unge di tanto in tanto la carne con un rametto di rosmarino piuttosto lungo per evitare ustioni.

Qualche minuto prima di sfornarlo, salatelo e pepatelo, poi toglietelo dal forno e diluite i sughi di cottura sul fondo della teglia con poca acqua calda, filtratelo e mettete a spoonful of pesto in the sauce you're preparing Blend all ingredients together (in the original recipe to be basil and marjoram, and only a tablespoon of Parmesan cheese ... I used a classic pesto). If you want to put the tomatoes dry wash and bake on a hot griddle. Then dial the dish by placing the pesto, slices of roast beef and tomatoes about one cm.

The roast beef was so bbbuono bbbuono but so that they have not advanced even crumb ... page 93 and then I was thrown off without a key ingredient but I immediately replaced with slices of dried beef which by the way best zucchini suits my round. The idea is this: grilled zucchini into thin slices, a sausage and your choice of cream cheese, and close to the roll with a toothpick, then lay it all on a bed of fresh salad and dressed with just olive oil, salt and balsamic vinegar . I've tried in several options: using salmon and philadelphia, prosciutto and goat cheese, dried beef and robiola ... and you? Choose your favorite combination:)

Update 18:00
you'll never believe! Just today I found in the mailbox of the October issue! this time I am numb in front of page 21: Sliced \u200b\u200bbeef with juniper .. next on www.cosatiprep .... .. .... ahahahahah

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Utimate Organics Cocoa & Shea Butter

La storia delle cose...

Today I saw this video ... is making me think a lot 'and so I thought I'd share it with you:)

if you like please take a little time and make yourself comfortable:)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How Much Does A Box Of .300ammo Cost

Risotto in tempo utile all'uva fragola e porcini

Samuel today, for the first day , woke up early as great, I removed the pajamas, I put a onesie and his dad put him in the car and took him by his grandmother ...

I am a bit 'confused, I had breakfast in silence, looking at the pots of my plants but there was to indicate my chips for me to understand that his greatest wish was to sift the earth well spread it everywhere, can do more mud and eat it too if it happens ...
I am a bit 'dazed ...
I have not gone back to work, but we hope that sooner or later something will unlock and I can return to earn some money ... In the meantime I think it's important to start to get used to be less in harmony, and so I'm here to hope that he is missing me, but I know perfectly well that most are those who feel self:))) As you guessed

I feel a bit 'dazed ... I find it impossible to have time you can devote to me ... and so ... where immmmmediatamente race?? by vooooiiii
:)))) So, I took a bit 'my PC folders, I have kept the photos in the folder that says "to be published" and I found many pictures of fruit and vegetables of the past seasons hahaha I have a cream of peas (or beans) I think not publish anymore because who knows how I made it .... I therefore decided to do some 'order of my recipes are super strong and above all to give you a recipe today in time to be able to experience ... In fact, these are the ingredients:

The recipe is not mine, I read about "us bimby you", and since they were days that my GP asked me if we could do a grape strawberry risotto (just to dispose of three of the 3000 clusters that have produced our 4 strawberry planting grapes), as soon as I saw it I decided I absolutely had to be experienced! I just changed the basis for using the sauce instead of shallots, which does not particularly like in risotto, on the contrary, I love onion: the onion doux des Cévennes St André, in the picture above:))

risotto all'uva fragola e porcini

porcini risotto with strawberry and grape

180 g of rice for risotto favorite (living in low-Verona I use nano very often the avenue)

100 g fresh mushrooms 100 g black grapes, strawberry slices
2 lard Colonnade
quarter of a sweet onion or shallot
extra virgin olive oil Parmesan

about 800 ml of vegetable broth
½ cup dry white wine parsley

I peeled, washed and chopped the I put in onion and saute slowly with a dribble of olive oil.
I cleaned the mushrooms (I know you should clean with a damp cloth but I passed them quickly under the water because the fear of finding a Sassetto scroccante when you bite is stronger than respect for the pig) and I have thinly sliced I added them to the mixture. I chopped the bacon and I added that to the mixture. After a few minutes I added the rice, I left tostare e poi ho sfumato col vino. Ho continuato la cottura versando poco a poco il brodo caldo e pochi minuti prima del termine della cottura ho aggiunto i chicchi di uva fragola precedentemente lavati asciugati e tagliati a metà (vi consiglio di togliere anche i semini perchè questa varietà di uva li ha davvero duri e sotto i denti danno moooolto fastidio) lasciate qualche chicco intero per la decorazione, poi mantecate con parmigiano, spolverate con il prezzemolo tritato e servite subitissimo.