Friday, December 31, 2010

Driver Pctv 150e Windows 7

Buon Buon Buon ANNO!!

Ecco... come ogni anno arriva il 31 Dicembre... Giorno di riflessione, sicuramente, ma anche di speranza.
Ho iniziato a scrivere questo post pensando di pubblicare una ricetta meravigliosa che ho provato: Le penne al limone, una ricetta che mi ha dato una persona che mi è rimasta nel cuore; credo però che ve ne parlerò l'anno prossimo e spero che mi perdoniate se per un po' troverete la scritta 2010 sulle mie picture ... I am a bit 'late, but then, this also shows how much I cherished this year ...

The 2010 for me has been a year ... round. Looking back I have the feeling of a circle ... Day after day I walked around the infinite number of points that compose it and today I just the feeling of having done a 360 ° turn ... And, really turns me a little 'head.

In 2010 I was madly in love with a child and I handed the keys to my heart. Until then I had only done with GP, but I realized that Sami was much, much more complete, because there was no hesitation, there was no fear, there was neither expected nor expectation, was simple and complete trust.
If I think of love I feel for Samuel are proud of me, I love you and I think I was given the opportunity to experience a love so pure, just to understand the direction that my heart should take. I loved and still love madly Samuel, this love is certainly the cause of my pain, but if this is the price to pay to continue to love my child then I will start to love the pain, I'm not afraid anymore, but maybe I'm accepting that as a means of understanding. Never mind the fear of harming Loving madly! I'm still alive and I love even more!

So here I feel my heart open. I look
the sky, smell the fresh air and I seem to smell the scent of life, and I'm happy! I feel happy because I feel I have more confidence and hope in the future. And most importantly, I feel that I can be able to flood of love the people I love.
So that's my resolution for 2011: Flood of Love the people I love ... Amarna and try as much as possible!
Viviana, Gp, Mami, Adri, Akhi, Cuki, Michy, Marziù, Chiari, my clown, my readers ... Now, I would not want to sound like a threat .. but I'll start you ... because it is easier, you're already in my heart ... And then, we all see where this takes us ...

Love Love Love ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Booze Cruises In Florida

La teglietta Scaldacuore ♥

Nelle ultime settimane ho ricevuto tantissime vostre mail. Non sono riuscita a rispondere ad ognuno di voi, e me ne scuso perché ogni vostra singola parola meritava una risposta, e questo proprio perché ogni vostra mail, o commento, o post sulla mia bacheca di Facebook, è stato per me come una boccata d'ossigeno. E ne ho davvero bisogno.
Oltre alla consapevolezza di quanto sia per me straordinario ricevere tutto il vostro affetto e il vostro sostegno attraverso questo blog e quindi attraverso questo splendido mezzo di comunicazione, leggere tutte le vostre mail mi ha dato un ulteriore spunto di riflessione: questo è un blog di cucina, but I guessed, so I like the Ultra sheer suspicion that some of you my recipes are the last thing that interests :)))))):
P Joking aside, this is magic.
So the time has come, finally, to start to tell me through one of the most fascinating alchemy I experience every day, or in fact: the kitchen :)...
is not attractive? You have before you a few potatoes, two eggs, some slices of cheese and you feel cold ... Then turn on the oven, prepare a hot hot mashed potatoes, two eggs you hide inside, decorated with all the slices of provolone e. .. I warms my heart ...
Yes, this is just magic!

Teglietta scaldacuore

Teglietta Scaldacuore

for mashed :
1 kg old potatoes

30 g butter 30 g parmesan cheese 300 g of milk

nutmeg 2 eggs salt

100 g provola

I turned on the oven to 200 ° ventilation. I prepared the mashed
: Well here .. I used a barbatrucco because I have done to prepare the mashed Thermomix, but you still do the recipe for mashed quickly as does my sister firm supporter of: mashed guuuuaaaaiiiiii in buuuustaaaaaaaa.
peel potatoes, wash and cut into pieces, put in a pot with water, they are salted and left to cook say a 15 minutes or until fork with the test not tell us that they are cooked. Now comes the fun: it drains the water leaving the potatoes in their pot, add milk (preferably warm), take the whip (by hand or the power to make sweets, but strongly discouraged because the blender makes it sticky) and wwwwwwwwwwuuuuuuuu is all pulp. You add the butter, Parmesan cheese, grated nutmeg, you control the salt and the mashed potato is done!
At this point you take a tiny teglietta (mine was diameter 20), the importance of cartaforno, pour the puree, they are two pretty deep holes, and we break into the eggs (being careful not to break the yolk) is slightly salted, is put on the slices of cheese and mashed potatoes in the oven. If you want the eggs to remain with the red liquid will take about 15 minutes, but if you want the firm will take about ten minutes longer, but at this point I suggest you add the provolone halfway through cooking.

Teglietta scaldacuore

Gp I and we love the potato we shot a pound of mashed head (mami, see ???:***) I eat but I realize that the dose is a bit 'exaggerated so you see a little 'you .. I think is good for a kilo of potatoes 4 eggs, and then for 4 people.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Where Can I Use My Chevron/texaco Card

E oggi scrivo di me...

It 's been just over a month since I wrote the last post.
Thinking about this blog, I wondered what could follow the last written words, to give a more ...
In recent years I have always described my life as a magic key ... I turned and re-read even in my own eyes in the light of love, and it is as if this had been a year, a school I went to have the tools to overcome one of the most difficult test of my life .. .
No. .. to be honest the school began long before ... which is the day I realized I could not even recognize me in the Church (with whom I had little experience positive during my teenage years) to find and nurture the spiritual side of my existence.

I believe in God and believe in Love.
I'm not Catholic, I'm not Buddhist, not Hindu, not a Protestant, I do not follow and I can not identify with any religion because it sounds strange to me that men make a fuss to divide what is actually just ONE.
E. .. above all ... God forbid I'm just trying out of me ... I seek, above all, inside. And this is my strength, and this is also the answer to the question that many of you have made me via email: "How are you doing?" I like that. I only have this tool, one that gives me joy to live and who manages to shed the Light of my days and my whole life.
Illumina also the departure of Samuel.
cry, and cry, and cry, and often the pain hits me with pangs of the heart. But the pain has a purpose, everything that happens there has a meaning in our lives. We are here to play, sometimes the game is fun and easy, other times it is very difficult and very painful, but it's a game ... we're playing humans do when in reality we are all angels.
I am here today and I am writing of my desire to continue playing in this life. I do not think as many people wrote and said that the pain in my heart forever stay with me today. I think ... nothing is created and nothing is destroyed ... everything is transformed ... and I know that even Einstein will help me in my particular business to turn my sorrow into joy. Thanks

then to my fellow players. Thanks to Akhil, who was the first to take my hand and opened my eyes. Thanks to Clare, to Sara and Stella, who made me understand that everyone has his own personal journey through Giampietro and Samuel, and thanks to all my other teachers of life that I have met and will meet.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Chaqueta Nike Rn#56323

Il bene è stato fatto

my blog This is a little over three years ... a long time, or soon ... depends .... In all
these years I have always tried to tell the good things in my life, my love for Giampietro, for the world to Love in all its forms.
I myself, reading the post I wrote all these years, I am a bit 'Pollyanna view ... I did not particularly sympathetic, but I smiled thinking of her as this blog has made me leave my best part and for This is why I always thank my readers, and Gp, which despite having written only a couple of comments in three years, is an integral and essential part of this great energy that is "what you prepare for dinner?"

Today I find myself here, in front of a blank sheet of paper ... and I know I should write about pain, a very great pain, which is the death of Samuel.
few days ago we discovered that Samuel had a congenital malformation. A malformation was difficult to diagnose and difficult to fix, and now Sami is a case study and perhaps to the Treaty will be written will help other children ...

This is the physical explanation, earthly, material ... that is served, it is important, but not enough for me.
now tell you the true explanation

Samuel chose to be born to receive love and to tell her parents what had talked so much that love unconditionally .... It was not difficult for us to receive His love because we knew that there are plenty of ways to give e lo stesso vale per riceverlo. Samuele ci ha inondato di Amore ed è quello che oggi ci sostiene, ci da una forza grande e ci da mille spiegazioni... ci da chiarezza.
La verità è che viviamo in un mondo in cui troppo spesso perdiamo di vista il fine, lo scopo, la ragione, la certezza per cui siamo qui... ed oggi più che mai io e il mio “compagno di vita” siamo certi che si debba vivere con Amore e per l'Amore.

Grazie a chi mi legge, grazie a chi mi comprende... Grazie a chi mi ha scritto, grazie a chi ci sta vicino e a chi continuerà a farlo... Grazie a chi è venuto sabato ad abbracciarci alla festa che abbiamo organizzato per salutare Sami, grazie a chi ha battuto le mani al ritmo del waka waka... grazie who understands, and who did not understand but still respected.

I copy here on this blog the words that I read Saturday in the church, shaking hands and Gp feeling the love that the death of Samuel has moved and released in the hearts of those who wanted to be close.

I do not know how many times has spoken this sentence. I think I have never even understood the meaning before today.
God's will was to give me and Giampietro a beautiful baby to love.
felt they have little time and we are happy to have made as much as possible.
dad and I in fact we knew that if we were talking and crying and then we ran close to you to listen and to understand. We soon realized that you were completely different from our own needs and so we became a couple in from family and it was wonderful to transform what we did in two in something different, to be done in three ....
Our confidence has always been that game, joy, understanding, respect, empathy and, in one word, Love, were the basis on which you grow and that our role as parents, that we were beginning to play, could be a great gift for ourselves grow with you.
three of us were all on the same floor, we parents donavamo to you our love and our knowledge and there you donavi your wonder, le tue risate nel vedere le piccole e grandi meraviglie del mondo, la tua gioia di vivere e la tua straordinaria capacità di donare Amore e di entrare nei cuori delle persone che ti hanno incontrato.
Da questo momento quindi, ogni volta che io e papà sentiremo la frase "sia fatta la Tua volontà" penseremo anche che... IL BENE E' STATO FATTO.
Grazie Samuele.”

...e grazie a tutti voi...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What Do Latin Americans Dislike

Il pane Frattau dell'amicizia dei Lioni :))

Questa estate siamo stati in Sardegna. È stata una vacanza da sogno.. eravamo in un posto bellissimo, in una casetta che sprizzava gioia e buongusto da tutti i walls, before you get there, my friend had also recommended places to see, the most beautiful beaches, the roads to get there, the nicest places to visit, restaurants to go quite as well as the niches where to buy typical sardines, or simply the fresh fish ... here, as I predicted it was just a dream vacation! Samuel then enjoyed a lot ... at sea was the technical tests of walking and was so exhausted that evening and collapsed blessed us even managed to enjoy the dinners by candlelight in their niches recommended from my girlfriend ... One of the niches

recommended by my friend was the restaurant Lioni Li, that the lions. For the precision advised us asssssssolutamente taste the soup and bread gallurese frattau: and we ... we performed! At the end of dinner we were there to try to figure out which dishes we liked most was ... both incredible! What is certain is that the bread frattau it seemed easier to replicate a small house ... I think the key thing is to have good basic ingredients, a good soup (I used my vegetable broth, in Sardinia, but the broth is made with sheep), good bread carasao (I have bought in a bakery craft) and the sheep ... Sardinian, needless to say:)

ah ... about my friend and I had the restaurant Lioni Li ...... you know what zodiac sign is? Leo, and this is important given that yesterday Paul Fox said that everyone should have a friend of the sign of the lion!
You have a friend of the sign of the lion? You should own it!! They are generous, friendly and fun I would say its hilarious, helpful, considerate, my friend also has a more particular form of irony that makes me laugh more than you can ... Uhmmmm ..... if my friend is reading this post I guess at this point is identified, because the Jewish irony has it she only :))), here ... So now I speak directly with you ....

Thanks my friend, thanks for giving me the keys to your house, thank you for giving me all the tourist information you have collected, thanks for the advice, thanks for making me a satellite navigator phone online, thanks for lending me all the clothes Andrea and games, and the bed and the trio and the seat and the chair and ballaballa e. .. not enough space to write down everything you've worked ... Thank you for the hours spent on the phone in my difficult times, thanks for your advice, and the gentleness with which to give them to me ... Thank you especially for your friendship, which is one of the most precious that protects and will protect more ... Thanks Marzia ...
... and thanks for writing back to your wonderful blog .... we treat them and pamper them as well as our blog for all the beautiful things that give us every day are the means to know us!
I love a good mondissimo!

Bread Frattau
doses per person
3 discs of bread, an egg carasao

400 g tomato sauce

an onion a clove of garlic, basil

pecorino (I used the lily Sardinian cheese)
extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper

broth (if you dare to perfume yourself and your home would be better than sheep, but with a good vegetable stock will be able to have another good result)

I prepared the tomato sauce, chop a small onion and putting a pot on low heat with half a glass of water. Once the water has evaporated I added a generous round of oil, I let brown, then I added the whole garlic flavor and I left. I removed the garlic and I added the tomato sauce, I add salt (I often add a teaspoon of sugar) and cook about twenty minutes. When cooked, I added the basil.
In a large pot I brought the broth to a boil, I dipped one by one the slices of bread for carasao fifteen seconds (you have to wait for it to soften but not make them too pap), I pulled up with a slotted spoon, put into the pot, put on a few spoonfuls of sauce, a sprinkling of cheese and bread again for a total of three layers (basically a tomato and cheese bread lasagna :-]). Freshly prepared all the dishes (if there are many keep warm in the oven) I made poached eggs, opening one by one in stock, creating, before pouring in, a tiny whirlpool in the middle of which I dropped the egg, three minutes of cooking then I took it with a slotted spoon and put it on the plate. Last grated pecorino cheese, a bit 'on the egg with salt, pepper and the pot of friendship is ready:)))
frattau Bread is eaten by opening the egg yolk and spread it on the entire first layer, then just as the lasagne eaten piece by piece:)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monitoring Hemorrhoids


This post is a real post, but rather a series of communications service disguised as posts. Sorry for the abuse of public blog today because I use it for some personal communications, but I would like to become public:

1) with emotion I thank all those readers who just saw a similbarlume of hope about the possibility of more or less weekly updates I have written an email or a comment about a post that gave me a redbull if the dream:))

2) I thank my blogger friends who continue to follow me and leave me even though I miss you sweet comments from their blogs and their megasuper-inspired recipes for a long time

3) I again thank the group 1) and 2) because many of them continue to do so despite the last period very often I am not even able to answer, and then over to thank them also ask their pardon ...

4) Thank you Renata! To celebrate my return, sent me a pot holder made with his hands, perfectly matching the colors of my kitchen, and even most of my aprons, but also of my clothes, eye shadows, glazes etc etc ... You bravissimaaaaaaaaaa and I've opened my heart!! Every time thanks to your wonderful gift, I do not Scotter her hands (as I often do) and you'll think I'll send you many kisses!

Here ...

Now we can convert it back exactly this post in a post:

The chick, or flour, or cake ... or chickpea: a giant light version superpannellone

Yes, today, a recipe of a thousand names that is nothing but a wonderful dish of coastal cuisine of Liguria and Tuscany ... It 'easy to do ... allows the oven to give off a smell great and there is not gluten tadaaannnn:))) (in fact I have prepared this summer tantissime volte!!)
L'unico effetto collaterale è la nostalgia di Palermo che mi ha fatto venire dato che il gusto è una sorta di versione light delle panelle (ovvero delle fettine di un impasto di farina di ceci fritte e infilate in un panino in compagnia delle crocchè, cioè corcchette di patate, e una spruzzata di limone).. e infatti non ho resistito... alla ricetta originale della cecina ho aggiunto del prezzemolo tritato che mi ricorda le panelle ancora di più!
Da mangiare calda calda (che sarebbe un altro nome della cecina, farinata, torta di ceci, superpanellone gigante :P)

250 g di farina di ceci
750 g of water
two sprigs of rosemary
75 ml of extra v.
salt and pepper fresh chopped parsley

First, the morning after getting up, prepare the dough by mixing water and chickpea flour with a whisk to avoid lumps, add salt, rosemary and let stand in a corner of the kitchen into the afternoon.
Now turn on the oven and bring to a temperature of 200 °. Add oil and chopped parsley to the dough (dough will be that rather than a concoction very much a sort of liquid), pour into a large pan (I use something like a dripping-pan, the kind of pizza that fit the oven guides to figure ...) e mettete in forno fino a quando i bordi non comincino a bruciacchiarsi un po'. É importante che la teglia resti perfettamente orizzontale perché, dato che mettete in forno una cosa liquida che via via si asciugherà e si solidificherà, è importante che resti omogenea e tutta dello stesso spessore. Togliete dal forno, cospargete di pepe e servite calda calda.

Monday, September 27, 2010

How Much Is Rv Insurance Cost

Bloccata a pagg 92-93

Come vi avevo raccontato , da qualche mese ricevo il Sale e Pepe in abbonamento... Ogni volta che arriva è una festa! Lo scarto subito e comincio a sfogliarlo con l'acquolina alla ricerca di una ricetta da poter immediatamente testare. Nel numero di Luglio (ehm.... è il caso di dire preparato, fotografato, mangiato and released immediately, right? : P) I'm numb to the front pages 92-93.
The object of desire was succulent slices of roast beef, drowned in a pool of pesto as they played happily with balloons of red cherry ... On the facing page there was also a party to disguise the method the slices of roast beef may be made .... I close the newspaper, I fart and run in the butcher shop to buy a piece of sirloin ... I come home and start the deforested area dedicated to basil) result??

As you noticed I did not use the tomatoes and if I did not there is a reason (besides my absolute preference to the PA-TA-TEEE) ... Last GP pointed out to me that the cherry tomatoes or datterini have to taste a hint of anti-mosquito spray insecticide bouquet flower ... so, for the avoidance of doubt, do not buy more ...

Roast beef Ligurian

1.2 kg of beef loin or sirloin
2-3 sprigs of rosemary
a potato (or some tomato)

extra virgin olive oil a clove of garlic salt pepper

-kitchen string-

for (my) pesto
80 g basil leaves washed and dried without crushing

30 g pine nuts 15 grams of almonds without the skins
50 g parmesan
30 g pecorino romano salt

an extra clove of garlic
v (at least 150 ml)

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.
First you need to prepare the meat, making incisions in it and putting bits of garlic and sprig of rosemary. Then close ties with several narrow parallel turns kitchen string, you brush with a little 'oil and begins to brown in the oven for 10 minutes on a wire rack (this is the hardest part of the recipe, or find a grid interlocking mortise in a pan, I just do not have it done so I put the roast beef on the grill in the oven and I put a pan to collect the juice that goes down during cooking). Si termina la cottura abbassando il forno a 180° per altri 30-40 minuti in base alla preferenza della cottura, al sangue o meno, della carne. (apro una parentesi. Io avevo un pezzo di carne da 800 g così ho diminuito i tempi, 7 minuti per la rosolatura e 25 per la cottura, e poi appena sfornato l'ho avvolto per 5 minuti in un foglio di carta argentata come ho imparato chéz Adrenalin , ed è venuta rosata perfetta stupendissima). Durante la cottura si unge di tanto in tanto la carne con un rametto di rosmarino piuttosto lungo per evitare ustioni.

Qualche minuto prima di sfornarlo, salatelo e pepatelo, poi toglietelo dal forno e diluite i sughi di cottura sul fondo della teglia con poca acqua calda, filtratelo e mettete a spoonful of pesto in the sauce you're preparing Blend all ingredients together (in the original recipe to be basil and marjoram, and only a tablespoon of Parmesan cheese ... I used a classic pesto). If you want to put the tomatoes dry wash and bake on a hot griddle. Then dial the dish by placing the pesto, slices of roast beef and tomatoes about one cm.

The roast beef was so bbbuono bbbuono but so that they have not advanced even crumb ... page 93 and then I was thrown off without a key ingredient but I immediately replaced with slices of dried beef which by the way best zucchini suits my round. The idea is this: grilled zucchini into thin slices, a sausage and your choice of cream cheese, and close to the roll with a toothpick, then lay it all on a bed of fresh salad and dressed with just olive oil, salt and balsamic vinegar . I've tried in several options: using salmon and philadelphia, prosciutto and goat cheese, dried beef and robiola ... and you? Choose your favorite combination:)

Update 18:00
you'll never believe! Just today I found in the mailbox of the October issue! this time I am numb in front of page 21: Sliced \u200b\u200bbeef with juniper .. next on www.cosatiprep .... .. .... ahahahahah

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Utimate Organics Cocoa & Shea Butter

La storia delle cose...

Today I saw this video ... is making me think a lot 'and so I thought I'd share it with you:)

if you like please take a little time and make yourself comfortable:)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How Much Does A Box Of .300ammo Cost

Risotto in tempo utile all'uva fragola e porcini

Samuel today, for the first day , woke up early as great, I removed the pajamas, I put a onesie and his dad put him in the car and took him by his grandmother ...

I am a bit 'confused, I had breakfast in silence, looking at the pots of my plants but there was to indicate my chips for me to understand that his greatest wish was to sift the earth well spread it everywhere, can do more mud and eat it too if it happens ...
I am a bit 'dazed ...
I have not gone back to work, but we hope that sooner or later something will unlock and I can return to earn some money ... In the meantime I think it's important to start to get used to be less in harmony, and so I'm here to hope that he is missing me, but I know perfectly well that most are those who feel self:))) As you guessed

I feel a bit 'dazed ... I find it impossible to have time you can devote to me ... and so ... where immmmmediatamente race?? by vooooiiii
:)))) So, I took a bit 'my PC folders, I have kept the photos in the folder that says "to be published" and I found many pictures of fruit and vegetables of the past seasons hahaha I have a cream of peas (or beans) I think not publish anymore because who knows how I made it .... I therefore decided to do some 'order of my recipes are super strong and above all to give you a recipe today in time to be able to experience ... In fact, these are the ingredients:

The recipe is not mine, I read about "us bimby you", and since they were days that my GP asked me if we could do a grape strawberry risotto (just to dispose of three of the 3000 clusters that have produced our 4 strawberry planting grapes), as soon as I saw it I decided I absolutely had to be experienced! I just changed the basis for using the sauce instead of shallots, which does not particularly like in risotto, on the contrary, I love onion: the onion doux des Cévennes St André, in the picture above:))

risotto all'uva fragola e porcini

porcini risotto with strawberry and grape

180 g of rice for risotto favorite (living in low-Verona I use nano very often the avenue)

100 g fresh mushrooms 100 g black grapes, strawberry slices
2 lard Colonnade
quarter of a sweet onion or shallot
extra virgin olive oil Parmesan

about 800 ml of vegetable broth
½ cup dry white wine parsley

I peeled, washed and chopped the I put in onion and saute slowly with a dribble of olive oil.
I cleaned the mushrooms (I know you should clean with a damp cloth but I passed them quickly under the water because the fear of finding a Sassetto scroccante when you bite is stronger than respect for the pig) and I have thinly sliced I added them to the mixture. I chopped the bacon and I added that to the mixture. After a few minutes I added the rice, I left tostare e poi ho sfumato col vino. Ho continuato la cottura versando poco a poco il brodo caldo e pochi minuti prima del termine della cottura ho aggiunto i chicchi di uva fragola precedentemente lavati asciugati e tagliati a metà (vi consiglio di togliere anche i semini perchè questa varietà di uva li ha davvero duri e sotto i denti danno moooolto fastidio) lasciate qualche chicco intero per la decorazione, poi mantecate con parmigiano, spolverate con il prezzemolo tritato e servite subitissimo.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Marlin Model 36 G 30.30

Tre anniiiii????

Ahhh però come passa il tempo!!!
Ricordo perfettamente il 31 luglio del 2007, e specialmente il momento in cui, finalmente, quell'ostacolo appeared to be insurmountable, it was easily bypassed by calling on the phone to ask Gp: Love ... What do you get ready for dinner?? Eccoloooo!! finally got the title for my blog! Well perfect .. I write the first post ... I wonder if anybody will read it ... and who knows where this adventure will take me ...

From that day on my blog has become a passion, a stimulus, an outlet for my creativity was not that good a space, a source of joy, a means of communication, a channel from which to draw and try to give positive , joy and desire to express them through all the food ...

If I think of the last three years I see the great joy that overwhelmed my life: our marriage, the new home , our baby ... Great joy, but also small and everyday, I tried to share with my readers.

Lately, for reasons forces raspberries, I eased the pace of my stories and my recipes: on the one hand I am sorry and I miss my blog often, but then I get your comments, your mail, and I realize that the wealth that I get from my blog has not changed at all ... Thank you thank you thank you ...

Yes it is true, this is a cooking blog ... to put a foodblog chiccosa:) So to celebrate
terzo compleanno del mio bloggetto mi sembra doveroso pubblicare una ricetta!! Petta allora che penso... sì perché... eh... ci vuole una super ricetta! Vorrei qualcosa di dolce, di allegro, di unico... e specialmente vorrei che fosse una ricetta preparata insieme al mio Gp, in quanto il mio amore per la cucina, per questo blog, e per ogni singolo giorno della mia vita è indissolubilmente legata a lui...

Ecco... ci sono!!!

Vi dedico la ricetta migliore che abbia mai fatto.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Least Crowded Dmv In Southern California

Hamburgerone con salsa barbecue

Oggi la prendo un po' alla lontana...
Voi guardate molto la TV? Vi piace? Vi tiene compagnia, vi diverte?
Da quando io e Gp viviamo insieme abbiamo preso l'abitudine di perdere l'abitudine di accendere la tv :)... la mancanza di un sottofondo è stata facilmente sostituita dalla musica oppure da milioni di parole e centinaia di bacetti :)))) ghiiii

Al di là del mio romanticismo... Sono felice che a casa nostra ci siamo già disintossicati dalla TV, e questo lo dico perché sto imparando che nell'educazione di un figlio l'esempio e soprattutto la coerenza sia fondamentale, quindi... dato che non vorremmo far vedere troppa Tv a Samuele, anche noi stiamo, con noi stessi, rafforzando questa scelta.

E' vero però che delle volte dalla TV arrivano delle ispirazioni formidabili!!! Come ad esempio la recipe that I dedicate today: I was looking at a service to the TG5 when talking about the record heat, and in fact I was starting a little 'to Stranizza that's hot in the summer, when a chef began to talk about his burgers and sauces Accompanying ... Chicken burger?? MMMMM ... For more matches a light sauce with apricots that I have not had time to write, but I immediately remembered that I had written a few days before the sauce ingredients in another .... the barbecue sauce! I dedicate it to you heart because my taste is delicious!

chicken burger with barbecue sauce
(for 5 burgers)

600 g chicken breast ground
a boiled potato and crushed
two tablespoons of Parmesan

two tablespoons of bread crumbs, salt and white pepper For the sauce


20 g of butter (but I always made with oil)
a small white onion a clove of garlic

3 tablespoons white vinegar 2 tablespoons tomato paste 2 teaspoons mild mustard
(I also put a teaspoon of mustard Ancienne)
4 teaspoons of sugar (I use the cane only) 3 tablespoons Worchester sauce

(the dose of salsa are my TV because I do not provided the information ... of course you can vary them according your experiments)

To complete the burger ingredients + will you enjoy such as: bread for hamburger (which I like, but I have not been able to complete mica with him ...) Swiss-type cheese , tomato, lettuce, onion cooked in sour pickles etc etc ...

Come to order and prepare the sauce:
I browned the butter (but in my case was the oil) with the onion and garlic finely chopped, when the onion is wilted I added the vinegar and after a few minutes tomato paste. I let it cook for 5 minutes then I added the sugar, mustard and let it go for 5 minutes. One minute before shutting down I added the Worchester sauce. I let it cool, I whipped around and put it in different bowls.

For the burgers I mixed the ingredients (I added the potato because I made two versions: with gluten and dairy products, or adding breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese, and gluten &milkfree; version so I needed a binder and softener that I identified in potato ... to that of Gp was super then add it again when I can use the breadcrumbs and Parmesan), then I used a large pastry rings and a meat mallet to shape it. I've cooked on a griddle 6 / 7 minutes per side, around the side I put the sliced \u200b\u200bcheese on that and a cover for GP.
I toasted the bread in and then I made the dish:) good

Ahhhhh .... I wanted to share with you my happiness at having finally found the table and the chairs of our dreams :)))))) now we just have to wait until October to deliver him to ..........

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Marble Blast For Goldcustom

Gnocchi cinciaulìn

Samuel is here, spread about me sleeping, and together we are quickly reaching a temperature of liquefaction, but this only makes me think of how great the love between mother and son:))) if we think well pretty well but I even think that in reality are a little 'warmth instead of days ago here ... :)
summer, despite everything, it is still my favorite season ... Despite slow quest'afa make my every move, I feel super life, so I do half the things you usually do in winter, but it seems to me to make it twice:)
In all this, the raspberry was over 10 kg and I realized that raising children is the pursuit of fitness most gentle and effective I've ever experienced in recent years ... GHIII

Since I have some 'limitations in the choice of food, Asian cuisine is much more common in our food .... Rice, rice vermicelli, rice noodles and rice noodles never fail in my pantry, but now that the need is to vary mostly in the form over substance, have head also ... the rice dumplings!
I had always intrigued, but despite them I had bought several months ago I had never prepared ... I do not know why ... actually ... uhmmmm ... actually I know why:)
Rice dumplings have a special feature: you must make me want to eat at least 12 hours before, because they must be soaked!

the remainder of the preparation is simple and can give rise to endless varied ... that my fridge has been decided:

Chinese dumplings with shrimp and vegetables
200 g of Chinese dumpling soaked 12 hours before
a stalk of lemon grass (I had it in the fridge, but not essential)
a leek (or onion)
two zucchini onion

shrimp seed oil, sesame oil

toasted black sesame seed sauce
Soy (*)

I put it to soak the dumplings and I've waited 12 hours:)
I cleaned the stem of lemon grass, I beat him with a meat mallet and I chopped. I clean the leeks, I cut them in half lengthwise and washed well being I attneta that there was no land between the leaves. I dried and sliced \u200b\u200bin half rings.
I clean the zucchini and carrot, and I sliced \u200b\u200bthem.
I shelled the prawns and I pulled off the dark yarn.
I put a few tablespoons of vegetable oil in a wok, I turned on the heat and I put the lemon grass and leeks to cook a few minutes, then I added the rest of the vegetables and cook on high heat I made for a few minutes until they are crisp.
I moved the vegetables around the edges, leaving space in the center of the wok to cook the shrimp, then I added a little olive oil, shrimp, I've blended with a little white wine, then I mixed all the vegetables and added drained gnocchi. I mixed well for a minute, then I poured on the edges of the wok around a half of soy sauce and toasted sesame oil around, I turned it off, I sprinkled with sesame seeds and I served quite quickly:).

(*) soy sauce usually contains wheat on the market then this recipe is not suitable for celiacs, but could use tamari. in the comments you will find directions to Stella that suggests one in particular.

Ah ... since today is July 15 ... that is the day of the feast of Palermo, I have to scream a little phrase:
W Palermo and Santa Rosalia :)))))))))

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Brazilian Wax How Long Grow After Shaving

Good Trip.

I mondiali di calcio Sud Africa 2010, quelli dove la sorte della nostra Nazionale non è stata per nulla simile ai mondiali di Germania 2006, sono quasi giunti al termine. Tra stasera e domani conosceremo le 3 Nazioni che saliranno sui gradini più alti del podio, dopodiché non ci resterà che aspettare altri 4 anni, qualificazioni permettendo, per provare nuovamente a salire sul tetto del mondo con la nostra Italia, o quantomeno sperare di fare un bel mondiale.

Oltre ai mondiali di calcio, in questi giorni si sta disputando anche un altra avvincente sfida che vede contrapporsi diverse nazionali, tra cui anche una su cui svetta il Tricolore, dove però al contrario di quanto accaduto in Sud Africa, questa volta anche noi possiamo help to confirm the victory of our colors.

Very Good Trip

Very Good Trip , the name of the race, see fight each other in teams of eight European nations besides to walk the miles needed to reach about 20 cities around Europe, they must also demonstrate their skills by passing the compelling evidence.

Italy Rituel 1

Everything can be followed on the official website , or on YouTube where you can view videos of the chronicles daily per team ( com / watch? v = TVZMSiepx3k ), and finally on Facebook Fan Page ( ).

As I said, the fans here can actively participate and contribute to decide the victory of their nation by voting for the team on the official website .

Very Good Trip - Website
Very Good Trip - Fanpage

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sunfish Sailboat Hull

Era ora...

Um ... Uhm .... My fingers are a little numb ... Does anyone know why?
addition to the fingers a little surprised to touch the keys on my pc so I feel so embarrassed ... I received many emails and many comments asking me what had fatto e non sono mai riuscita a rispondervi...
Cioè... Ecco... in realtà ogni giorno che passava diventava sempre più difficile ed imbarazzante scrivere le motivazioni di questa mia lunghissima assenza.... pensavo che potesse interessarvi sapere del mio viaggio verso Marte in compagnia di una simpaticissima venusiana, oppure del mio tentativo di scalata del K2, fallito miseramente perché la guida mi ha immediatamente imposto di togliere i tacchi a spillo...

riehmm... riuhmm... mi conoscete no? Sapete che preferisco dirvi sempre la verità. Ebbene: Mi son goduta Samuele :o)

Mister Pernacchia è diventato decisamente grande... da un mese gattona, da qualche giorno si sets up clinging to my ex-clean lacquered handles of my kitchen and now ex-lucidalucida improntine all studded with small small ... So most of my day spent trying to prevent dips different style: a flight of angel, fish, a bomb, a sack of potatoes ...

I'm starting to stop saying "HHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" every time he falls or bangs his nose or bangs his head is crushed or the finger ... not saying it because I noticed that it would notice unless one was hurt:). Despite these hitches
small way, is great to see the satisfaction on his face when he realizes he has exceeded a limit that had until a moment before ...
It 's wonderful to hear call hear me call mom and dad ... Gp
's wonderful to see him grow and see how well I and Gp are growing thanks to him ...

And these are the top stories of my family :)... As for the news from my stove, well here, there is a great news! Case of Samuel overt intolerance to gluten and dairy products, and since much of its power supply is based on my milk, I also do not eat for two months or more gluten or dairy products and this has made two things happen: first, I also realized that I just did not do as well well I've lost 4 kg (ghiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii) are therefore thinner than when I got pregnant, but most return to that pair of jeans in the last 4 years I had given her for not killing me in the hope of returning to breathe even wear them inside :))))...

The second is that almost every night I dream of sitting at a table, take a knife and fork, wish you good appetite to my GP and then start stuffing a double pizza dough with tomatoes, mozzarella, butter and soft cheese: (( (((then I wake up, I look at my baby that was good, I look at my jeans that I come and I go back to sleep :))).

then I'm preparing all the recipes in my knowledge no (*) of gluten and dairy products. .. and then some Sunday ago I made ....

Paella Valenciana

This recipe was given to me by my sister, who was given one of her colleagues, who gave it to her friend, that 's Valencia gave a relative .... I leave the original text as I think it is considered assets of the international culinary word, brackets and pointing you to my edits.

1 onion (1 large red) 250 g of sausage

250 g chicken breast 150 g
seafood risotto prepared for
1 small yellow pepper (and a little red) 400 g of rice
½ sachet saffron
150 g
spring peas about 1 liter of vegetable broth salt

a lemon pepper oil

pepper (half a kilogram of squid, a kilo of mussels, prawns 15)

In a frying pan rather large (in paelliera:) jokes apart ... paella in fact, means pan) Saute the sliced \u200b\u200bonion, add the sausage (sliced) and chicken cut into pieces (small) and let cook a bit ', add the bell pepper, cut into small pieces and continues to cook a few minutes at the end add the seafood (I put the squid and peeled prawns, mussels instead I made them open in a saucepan over low heat, I slipped and three quarters le ho messe da parte, ho filtrato la loro acqua e l'ho aggiunta al brodo) fai rosolare per pochissimo, dai una bella spruzzata (generosa) di vino bianco, aggiungi un pizzico di sale e di peperoncino.

Fai tostare il riso, (se vuoi ribagna con poco vino). Quando il vino è evaporato aggiungi il brodo vegetale (deve coprire tutto il riso), in un mestolino di brodo sciogli lo zafferano e aggiungilo, dai una rapida mescolata copri e fai cuocere SENZA MESCOLARE. Dopo 5 minuti unisci un pugno di pisellini primavera, mescola e porta a termine di cottura il riso. La paella è pronta quando, infilando nel riso il cucchiaio di legno rimane dritto

Sarebbe bello aggiungere anche un mezzo peperone rosso arrostito e tagliato strips, even when cooking is over, then me the other night it took me over the mussels and clams open ... so you can already do some 'what you think ... (I added the cooked and shelled mussels is with the shell which is kept for decoration)

The gem, according to the girl Valencia, would be a grattugiatina lemon peel in the end even if I never tried (I do, I Siiiii is truly a chiccaaaa). The preparation time is 3 / 4 of an hour.
important Ahhhhhhh! You must not forget while preparing the sauce to give the super mix and spread a little 'pepper here and a little' sausage ... there it is important not to lose even a small piece of chicken ... I do not know what could happen, but I do not even try!

Bon appetit!

(*) as celiac disease is a serious thing I wanted to specify that I'm not cooking using the formulary, so in my recipes can be no traces of gluten!

In comments a reader will find explanations of Valencia, which made me discover that the mixed meat and seafood paella is an urban legend. The next time you prepare this dish and then follow his or condiglio using only the flesh (and also what types specidfica use) or just the fish. grazieeee

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Car Dealers In Fredericton Nb

Il regalo più bello

few days ago was my birthday, Saturday, March 13th to be exact. Last Saturday I received many good wishes, as ever this year I think all the people I have mentioned in my day who called me, who sent me a text message, who left me a message on facebbok, who made me sent a carrier pigeon .. In short, each with its own favorites I said that I thought ...
It was a great gift ...

March 13 was the first warm sunny day around here after many many days ... and this was also a beautiful gift ...

Gp had bought the gift for me several days before and there was more nella pelle per darmelo... l'aveva nascosto benissimo nell'angolo meno visto e più alto di casa nostra... praticamente introvabile, nonostante io l'abbia trovato la domenica prima del mio compleanno del tutto casualmente :))
Quello che ha scelto per me mi è piaciuto tanto tanto tantissimo, e adesso avendo ricominciato ad andare in palestra, ho voglia di andarci solo per mettere i completi che mi ha regalato :))) (assolutamente solo per quello ahahah)
...ed è stato un regalo splendido...

Mia mamma e mia sorella vogliono regalarmi un 50mm...regalo stupendo stupendissimo che non vedo l'ora di ricevere......

e poi ho ricevuto tanti altri regali stupendi, dalla mia seconda mamma, dalle mie cognate, from my friend ... my Akhiluzza ciatuzza all gifts beautiful, stupendous .....

PPPPPPerò .... sorry everyone ... the best gift he could find him for me .... the very day of my birthday ... their March 13.

Gp and I thank God every day .. gave us an angel, and we have more and more awareness.

Since Gp had a few lines of fever we have postponed the celebrations on Sunday and run around outside ... and for Saturday evening, we set ourselves the mad joy of stuffing myself with a dinner japan made in our house with my sweet little hands ... binge tempura so we were not a lot 'of time and also steamed dumplings ....

And the cake?? well .. I did not know that cake to match, so I remembered a cake of Megumi, my teacher of Japanese cuisine, never tried for the simple fact that this cake is cooked by steaming so you need a little mold and I've never had . Then a few months ago I saw a kiosk in the mold of Silikomart sold with salt and pepper, and so I finally got everything you need to make this spectacular and very spongy cake ...

torta allo zenzero al vapore

cake steamed with ginger

150 g flour 00
120 g of sugar cane

3 eggs 4 tablespoons of honey
100 cc
seed oil 2 tablespoons grated fresh ginger
1 / 3 teaspoon baking
half a bag of baking powder a pinch of salt

First prepare the pot, putting the grill on the bottom for steaming, or a stone, a rise again, in short anything that then place the cake to keep it raised above the water level.
Whip eggs with sugar, add flour sifted with baking powder and baking soda, honey, grated ginger, salt and vegetable oil.
Put everything into the mold, put in the pot will boil water in it already, metete a towel and then close in with its lid.
Cook on high heat for 25-30 minutes.

... if only now I published this post because it took less than 5 days to turn the video that I made with my mobile:))

Monday, March 1, 2010

Whats Mariah Careys Butterfly Ring

E pensare che...

And to think that ... until a few days ago I was in Verona, with laryngitis, looking out the window a sky grigiolino, Tristin, and even a little chilly umidino .......

e pensare che...

Now think about that ...........
are quiiiiiiiiiii


Non capisco cosa voglia dire, ma mamma e papà mi hanno detto di dirvi che qui ci sono 28°, ieri è pure passata la televisione e finalmente anche noi eravamo in spiaggia a farci riprendere :))).

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What Go On Wedding Programs

Apparizioni..... Sparizioni....

Siore e Siori sono qui!!!! Avevo preso un superritmo circa 15 giorni fa vero... EhEhEh... niente mi avrebbe potuta fermare... se non... Samuele e la sua laringite!!! Alèèèèè.
Non ero preparata a vedere il mio piccolino star male, e mi sono accorta che la mamma e il papà hanno un potere icredibile per far star meglio i propri piccini.
Ringrazio i miei amici clown, e l'esperienza fatta con loro in questi anni... Io e Gp non abbiamo più il minimo imbarazzo a fare gli scemi davanti a Sami pur di farlo ridere e distrarre dal dover fare l'aerosol in continuazione, e spesso ci siamo pure noi trovati a ridere, e senza neppure l'uso del naso rosso!!! Ormai l'energia dei nostri clown si è impossassata di noi!! Coppola e Chiummetta forever insomma... insieme a Bialettino (nome clown di Samuele, battezzato di diritto dal nostro amico Bronzina per l'evidente attinenza col rumore di una caffettierina).

Volevo quindi tranquillizzare tutti voi, e specialmente chi mi ha scritto e chi ha saputo che il nostro pupetto è stato male... E chi ha notato che stava iniziando a dimagrire!!!! Quando quasi gli si era iniziato ad intravedere il collo sotto tutte quelle guanciotte ha ricominciato a mangiare giorno e soprattutto notte, ed il suo doppio mento è rifioritoooo!!!

Dato il tour de force alimentare di Samuele ho quindi pensato a piatti ben nutrienti che mi dessero tanta forza ed energia per affrontare le giornate e, come velatamente ho fatto intendere prima, soprattutto le nottate :). E quindi ecco apparire sulla nostra tavola i pizzoccheri alla valtellineseeeee.
Amici miei... mi sono accorta che i pizzoccheri sono una cosa seria! Esiste anche un'accademia !!! Nel sito che vi ho linkato c'è anche la ricetta per fare in casa anche il signor pizzocchero in persona, io li ho comprati... ma quasi quasi uno di questi giorni ci provo!!!

Pizzoccheri alla valtellinese

Pizzoccheri the Valtellina
200 g 350 g cabbage (you can also use chard or beets)
a potato medium large
50 g of butter (in the tradition would be a lot more, but to me it seemed already very tasty with just 50 g)
few leaves of sage
a clove of garlic
Casera cheese 150 g or 75 g of parmesan cheese Bitto

easy easy, fast, fast:
peel and wash the potatoes and cut into slices, wash the cabbage and cut into strips rather large, you put a pot of water on the stove to boil and throw themselves into cabbage and potatoes after 10 minutes adding pizzoccheri, salted, you cook (about 10-12 minutes), in the meantime, fry the garlic and sage butter, cut the cheese and the Parmesan scratches.
As soon as you collect pizzoccheri are cooked from the pan with a slotted spoon and you are putting in a baking dish or crock, previously heated, making the layer with the cheese and Parmesan. Finally pour the flavored butter and serve caldissimoooo.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Mucus In Stool When On Adipex

Dormi Amore...

E 'a few months ago I started practicing with the tales ... Samuel woke up this morning early, and wanted to know not to fall asleep again immediately, and so I told the tale of the blackbird, and the last three days of January that has spent so many years ago ...

Once upon a time a blackbird (ie a blackbird female) with its Merlin (that his small birds) and her husband blackbird. Every morning she looked in the mirror and thought how pretty it was his family, all white and beautiful, and the blackbirds had already because then the feathers were white and whiter whites who can not ....
But then he began to be cold, very very cold ... looked at the calendar and saw that it was January 29 and thought, wow ... We are right in the heart of winter ... ammappete how cold it is! How do we now heat Merlini and feed our beautiful snow white down copious?? Looked up, right there, that house, and saw a chimney smoke, then looked at her husband's blackbird blackbird and together they made the decision that it was time to move ... the branch on which the nest had creaked as it had been frozen ... the two blackbirds moved so their nest on the chimney of the house, all steaming breeze warm. The blackbird, to make perfect their resettlement decided to go to find food for his family and beautiful white, gave her a kiss and Merlini blackbird and flew in search of crumbs ...

Mom and the little blackbird Merlini were all close neighbors in their nest and began to heat up so much that remained the teporino that pretty well for 3 days, 29, 30 and 31 January. On February 1, the sun came out ... the snow melted and the blackbird came back full of crumbs from his family to share, but coming home was astonished watching the birds as he had before ... were no longer white! The soot had it colored their feathers in black, making them unrecognizable, and the blackbird was ready to apologize for the wrong house and was also to remove the noise, when folded the eyes of his beautiful Merla ... look what he knew: a paradise had opened a few years before, so he approached her, complimented as might give the black, hugged her close, but so tight that even its feathers became black, then together they went by Merlini, put them under the wings black, indulging them and gave many colored crumbs ... and since then, seeing how beautiful this family were all born with black feathers Merli ...

Shhhhhh ... Samuel is sleeping:)))

soup cabbage, potatoes and rice
400 g of cabbage, or 2 potatoes cap

120 g rice 2 cloves garlic extra

parmesan salt and pepper

I washed and dried and I sliced \u200b\u200bthe cabbage very thin. I peeled the potatoes, I have washed and dried and cut into squares. I put potatoes and cabbage in a pot, I added the cloves of garlic, and sprinkle with oil and let cook for few minutes, stirring constantly to prevent sticking.
I added water, salted and I cooked 15 minutes, then I added the rice, resulted in baking, sprinkled with parmesan cheese and served with a sprinkling of pepper and possibly oil to raw ...

this is a soup that I prepare often when it's cold outside ... I always warms the tummy and soul ...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Used Clothing Racks For Stores

L'appostamento per l'abbonamento...

I'm starting to give too cryptic titles my post is not it? You are right, but the important thing is that then one way or another, they explain, is not it? Well, I'll try again this time ...

About three months ago, on a cold November morning, accompanied my mother to the airport and had spent 15 days with us and had to return to Palermo panzamunita from my sister (my grandmother is or is not the case?! ) ... Needless to say, we both had a little 'Magon, and so to distract us a little bit, we stuck to the newsagent and bought 2 copies of salt & pepper, just to chat on the menu of Christmas ...
My Gp, seeing how many recipes had aroused my interest, and even his own, decided to give me a subscription ......

Days passed, and spent the week ... and spent the months! but the Salt & Pepper, in our mailbox, even the shadow ... now the verdict seemed irrefutable: in the neighborhood is around another fan of the kitchen and steal me! E 'Thus began a long period of stalking and stalking the postman ...
now knew all his time and all his moves: every morning he stopped near my house, down from the scooter left on, that we seek through the mail, he approached the box, Pit about a hundred bills to pay and then he happily went back to the motor ... and Salt and Pepper .... No trace!
At this point I was sure that my postman was in agreement with the collector of my passion for cooking Salt and Pepper :-(
now discouraged, the only thing left to do was to go directly to the Post to ask explanations and I would have gone even if the flu he had not blocked home ...

And so, a gray day last week, all in pain, I looked out the window hoping to see a ray of sunshine and comforting eccolooo: the My Salt Pepeeeeeee!
After all peeled and noticed how the colors of the cover that matched perfectly to my purple carpet, I dropped the note on the eye of the subscription and I discovered that what I had just arrived was also the first issue shipped ...
actually ... uhmmmmmmm .... say that is the case to apologize to my postman and impassioned cuisine that is not a collector of Salt and Pepper stolen true? : P

I bring you a recipe taken from the December issue, and his cousin, invented by me. The first is very slightly modified, and the preparation will explain why:

Capersante smoked on a cream of pumpkin
4 people

12 scallops shallot

100 g pumpkin clean
2 dl vegetable stock 6 slices bacon

half a glass brandy
a bay leaf 40 g butter

paprika salt

First you prepare the pumpkin cream, dissolving 20 g of butter in a frying pan, add chopped shallots and pumpkin into chunks, sprinkle with paprika, and is fried for a few minutes, then add the broth and cook for 10 minutes. In the original recipe at this point is added to the coral of the scallops and then blend all, I have added the coral because I preferred to leave the neutral cream. Then blend the cream and put in serving dishes already.
Cut the bacon slices in half lengthwise and wrap around scallops (in my case there was also the coral), fissarli con uno stecchino di legno. Sciogliere il buro rimanente in una padella, unire l'alloro e cuocere le capesante a fiamma vivace per 3 o 4 minuti, girandole. Per ultimo sfumare col brandy, togliere gli stecchini e posizionarle sulla crema.

Gamberoni al sesamo su crema di finocchi
12 gamberoni
2 finocchi
un pugnetto di sesamo bianco ed uno di sesamo nero
semi di coriandolo
olio extra v.
sale e pepe bianco

Ho sgusciato i gamberoni e ho tolto il filo nero. Li ho pasati nel mix di sesamo e li ho tenuti da parte.
Ho pulito il finocchio, l'ho bollito, l'ho passato in padella con un filo d'olio e l'ho smoothie in a blender with a little 'cooking water, I salted, peppered and sprinkled with ground coriander.
I put the cream on the plate, and I cooked the prawns with a little 'oil in a pan for a few minutes, like a minute per side. I have salted, placed on the cream and serve.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Licence Plate Holder For Honda Civic 2008

Montalbano... consolaci tu....

Well, now it has returned a good girl I think is going to become a fact true? I almost started to write regularly on this blog and I'm too happy too ... but I guess many of you are still wondering what I am I doing here true? And c'avete right!!
I should be in Palermo to fill kiss my granddaughter, Alessandra, and instead of a problem or another we had to postpone .... Until yesterday it seemed that the wait was over, in fact I was about to buy 3 (ghighighi) air tickets when the little angel, then advised me to wait to do it today and ... influenza, which affected all the people I know in my area, which struck me last Thursday, which seemed to have dodged Gp, last night ... took it head on: ((My
Sami stoically resists, will my milk with the special ingredient to the antibodies, or it will be thanks to the ranks of Angels always careful to protect it, I do not know ... but if you also found to say a little prayer for him will have even more angels around:))

And at this point what I have left to do but cook Sicilian??
This dish comes from a recipe taken from my mother on one of the Montalbano books ... years and years ago he began to read them one after another, and I realized that I was reading one of his books when I heard her laughing ... Then I went to her and found her with the book in one hand and a handkerchief to wipe his tears on the other, I read the passages that the more fun and we laughed in the two ...
One day he prepared this dish here and told me that he had read Montalbano ... What a myth! Here's to feel a bit 'less homelessness is the only thing I can prepare ...

squid Montalbano

1 kg of fresh squid

3 cloves garlic 50 g black olives (I use those gaeta)

30 g pine nuts 3, 4 tbsp tomato puree 1 tablespoon
tomato paste parsley

extra v.

a little pepper ½ cup dry white wine salt

white polenta to go with (you do not read MONTALBANOOOOO. .. hahaha) I

clean squid well, removing the skin and clearing your head, I cut them into rings, I put them in a crock pot and I added the peeled garlic, pine nuts, olives, crushed red pepper, a dribble of olive oil, tomato and salt. I switched to a medium heat and once they started losing their Arquette I added the tomato paste, causing him to dissolve well. I let simmer for half an hour, then I added the wine, turned up the flame, fade and I have done in serving dishes served hot with a sprinkling of fresh chopped parsley.
I had prepared a white corn polenta, the most schiccosa idea would be to make it cool, cut into small pieces and fry:))

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dragon Age Infinite Health Xbox 360

Io so rollare...

game element of surprise! Admit you never imagined that after only 8 days I would have ventured to write a post in the company again:)))

The title says it all but you explain mo ...

I am a former smoker, or as I always say, maybe with a bit of luck, for now I do not smoke ...

I smoked my first cigarette at the age of thirteen, at that time it was said that if you smoked during the age of growth would have stopped development, and I think that I am an example of the fact that the theory was absolutely founded:)

Obviously at that age I had a lot of money in my pocket and I found a great trick: because for years I tortured my parents to make them stop smoking, I decided that was the case of rationing cigarettes my mom, so I wanted them to him, hidden hidden in some drawer in my room, and so strange that she would end very soon ...

Then came the summer and me and my friend Ornella (classmate from and forever) we came together to pass the days with ... cigarettes that she rationed her mother (maybe actually my original idea was not so hahaha)

So he went for a while 'until me and my girlfriend Ornella we could afford to buy our first cigarette packets. .. Accountancy doing that we could not buy 100's merit (which I s is the final mica here I have never understood), I guess you know them all, cigarettes are a bit 'longer than the other, practically were longer in my face, and I was really impressed with this thing in your mouth, but the technique developed by Ornella came to my help, in fact, during class at school she went out to go to the bathroom, he smoked the first half, let me lit on the windowsill and then I come to finish it:)))
Every time you come to class there was a whiff of nicotine incredible, and in fact today I wonder why no one ever said anything ... mah ... Perhaps the times were different ...

Towards the 22 years I realized that mine was a real addiction ... and fortunately, since I can not stand the feeling of depending on something, I started a long time they start and stop, stop and start over, until one morning nearly four years ago, my friend Akhila (which is always in my heart) made me promise in the dark, yes, indeed! He asked me, promise! Given the trust I had in her, I promised, and immediately after I discovered I had promised to quit smoking ... so, I gave away my pack of cigarettes just bought one of my colleague and I texted a guy I had met a few weeks ago to tell him that I quit smoking ... the boy answered immediately by writing:
"I'm happy because one day I hope you are the mother of my children ..." Gp in fact there has always seen along :)))))

Here, this is the history, in short, to me as smoker .... you wonder what does the title is not it? eh well ... in each story of a smoker who respects there is always the phase now of cigarettes me I do, so I know what smoking and especially smoking less considering the time it takes to roll a cigarette ... and then ... How long you want to put "toca" a girl who rolls cigarettes??
the experiment failed miserably as it began to make myself at home and put them in a pack of cigarettes ....
PPperòòò the manual experience helped me to prepare this turkey roll, ohhhh we finally got the recipe!!

On the availability of turkey in my freezer I will speak in an upcoming episode, nel frattempo vi anticipo che la preparazione mi è stata consigliata dalla mia cheffa preferita e che io, Gp, Barbara e Davide, dopo essercelo sbafato, la ringraziamo commossamente :)

Rollata di tacchino
una sovracoscia di tacchino (la mia pesava un chilo all'incirca)
qualche foglia di salvia
qualche ago di rosmarino
50 g di lardo di colonnata
una grossa cipolla
due carote
una costa di sedano
una foglia di alloro
2 grani di ginepro
noce moscata
mezzo bicchiere di latte
mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco secco
olio extra v.
sale e pepe

Ho disossato la sovracoscia, l'ho un po' battuta con il batticarne, l'ho spolverata di sale, di pepe, e ho messo le fettine di lardo. ho preparato un trito di salvia e rosmarino e l'ho spolverato sul tacchino, ho rollato (ghighighi) e ho chiuso con lo spago da cucina.
In una pentola ho fatto riscaldare due abbondanti giri d'olio, ho rosolato la rollata da tutti i lati, ho fatto sfuamre con il vino, e ho aggiunto le verdure, dopo qualche minuto ho aggiunto il latte, il ginepro, l'alloro e ho regolato di sale, ho coperto e ho lasciato cuocere a fuoco basso per 45 minuti. Ho preso il tacchino, l'ho messo in una teglia l'ho ricoperto con due cuchiai di fondo di cottura e l'ho lasciato finire di cuocere in forno a 180° per altri 45 minuti. Ho tolto il ginepro e l'alloro dal fondo, ho frullato il tutto e ho fatto stringere la cremina sul fuoco per una ventina di minuti.
ho fatto raffreddare bene il tacchini (per qualche ora) poi ho tolto lo spago e l'ho affettato.
Ho servito con la cremina ed una macinata di pepe.