Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Do You Wrap A Heart Box

Il Cielo in una Stanza...

Oggi mi sono svegliata con la voglia di cantare...
Ho acceso la radio ed è partita immediatamente Mentre Dormi, una canzone di Max Gazzè dolcissima, che nella nostra vita ha una storia, e che so essere stato un particolare Buongiorno...

I open the windows and see the sun a little 'light pink and a wonderful crisp blue sky ... just a bit 'of clouds here and there, only to give a few knobs of white with the blue there is a fairy tale:)

made breakfast for me and also for GP this morning he woke up a bit' before, e. .. cheers ... but how long we could not make a breakfast together during the week??

sing, I make myself a coffee, light now because I prefer it this way, and while I choose the cup in which payment is drawn to this scene:

E 'the sun, Or maybe it's the moon ... they also came to give me a good morning, illuminating the sky pink in my house ... Then start to hum the sky in a room and I know that will be the leitmotif of this wonderful day ....

Monday, January 24, 2011

How To Make A Recommendation Letter For Community

Islam and democracy

On several occasions, history between the Muslim world and the West has developed a border intellectual, social, cultural and political life. In the nineteenth century the issue was not democracy, not least because the West was just coming out of the domain is not always enlightened monarchies, the problem was the science. While positivism triumphed throughout the West, the scholar and philosopher Ernest Renan at the Collège de France held a famous speech on Islam and science, in which he stated that Islam was incompatible with the scientific spirit. It has been over one hundred and fifty, the Muslim world today boasts two Nobel Prize winners (In physics and chemistry), laboratories in the United States are filled with researchers from the Muslim diaspora, but the border has remained, even now grows in new forms, and uses a new language.

The border today is essentially political.

Two world views they oppose, confront, since it was revealed the threat of Islamic radicalism and global terrorism. But the extent to which this border is really an inability of the Muslim world to build and should be combined with democracy, and to what extent we are trapped in a cultural vision of the world and Islam?

Up to that point when we talk about Islam, in fact, call it ethnic, as if the faith of peoples different from all others, refractory to democracy, as if ' aspiration for freedom and all forms of expression were exclusive of an accomplished form of modernity reserved the West? So, I wonder where we put the crowds of people in the Muslim world, from Kabul to Khartoum, are fighting for equal rights, where we put those writers, students who gridano alto il nome di libertà, una parola - houria - che esiste anche nella lingua araba?

In realtà dietro tutta questa faccenda c'è un dramma. In primo luogo vi è il dramma del mondo musulmano impaurito dal cambiamento in atto: è il dramma di un islam in crisi. In secondo luogo vi è la crisi di tutte le culture d'origine, di un mondo destrutturato ad opera dei cambiamenti, più o meno forzati, degli stili di vita. E grazie a questa miscela esplosiva oggi l'islam si sta riformulando al di fuori delle culture d'origine, come nel fenomeno fisico della dilatazione di un fluido che finisce per assumere una nuova configurazione: But this expansion tends to emphasize that Islamic radicalism would prevail, defining democracy as a pure product of the Western enemies of Islam, amplifying the frontier between Islam and the West.

is therefore act in a real battle for democracy. And I do not think that there is no Islamic path to democracy because the power of democracy lies in the character of trans-cultural and trans-historical. Define democracy as a store of a small group of privileged people would detain three quarters of humanity in a dangerous impasse in history.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Drinking Vinegar To Get Rid Of Baby

E 'fault for the delay in part of the union in the manner and forms of communication if Cipputi struggles to speak.

workers and their organizations have always understood the opportunities and communication technologies which could benefit offered to strengthen the participation and effectiveness of representing the world of work.
the late nineteenth century trade union flags, posters of the early decades of the twentieth century, the periodical of the '50s and '60s, the leaflets of the factory at the turn of the '70s, slogans and banners of the great marches up the threshold of the new millennium belongs to a generation of media focus on the use of printed text and amplification of the sound of the word, before the advent of digitization of phrases, sounds and images and their transmission to the speed of light.

Today, faced with a technological revolution and an evolution of media and communication that underlie the globalization itself, the world of work and the labor movement seem to cut it out. Workers
invisible and without a word and a trade union represented by its leaders are substantially weakened in the public arena just as the work with his rights, claiming a unique role in society. This is a highly political issue and of the highest order, to which little attention, as if it were simply an unavoidable consequence of technological changes taking place in the world of production and communication.

Yet in the past, the emancipation of labor go hand in hand with access to the tools of information and communication. It 's like the schools of the early twentieth century literacy, the rapid acquisition after the war, the potential of speech and text using the traditional techniques of printing, distribution of leaflets in the 70 stencils to support assemblies and the conquest of wish that the legitimacy were arrested in front of the spectacular explosion of a technical and extension of the broadcasting networks and, more recently, di quelle informatiche.

Oggi, è finita la stagione delle grandi fabbriche e, con esse, dei leader locali che in momenti particolari erano in grado perfino di assumere iniziativa autonoma di fronte all'opinione pubblica. La rete del processo produttivo e dei servizi, che si è fatta globale, ha infranto le mura delle aziende e degli uffici come le avevamo conosciute in passato, ma all'interno di questa esplosiva trasformazione non si è riusciti a traslocare il potere di comunicazione tra lavoratori conquistato nel modello precedente, fatto di catene, manovie, reparti in sequenza, uffici nelle stesse palazzine.
I delegati che si spostavano fisicamente nei luoghi di lavoro e che diffondevano i volantini front of the entrances have seen to weaken their social function as communicators of knowledge and information, because they have neither the appropriate forms of communication along which structure the organization of work today or techniques with which they can fight the information irrepressible one-way television.

chips, it said, he always spoke and listened, his relationship with the world has always been two-way, interactive, multidirectional. Must return them to resume the word means equal and adequate tools in the current context.
Yet the spatial limits to democratic participation in the workplace and the time the information capacity could now be even lower than in the past, as shown by the effectiveness of Internet communication for the growth of the "movement of movements" and the capabilities of all new information against self-assigned to the images produced with film cameras and digital cameras.

The labor movement and union still seems awkward and suffers from the competition that these new channels open democratic relationship with the horizontal and vertical structure divided by bureaucratic ways of taking decisions. E 'fault for the delay in part of the union in the manner and forms of communication if Cipputi struggles to speak.

of this should quickly discuss and come consciously to produce and maintain a presence updated and independent workers and their organization into the new communicative context that surrounds us.
After all, if the world of work aims to provide a narrative of itself is not purely defensive and go help yourself to a transformation of society at equitable and inclusive, should be re-word in public space that must be regain: squares and events, but also in the branched network of connections where you are constructing a joint collective intelligence through innovative forms of freedom, participation and democracy.

How To Open A Club Combination Lock

Work: discontinuity and rupture of the production model "Taylor"

When was exceeded the uniformity of the production model "Taylor", was made a dramatic discontinuity and a break with the model and its twentieth-century hard time ordering of relations between life and work, between production and reproduction.

In the paper today the walls are gone and the comrades working in turn, jumped the continuity of the departments or offices, and even dissolved also the territory of settlement, the city, the neighborhood, community. Life and work are definitely "desynchronized" with a new solitude for those who work (and not just those who work for the lost).

It is a loneliness accompanied by the "destructiveness" of memory, loss of awareness of the foundations of an identity built at the cost of hard struggle, by the loss of self-esteem built day after day, from staying at work in companies large or with recognized professional. A condition of fragmentation and a lack of organizational experience that they end up together overwhelm the consolidated balance between capital and labor, and allow you to undo contractual guarantees and regulations once formalized. The widening of flexible schemes subject to regulation in individual rather than collective thus increase the sense estrangement of social work performance.

A job that in some ways it might even be more content-rich, more full of responsibility, it is instead loaded the anguish of isolation, insecurity, loss of meaning.

addition to this fragmentation "vertical" on a local scale, has caused a disturbance "horizontal" and a reallocation of the production cycle on a global scale. We are no longer, as before, in front of the global exchange of goods and finished products, each belonging to a nation-country. Today sequenze della produzione si articolano nello spazio di tutto il pianeta, senza discontinuità temporale da luogo a luogo.

Il modello economico che governa la produzione - l'economia di mercato nelle sue varianti liberiste - mette al lavoro contemporaneamente persone con diversi salari, diverse normative, diversi sindacati, che però finiscono col comunicare tra loro direttamente attraverso le reti e i nodi del processo produttivo e non più solo, come accadeva prima, attraverso le istituzioni che governano il commercio dei prodotti di loro pertinenza.Così, i diritti dei lavoratori sono messi in relazione interna diretta e vengono portati, nella loro diversità, all'attenzione dei consumatori.

La saldatura fra produzione e consumo, fortunatamente, ricrea condizioni vantaggiose per la conquista e la generalizzazione dei diritti, almeno quanto aveva prodotto nel secolo scorso l'espansione industriale del primo dopoguerra secondo il modello fordista.

La novità odierna rispetto al passato risiede nella percezione del ruolo di consumatore da parte di chi tradizionalmente era considerato solo lavoratore e, viceversa, nella assunzione dei problemi del lavoro da parte di chi si batte per la qualità dello sviluppo e dell'ambiente.

In fact, the "virtuous circle" of Fordism was the ability of organized workers to negotiate wages and social status to a level of satisfaction of their basic needs so as to ensure the remaining individual consumption and saving functions also socially acceptable. Consider, in the '60s and '70s, policies for home and leisure activities, to consumer cooperatives, the spread in all the dwellings of access to electricity, the tariff policies for public transport.

At that time workers were organized in their unions to defend a model of non-consumption-oriented only by the market and to reunify the wage struggles with those of defending the purchasing power, while the distribution of its assets maintained a territorial link with the work and products of wage labor were enjoyed, even from a geographical point of view, in the same places on which the modernization of factories, increased profits, expanded innovation, but also increased the standard of living. So, between work and consumption ran a thin wire that served as the basis for a project report to be held between the progressive reduction of working time and take advantage of time independent living.

Unfortunately, the European trade union movement has yielded a total in the 90 the issue of reducing working time and its own project on the working life, exposing themselves with few defenses to a formidable attack of saturation and elongation of the performance of work and, simultaneously, a real "Taylorization" time of life , scheduled at the political-economic as incessant scanning of individual consumption induced - just think of fast food as supply constraints, role of supermarkets as places of entertainment and approval, the huge expansion of leisure time.

The employee of rich and developed countries in the process of de-industrialization, which has become increasingly affannato consumatore individuale, sembrava irrimediabilmente perduto. Finché la globalizzazione l'ha messo in contatto, come consumatore, con i lavoratori senza diritti dei Paesi poveri, i cui prodotti giungevano inopinatamente nei supermercati e nella sua casa, viaggiando a tutte le stagioni per migliaia di chilometri.
Ed è successo che gli stessi consumatori dei paesi ricchi, a loro volta lavoratori impegnati a difendere il potere di acquisto dei loro salari, non potevano più separare la propria prospettiva dal destino dei lavoratori-produttori dei paesi poveri, senza essere coinvolti dalla politica delle imprese globali nel livellamento al ribasso dei diritti dell'intero mondo del work.

A "worker" is now stunned to discover that behind their consumption and their standard of life there are people in other parts of the world in search of them lost their rights, often forced to emigrate, touched the tragedy of war and who are all from his own party, to set the center of society the dignity of work, together with social justice, respect for nature, the fight against poverty.

Finally, at the beginning of this millennium, consumer awareness, appreciation of nature, environmental protection, labor law and the rights of work seemed to begin to scale back together even in the world and appears to be regaining a whole, as it seemed clear to the most enlightened and unfortunately losing interpreters of workers' struggles of the early twentieth century.

But today it is no more. The economic crisis has divided the workers instead of uniting them .. but on the other hand, the crisis has united all the stakeholders.

Fast Hearteat And Numb Arms

Italy has forgotten Cipputi

Today the drama without the use rights, do not work for the unemployed, the direction and destiny of the work has to do directly with the anxiety created in the new generations an economy necessarily destined to decline to avoid over-produced goods, produce, instead of welfare, social setbacks, environmental catastrophes, danger to life. In the work that is, missing, that changes in Varese as Melfi or Dakkar or Manaus or Mumbai, are reflected and refracted as never before in the deepest sense of economy, environment, politics, ethics, knowledge, psychology, welfare and poverty. And, consequently, the 'alienation or exploitation are seen as primarily a problem of civilization, which can no longer deal only from work.

I would say that the work today is not free itself from more and should, contrary to the experience of the twentieth century, that a plurality of social as well as workers - women, environmentalists, indigenous peoples, immigrants - do you simultaneously load of his release, thereby reciprocating the emancipatory power, now lost.

So, surprisingly, in the era of "end of work" traditionally understood, back in the foreground subjects that seemed destined to disappear or to step aside to make sure the face of the "pensée unique", but all of which are to Like the female and male workers also victims of that competitiveness looked up to yesterday the only measure of the degree of progress in world of a country.

The memory loss is unfortunately a common feature of the analysis that the mainstream press and most of the publications put into circulation today. Thus, it appears that the political and social culture of the great mass organizations of the second half of the twentieth century was not much more than a derivative of authoritarian models, imposed by ideology, not processed on a personal level and so obvious and not devoid of originality deserve to be remembered and reindagati. In this way the working-class pride and redemption of the lower classes are put in the shade and does not explain the more powerful redesign of symbols and relationships that were previously reserved only alla borghesia e che si sono rimescolati e contaminati positivamente per almeno cinquant'anni dopo la guerra, proprio sulla spinta del movimento operaio.

C'era un tempo in cui in fabbrica entrava il grande Eduardo De Filippo e c'era un tempo in cui il popolo operaio, con il vestito della festa, varcava insieme a tutta la famiglia la soglia del grande "capannone 6" per andare a teatro. E' accaduto molti anni fa, all'inizio degli anni '80, all'Alfa di Arese. Undicimila persone, tra operai e loro famigliari, accorsero in massa per assistere alla rappresentazione della Filumena Marturano.
Alla fine dello spettacolo c'era una processione infinita sul palco, perché everyone wanted to leave a remembrance to the great Neapolitan: a word, a photograph, a piece of embroidery made by hand. "I do not take it anymore. And where did I put all these gifts?" The artist said the head of the works council. It went on until two in the morning. This was the Alfa Romeo in Arese.
There were many workers from the south arrived and departed from there on board the proud Juliet, built with their hands to return to the country of origin, "because when the villagers heard the sound took off his hat."

almost twenty thousand workers in the heyday, pass through the gates at Arese and Alfa was the protagonist of the imaginary collective. In the factory there was a complete production cycle: raw and out of the wreckage came flaming cars. The works council was composed of 400 people and if you were to rise on the roof of the factory you could go to any department, without ever touching the ground. The worker came into the great factory south of Milan in search of a new future was captured by the camera in Luchino Visconti's Rocco and His Brothers.

The Anonima Lombarda Fabbrica Automobili had, therefore, in the excellence of product and workers, its real strength: the car was a good mass with which we identificava.Ma the plant in Arese, in those two million square meters, in addition to racing cars of the road, produced anche parlamentari. Almeno trentuno sono, infatti, gli operai strappati alla catena di montaggio e mandati sugli scranni di Montecitorio. Faticare insieme aveva un senso e il lavoro un valore riconosciuto. Qui e in migliaia di altre manifatture dell'Italia industriale parlava, ascoltava e si faceva ascoltare Cipputi.

Chi ha "ucciso" quella comunità dove si lavorava duramente, ma si cresceva civilmente, si parlava e si veniva ascoltati? Forse questo ha a che vedere con la durezza di una lotta per il comando sul lavoro e per la sconfitta della contrattazione e del sindacato in fabbrica. Se Cipputi non parla più, un'intera società ne ha condiviso o subito l'ammutolimento.

Arese When the time came for Fiat management, symbolically announced on the first day at the table with the seizure of decks of cards with which the workers forced the chain to eight hours socialize during the break, the show was already running of the forty thousand in Turin and had already triggered the biggest offensive manor after the war, made perhaps less bloody than monetization of lost rights and the strong defense to employment generation at the expense of young people waiting.
Despite 1.6 trillion of public funding for a new production never fully implemented, the crisis of the Turin group and scaling of its products will lead allo svuotamento dello stabilimento dopo un duro scontro con le maestranze, con la dismissione di aree ancora efficienti e modernamente attrezzate.
Mentre una grande città come Milano rivolgeva lo sguardo altrove, alla soglia del 2000 una comunità di fabbrica irripetibile è stata spazzata via e i reparti sono stati sventrati completamente, al punto che catene nuove fiammanti per la Panda e la Multipla sono state fisicamente tranciate in due notti per non permettere il rientro al lavoro dei cassintegrati reintegrati da una sentenza del pretore!

E' evidente che una storia come questa e come centinaia di altre analoghe, anche se minori, ha tra le sue vittime anche Cipputi e la his voice. A voice that, just think, 'Alfa claimed a continuity of work in the name of a production more environmentally and socially desirable (the hydrogen car and a "sustainable mobility"), hopelessly dominated by the media that is acceptable in the power Pietro Ichino, the theoretician of the forced displacement of jobs, the emptiness of the plant and then, putting in place in line, and its legitimate occupants.

Cost To Upholser A Boat Seat

Unification of Italy .. We need an awakening, a renaissance

"Long live Italy". Strange words, are you? It seems that nobody can tell you seriously. It is reasonable that a "cry" that kind of rhetoric now seems antiquated, embarrassing. There can be expressed in a more sober with equal conviction. But it is the conviction that is missing. More often it is said so bleakly ironic, bitterly disappointed.
Self-criticism is a resource smart. But self-injury, widespread in our culture, is another matter. Do not look at our flaws to try to correct them. Nor is there pride with arrogance, as they do (sometimes with bad grace) the countries most proud of. We are content to grumble and complain as if we were doomed to a loss irreparable and the only resource was to try to "make do" in the folds of an inexorable decline.
seems that "Italian feel" is one thing to bring up only when it comes to a football game or some other sporting event.

We are not nationalists - and this is a quality. We are not xenophobic, if not when a wave of immigration, not stupidly planned and managed so bad, it pop a racism which we believed to be immune. But let's not forget that Italy, from the beginning, has always been a mixture of ethnicities and cultures - and this is not a problem, is a resource.
I'm Italian? I do not know. I had the good fortune of being born into an environment open to diversity. Since childhood, I understood and spoke more than one language, I lived among shelves of books from various sources, I tried to learn from everyone and everything that was. I've never been recognized in the "prototype of Italian" as intended for the schematics and clichés. I always feel more alien to what seems to be "Italy and one that expresses the (pseudo) culture more widespread and more visible.

But they are not foreign. There are things and people, in all regions, for which I love, respect and sympathy. Even when (and with the current bad habit is often the case) I find it hard to feel Italian, are also a sincere friend of Italy. It makes me sick to see her suffer, humiliated, intontita.Molti paesi cercano di coltivare un’apparenza migliore della loro realtà. L’Italia fa il contrario. E lo squallore del suo apparire inquina e corrode il suo essere.
Si sta cominciando a parlare del centocinquantesimo anniversario dell’unità d’Italia. Si stanno già moltiplicando i dissensi, i distinguo, le delusioni. Con l’aria che tira, sarà difficile che sia una festa. Comunque ci vuol altro che qualche effimera celebrazione per ritrovare il senso di che cosa sia l’Italia e che cosa voglia dire essere italiani.

Questa immagine non è un capolavoro, né estetico né concettuale. Ma almeno è comprensibile – e meno squallida di altre
. Il problema is that there is a serious lack of perspective.
The history of Italy - and its identity - did not start with the Risorgimento (which in fact meant to re-arise, not to be born for the first time).

Italy does not have 150 years. It has more than 2500.Un 'historical exegesis would be lengthy and complex, but the fact is that there were territories and cultures called Italy before the founding of Rome. Already two millennia ago, at the time of Caesar, a large part of the peninsula was metropolitan area - which soon spread even further north of the Rubicon. It was not a colony, its inhabitants were cives. There is no doubt that Italy was called, It has always been in all the centuries that followed.
Latin was not only the language of Rome. Along with the greek was the common heritage of all the empire and the international language of reference - as it has been longer and more widely, than any other, irrespective of political or military control of the territory. In part it is still (for example, but not only, in the language of science).

torn apart by wars and invasions, fragmented in common, ladies and foreign domination, however, Italy was always, unmistakably, Italy.
It was never just a "geographical expression", even if the particular its location and structure of "natural" today, as always, one of the elements of its identity.
Let's look at a globe, a world map or a photograph satellitare.Pochi countries around the world, are so clearly and easily distinguibilicome this beautiful peninsula in the middle of the Mediterranean.
At the time that was born the "vernacular literature" there was no doubt that there was Italy - and that was in distress.

So said Dante Alighieri (Purgatorio, canto VI, 76-78).
servile Italy, grief's hostelry ship without a pilot in a great storm, not a woman of Provinces, but brothel.

This complaint is an insidious, disturbing news.

and Francesco Petrarch (Canzoniere, CXXVIII).
my Italy, although the speech is indarnoa the mortal wound in your beautiful body so often I see ...

With a heartfelt plea to the mother in benign loves beauty, nature, art, history and culture. Almo country in which the beloved (though "immigrant" in France) is acknowledged - but he sees torn by war, violence, feuds and conspiracies.
today are not (or not) so the bloody "mortal wounds, but it is difficult to avoid the perception that Italy is sick with an insidious mix of old and new syndromes.

Yet the suffering in the Renaissance Italy was maturing. A unique, fertile mixing of the rediscovery of the ancient with the invention of the modern.
That cycle repeated itself in other ways, even in later times. And that is the best, if not the only one to leave the swamp in which we are mired.

We are not condemned to an irreversible decline. We are not that bleak Italy described the twenty Giacomo Leopardi, echoing il Petrarca, nel 1818.
O patria mia, vedo le mura e gli archie le colonne e i simulacri e l’ermetorri degli avi nostri,ma la gloria non vedo...

Quando i moti carbonari erano minuscoli e clandestini,l’unità politica non era neppure un’ipotesi,il più scettico e “pessimista” dei nostri poeti dell’Ottocentosu una cosa non aveva dubbi: l’invocata “patria” era l’Italiae doveva ritrovare la sua identità.
Non abbiamo bisogno di malinconiche rimembranze. Non serve versare lacrime sul destino della alma terra natia o formosissima donna ridotta a una larva del suo passato, che “nuda e inerme” siede in terra negletta e sconsolata. Per quanto sia confusa, ottusa e degradante, oggi non è quella la nostra condizione.

Capire la nostra storia non vuol dire rimpiangerla. Ma senza la forza delle nostre radici saremmo molto più deboli nel guardare al futuro.
Le “glorie” sono tutte del passato, da mettere nel polveroso armadio della nostalgia? Non è vero.
Sono passati poco più di cinquant’anni da quando un paese povero, intontito da una stupida dittatura, afflitto da un esteso analfabetismo, massacrato da un’orribile guerra, ha trovato la forza di reagire, con quello che il mondo sorpreso chiamava “il miracolo italiano” (e non si trattava solo di economia).

Ancora oggi ci sono persone, organizzazioni e imprese che (lontane dalle cronache del peggio e anche, in generale, dalle luci della ribalta) stanno facendo cose, e producendo risultati, di cui (se ci badassimo) potremmo essere orgogliosi.
Il mondo pensa che in Italia ci sia molta corruzione. Purtroppo è vero. Non si tratta solo della piaga del crimine organizzato (che non è limitato ad alcune regioni, invade tutto il paese). O della rete di intrallazzi e consorterie che nessun tentativo di “pulizia” riesce a sradicare. C’è un’acquiescenza, un rassegnato “così va il mondo”, che costringe anche le persone più oneste e corrette ad accettare di essere circondate da un’equivoca atmosfera di “tolleranza”.
La corruzione è dovunque. In parecchie parti del mondo è peggio che da noi. Ciò che ci distingue non è il fatto di esserne contagiati, ma la diffusa percezione che sia un male inguaribile – o addirittura una cosa “normale”.

Il mondo pensa che gli italiani siano superficiali. Non è vero. Ma molti che “ci rappresentano” sono ostinatamente impegnati a farlo sembrare.
Siamo sommersi nel culto del futile e dell’inutile. Succede in ogni parte del pianeta. Ma da noi è diventato lo stile dominante, il prototipo culturale.
Quasi tutte le persone che conosco (e anche molte che incontro case) are polite, courteous, friendly - are also aware and careful. But since they can withstand the humanity and good taste to the daily performance of the vulgarity, the rudeness, the superficiality, the stupid arrogance?

Italy is a country of extraordinary beauty. For natural landscapes and artistic treasures. But when we call the "Bel Paese" we do it with some disdain, identifying it with a mild cheese industry that is not bad, but it is a trivial matter in comparison to the extraordinary richness and variety of our cuisine - which is not only the pleasure of eating , but also the testimony of a cultural heritage.

is not true that we exceeded rincitrulliti condemned to decline. But our "dominant culture" (I can not stop to think and speak ill of worse) fails to take revenge on his masochistic degradation.
Although there is little to Jubilee, so be a "jubilee" in the now near 2011 - if (something which, unfortunately, we doubt) will be an opportunity to think about who we are and where we are going. But
hundred and fifty years is too short.

With all due respect to the Risorgimento, which is neither the stale myth of the sacred writers, or that little thing just now we feel, the immense reservoir of our culture has much deeper roots - in two millennia of troubled, but illuminating story.
If the deterioration continues, each individual could survive, going abroad or "arranged" in a few short-sighted parochial refuge. While the values \u200b\u200bof our culture could be grown (as has already happened) from others in their own way, in several countries.
But it's better (for us and the world) who finds his identity - that Italy is alive, with no exclamation mark, but with all the commitment and the respect it deserves. In fact, not in the invocations. In culture and do not in retorica.

C’è bisogno di un risveglio, di un Rinascimento (con la R maiuscola). Nonostante le deprimenti apparenze contrarie, ne siamo capaci, come lo eravamo secoli fa – in condizioni spesso più difficili e travagliate di quelle di oggi.
Se aspettiamo che qualche soluzione (chissà quale) venga “dall’alto”, possiamo piangere per altri mille anni. Mentre i più attivi o fortunati se ne vanno in Svizzera o in Australia – e chi resta si ingegna a fare il servitore di qualche califfo.

Ma mille formiche possono fare di più di un disorientato e torpido pachiderma. Cominciando con l’aprire qualche piccola breccia nell’esasperante rubber wall of the mannerisms, of servility, habits and misinformation.
You may find nourishment in the trivial and ephemeral rhetoric of proclamations and celebrations. But we try to get out of the quagmire? Certainly no one will give us a miracle, but finding the light of reason could produce surprising results.
I got caught by a crisis of optimism?

No, not so stupido.Sto just trying to say (to myself before anyone else) who is not complaining, depressed and sad and unnecessary, be sighted, it is humiliating to resign, to obey is weak, not just let off steam in gossip and in some lampoon.

is better to roll up their sleeves and try to do something.

Giancarlo Livraghi

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Images De Grandes Culos

The dialectic is necessary for the government of the "culture"

You can steer the culture on one condition: that the person meets the governments, or that anyone is aware of the rules so that 'is Item culture. If you approach the culture with the principle that it must be productive of income, it is already very far from respect for the life of culture is necessary. Certainly the culture is capable of producing economic impact. Certainly the culture is capable of causing an aura of consensus. But you condemned to sterility if the premises are the economic fallout and consensus.
At this time the culture is subjected to an unprecedented stress. This is because we are witnessing, on the one hand, the aggression of fundamentalism towards freer cultural expressions and, secondly, to asphyxia in the democratic countries of cutting off funds, in more or less veiled form of censorship and, above all , removal of culture on expectations of a society.

In Italy, the fact that in recent years there has been an unexpected Advanced illiteracy says a lot. Literacy in society the first step to access the western culture. With a mass of illiterate as there is today, culture is completely isolated.

It 's true that there are forms of culture are not written, but these are beyond the structural capacity of organizing and clarifying text.

If we go back in history or whether we look at the keen interest in writing in the third world, we can easily realize how driven learning has always been motivated by a desire for social improvement and individual .

In Italy, we can not forget that the struggle against illiteracy was led by John Cena and Sibilla in a socialist perspective. The apathy towards writing is due to the loss of hope, both individual and social.
Illiteracy is the charge of the post-modern in the sense given by Lyotard to this expression, the end of the great stories. If there are more great stories, what remains for us to read?

The Reagan and its imitation Berlusconi have encouraged this apathy by offering other forms of compensation immediately. In Italy especially television trivial. The death of irony, normalization.

culture So, again, the issues of always being on the side of intellectual provocation and dissent. A government of culture should be able to accept this dialectic.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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The Promise: le penne al Limone di Milena

**** bottom of the post you will find an update!

As promised last year Today I will talk about a recipe which I am very fond of ... We say that this post is more than a post intertemporal a trip, because it is the first post of 2011, part of a promise made in 2010, I'll talk about a trip made in 2009 and to confuse you even more ideas from Adam and Eve:)) How are you

made with internet?? Well .. if you're reading these words should be put into effect quite well ... Restless: As Internet use in your life?
How easy to understand I use parecchissimo (well .. not the case here to search the Internet if the word has entered the Italian vocabulary parecchissimo because I highly doubt) my university thesis on Ethical Finance I have written almost thanks to research published on the web, an endless source of pampering for my soul I'll get you through this blog, then any doubt ... I can make a very complicated puzzle reading on various siti tutto ed il contrario di tutto sull'argomento; insomma... Internet è davvero uno strumento potentissimo!

Una cosa che in effetti non faccio molto è quella di acquistare in rete... più di libri, stampe fotografiche e ascorbato di sodio non compro... Peròòòò in effetti ora che ci penso io e Gp affidiamo un'altra cosa ad internet: L'ORGANIZZAZIONE DELLE VACANZE!!! Proprio così! Una volta decisa, più o meno, la meta, iniziamo subito a guardare i posti con Google Earth , e poi ci mettiamo alla ricerca del posticino perfetto perfetto per noi.
Nel 2009 la meta decisa fu quella dell'Isola d'Elba e le ricerche del posticino perfetto perfetto ci hanno condotti alla Locanda Friendship . Mamma mia what a beautiful spot! A whole set of small houses connected by a path in the middle of prickly pears, lemons, tangerines and flowers, flowers, flowers ...
When Henry saw us, and above all has seen my superpose spatially I immediately made it clear that we would debauchery and so it was! Yes, because she was also the cook of the inn:)

We had dinner there almost every night and every time he greeted us with delicious recipes, including one in particular I entered the heart and when the holiday is over, before leaving , I asked for the recipe ... So we started to talk about my blog and my passion for cooking, but most of his passion, and his life and how nice to be in a place like the Isle del'Elba throughout the year. Children playing in the street, phone calls to find out who was sick if you could hear the siren of an ambulance near the sea in winter, but also their passion for travel, in search of whales in South America .. . I watched his eyes and made me dream and live their passions ... Then he gave me a sheet of paper and a pen and started to give me doses and preparations of the Penne al Limone. All excited I start to wonder if I can write and publish her recipe, she immediately replied yes, but to specify that the recipe is not hers, but Milena, her mom ... He shows me a photograph and tells me his story, or the story of an angel who wanted to go to heaven to save another life ... and I saw his eyes glow with a love pure and sweet and maybe now I understand even more ... Thanks
Enrica, thank you for your wonderful recipe and for your wonderful hospitality. made of laughter and harmony buon'umore ... Giampietro and I will always carry in my heart.

pens Lemon Milena
x 4 People

450 g Penne

200 g butter 2 egg yolks 1 lemon grated
strictly bio:)
the juice of a lemon

pepper grated Parmesan cheese abbondante

Togliere dal frigo il burro qualche ora prima di iniziare a cucinare.
Quando sarà morbido lavorarlo con una forchetta aggiungere i tuorli il limone grattugiato e continuare a lavorarlo. Aggiungere anche il succo di limone, la noce moscata, una spolverata di peperoncino e un pizzico di sale.
Scolare al dente le penne, rimetterle in padella con la crema aggiungere il parmigiano e mescolare per qualche istante.
Servire con una spolverata di Prezzemolo.

****Ieri ho comunicato ad Enrica che avevo scritto questo post parlando della ricetta di Milena. MI ha risposto con una mail in cui mi ha parlato dell'evoluzione delle loro passioni che si sono trasformate in un'associzione di volontariato per aiutare i bimbi dell'Uganda, della Rwanda e dei paesi limitrofi... Il progetto si chiama Associazione Milena ... cliccateci sopra così potrete vedere anche voi gli occhi pieni di Amore e di Luce di cui vi ho parlato! Grazie ancora Enrica... siete Speciali!!