Friday, December 31, 2010

Driver Pctv 150e Windows 7

Buon Buon Buon ANNO!!

Ecco... come ogni anno arriva il 31 Dicembre... Giorno di riflessione, sicuramente, ma anche di speranza.
Ho iniziato a scrivere questo post pensando di pubblicare una ricetta meravigliosa che ho provato: Le penne al limone, una ricetta che mi ha dato una persona che mi è rimasta nel cuore; credo però che ve ne parlerò l'anno prossimo e spero che mi perdoniate se per un po' troverete la scritta 2010 sulle mie picture ... I am a bit 'late, but then, this also shows how much I cherished this year ...

The 2010 for me has been a year ... round. Looking back I have the feeling of a circle ... Day after day I walked around the infinite number of points that compose it and today I just the feeling of having done a 360 ° turn ... And, really turns me a little 'head.

In 2010 I was madly in love with a child and I handed the keys to my heart. Until then I had only done with GP, but I realized that Sami was much, much more complete, because there was no hesitation, there was no fear, there was neither expected nor expectation, was simple and complete trust.
If I think of love I feel for Samuel are proud of me, I love you and I think I was given the opportunity to experience a love so pure, just to understand the direction that my heart should take. I loved and still love madly Samuel, this love is certainly the cause of my pain, but if this is the price to pay to continue to love my child then I will start to love the pain, I'm not afraid anymore, but maybe I'm accepting that as a means of understanding. Never mind the fear of harming Loving madly! I'm still alive and I love even more!

So here I feel my heart open. I look
the sky, smell the fresh air and I seem to smell the scent of life, and I'm happy! I feel happy because I feel I have more confidence and hope in the future. And most importantly, I feel that I can be able to flood of love the people I love.
So that's my resolution for 2011: Flood of Love the people I love ... Amarna and try as much as possible!
Viviana, Gp, Mami, Adri, Akhi, Cuki, Michy, Marziù, Chiari, my clown, my readers ... Now, I would not want to sound like a threat .. but I'll start you ... because it is easier, you're already in my heart ... And then, we all see where this takes us ...

Love Love Love ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Booze Cruises In Florida

La teglietta Scaldacuore ♥

Nelle ultime settimane ho ricevuto tantissime vostre mail. Non sono riuscita a rispondere ad ognuno di voi, e me ne scuso perché ogni vostra singola parola meritava una risposta, e questo proprio perché ogni vostra mail, o commento, o post sulla mia bacheca di Facebook, è stato per me come una boccata d'ossigeno. E ne ho davvero bisogno.
Oltre alla consapevolezza di quanto sia per me straordinario ricevere tutto il vostro affetto e il vostro sostegno attraverso questo blog e quindi attraverso questo splendido mezzo di comunicazione, leggere tutte le vostre mail mi ha dato un ulteriore spunto di riflessione: questo è un blog di cucina, but I guessed, so I like the Ultra sheer suspicion that some of you my recipes are the last thing that interests :)))))):
P Joking aside, this is magic.
So the time has come, finally, to start to tell me through one of the most fascinating alchemy I experience every day, or in fact: the kitchen :)...
is not attractive? You have before you a few potatoes, two eggs, some slices of cheese and you feel cold ... Then turn on the oven, prepare a hot hot mashed potatoes, two eggs you hide inside, decorated with all the slices of provolone e. .. I warms my heart ...
Yes, this is just magic!

Teglietta scaldacuore

Teglietta Scaldacuore

for mashed :
1 kg old potatoes

30 g butter 30 g parmesan cheese 300 g of milk

nutmeg 2 eggs salt

100 g provola

I turned on the oven to 200 ° ventilation. I prepared the mashed
: Well here .. I used a barbatrucco because I have done to prepare the mashed Thermomix, but you still do the recipe for mashed quickly as does my sister firm supporter of: mashed guuuuaaaaiiiiii in buuuustaaaaaaaa.
peel potatoes, wash and cut into pieces, put in a pot with water, they are salted and left to cook say a 15 minutes or until fork with the test not tell us that they are cooked. Now comes the fun: it drains the water leaving the potatoes in their pot, add milk (preferably warm), take the whip (by hand or the power to make sweets, but strongly discouraged because the blender makes it sticky) and wwwwwwwwwwuuuuuuuu is all pulp. You add the butter, Parmesan cheese, grated nutmeg, you control the salt and the mashed potato is done!
At this point you take a tiny teglietta (mine was diameter 20), the importance of cartaforno, pour the puree, they are two pretty deep holes, and we break into the eggs (being careful not to break the yolk) is slightly salted, is put on the slices of cheese and mashed potatoes in the oven. If you want the eggs to remain with the red liquid will take about 15 minutes, but if you want the firm will take about ten minutes longer, but at this point I suggest you add the provolone halfway through cooking.

Teglietta scaldacuore

Gp I and we love the potato we shot a pound of mashed head (mami, see ???:***) I eat but I realize that the dose is a bit 'exaggerated so you see a little 'you .. I think is good for a kilo of potatoes 4 eggs, and then for 4 people.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Where Can I Use My Chevron/texaco Card

E oggi scrivo di me...

It 's been just over a month since I wrote the last post.
Thinking about this blog, I wondered what could follow the last written words, to give a more ...
In recent years I have always described my life as a magic key ... I turned and re-read even in my own eyes in the light of love, and it is as if this had been a year, a school I went to have the tools to overcome one of the most difficult test of my life .. .
No. .. to be honest the school began long before ... which is the day I realized I could not even recognize me in the Church (with whom I had little experience positive during my teenage years) to find and nurture the spiritual side of my existence.

I believe in God and believe in Love.
I'm not Catholic, I'm not Buddhist, not Hindu, not a Protestant, I do not follow and I can not identify with any religion because it sounds strange to me that men make a fuss to divide what is actually just ONE.
E. .. above all ... God forbid I'm just trying out of me ... I seek, above all, inside. And this is my strength, and this is also the answer to the question that many of you have made me via email: "How are you doing?" I like that. I only have this tool, one that gives me joy to live and who manages to shed the Light of my days and my whole life.
Illumina also the departure of Samuel.
cry, and cry, and cry, and often the pain hits me with pangs of the heart. But the pain has a purpose, everything that happens there has a meaning in our lives. We are here to play, sometimes the game is fun and easy, other times it is very difficult and very painful, but it's a game ... we're playing humans do when in reality we are all angels.
I am here today and I am writing of my desire to continue playing in this life. I do not think as many people wrote and said that the pain in my heart forever stay with me today. I think ... nothing is created and nothing is destroyed ... everything is transformed ... and I know that even Einstein will help me in my particular business to turn my sorrow into joy. Thanks

then to my fellow players. Thanks to Akhil, who was the first to take my hand and opened my eyes. Thanks to Clare, to Sara and Stella, who made me understand that everyone has his own personal journey through Giampietro and Samuel, and thanks to all my other teachers of life that I have met and will meet.