Friday, January 29, 2010

Mucus In Stool When On Adipex

Dormi Amore...

E 'a few months ago I started practicing with the tales ... Samuel woke up this morning early, and wanted to know not to fall asleep again immediately, and so I told the tale of the blackbird, and the last three days of January that has spent so many years ago ...

Once upon a time a blackbird (ie a blackbird female) with its Merlin (that his small birds) and her husband blackbird. Every morning she looked in the mirror and thought how pretty it was his family, all white and beautiful, and the blackbirds had already because then the feathers were white and whiter whites who can not ....
But then he began to be cold, very very cold ... looked at the calendar and saw that it was January 29 and thought, wow ... We are right in the heart of winter ... ammappete how cold it is! How do we now heat Merlini and feed our beautiful snow white down copious?? Looked up, right there, that house, and saw a chimney smoke, then looked at her husband's blackbird blackbird and together they made the decision that it was time to move ... the branch on which the nest had creaked as it had been frozen ... the two blackbirds moved so their nest on the chimney of the house, all steaming breeze warm. The blackbird, to make perfect their resettlement decided to go to find food for his family and beautiful white, gave her a kiss and Merlini blackbird and flew in search of crumbs ...

Mom and the little blackbird Merlini were all close neighbors in their nest and began to heat up so much that remained the teporino that pretty well for 3 days, 29, 30 and 31 January. On February 1, the sun came out ... the snow melted and the blackbird came back full of crumbs from his family to share, but coming home was astonished watching the birds as he had before ... were no longer white! The soot had it colored their feathers in black, making them unrecognizable, and the blackbird was ready to apologize for the wrong house and was also to remove the noise, when folded the eyes of his beautiful Merla ... look what he knew: a paradise had opened a few years before, so he approached her, complimented as might give the black, hugged her close, but so tight that even its feathers became black, then together they went by Merlini, put them under the wings black, indulging them and gave many colored crumbs ... and since then, seeing how beautiful this family were all born with black feathers Merli ...

Shhhhhh ... Samuel is sleeping:)))

soup cabbage, potatoes and rice
400 g of cabbage, or 2 potatoes cap

120 g rice 2 cloves garlic extra

parmesan salt and pepper

I washed and dried and I sliced \u200b\u200bthe cabbage very thin. I peeled the potatoes, I have washed and dried and cut into squares. I put potatoes and cabbage in a pot, I added the cloves of garlic, and sprinkle with oil and let cook for few minutes, stirring constantly to prevent sticking.
I added water, salted and I cooked 15 minutes, then I added the rice, resulted in baking, sprinkled with parmesan cheese and served with a sprinkling of pepper and possibly oil to raw ...

this is a soup that I prepare often when it's cold outside ... I always warms the tummy and soul ...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Used Clothing Racks For Stores

L'appostamento per l'abbonamento...

I'm starting to give too cryptic titles my post is not it? You are right, but the important thing is that then one way or another, they explain, is not it? Well, I'll try again this time ...

About three months ago, on a cold November morning, accompanied my mother to the airport and had spent 15 days with us and had to return to Palermo panzamunita from my sister (my grandmother is or is not the case?! ) ... Needless to say, we both had a little 'Magon, and so to distract us a little bit, we stuck to the newsagent and bought 2 copies of salt & pepper, just to chat on the menu of Christmas ...
My Gp, seeing how many recipes had aroused my interest, and even his own, decided to give me a subscription ......

Days passed, and spent the week ... and spent the months! but the Salt & Pepper, in our mailbox, even the shadow ... now the verdict seemed irrefutable: in the neighborhood is around another fan of the kitchen and steal me! E 'Thus began a long period of stalking and stalking the postman ...
now knew all his time and all his moves: every morning he stopped near my house, down from the scooter left on, that we seek through the mail, he approached the box, Pit about a hundred bills to pay and then he happily went back to the motor ... and Salt and Pepper .... No trace!
At this point I was sure that my postman was in agreement with the collector of my passion for cooking Salt and Pepper :-(
now discouraged, the only thing left to do was to go directly to the Post to ask explanations and I would have gone even if the flu he had not blocked home ...

And so, a gray day last week, all in pain, I looked out the window hoping to see a ray of sunshine and comforting eccolooo: the My Salt Pepeeeeeee!
After all peeled and noticed how the colors of the cover that matched perfectly to my purple carpet, I dropped the note on the eye of the subscription and I discovered that what I had just arrived was also the first issue shipped ...
actually ... uhmmmmmmm .... say that is the case to apologize to my postman and impassioned cuisine that is not a collector of Salt and Pepper stolen true? : P

I bring you a recipe taken from the December issue, and his cousin, invented by me. The first is very slightly modified, and the preparation will explain why:

Capersante smoked on a cream of pumpkin
4 people

12 scallops shallot

100 g pumpkin clean
2 dl vegetable stock 6 slices bacon

half a glass brandy
a bay leaf 40 g butter

paprika salt

First you prepare the pumpkin cream, dissolving 20 g of butter in a frying pan, add chopped shallots and pumpkin into chunks, sprinkle with paprika, and is fried for a few minutes, then add the broth and cook for 10 minutes. In the original recipe at this point is added to the coral of the scallops and then blend all, I have added the coral because I preferred to leave the neutral cream. Then blend the cream and put in serving dishes already.
Cut the bacon slices in half lengthwise and wrap around scallops (in my case there was also the coral), fissarli con uno stecchino di legno. Sciogliere il buro rimanente in una padella, unire l'alloro e cuocere le capesante a fiamma vivace per 3 o 4 minuti, girandole. Per ultimo sfumare col brandy, togliere gli stecchini e posizionarle sulla crema.

Gamberoni al sesamo su crema di finocchi
12 gamberoni
2 finocchi
un pugnetto di sesamo bianco ed uno di sesamo nero
semi di coriandolo
olio extra v.
sale e pepe bianco

Ho sgusciato i gamberoni e ho tolto il filo nero. Li ho pasati nel mix di sesamo e li ho tenuti da parte.
Ho pulito il finocchio, l'ho bollito, l'ho passato in padella con un filo d'olio e l'ho smoothie in a blender with a little 'cooking water, I salted, peppered and sprinkled with ground coriander.
I put the cream on the plate, and I cooked the prawns with a little 'oil in a pan for a few minutes, like a minute per side. I have salted, placed on the cream and serve.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Licence Plate Holder For Honda Civic 2008

Montalbano... consolaci tu....

Well, now it has returned a good girl I think is going to become a fact true? I almost started to write regularly on this blog and I'm too happy too ... but I guess many of you are still wondering what I am I doing here true? And c'avete right!!
I should be in Palermo to fill kiss my granddaughter, Alessandra, and instead of a problem or another we had to postpone .... Until yesterday it seemed that the wait was over, in fact I was about to buy 3 (ghighighi) air tickets when the little angel, then advised me to wait to do it today and ... influenza, which affected all the people I know in my area, which struck me last Thursday, which seemed to have dodged Gp, last night ... took it head on: ((My
Sami stoically resists, will my milk with the special ingredient to the antibodies, or it will be thanks to the ranks of Angels always careful to protect it, I do not know ... but if you also found to say a little prayer for him will have even more angels around:))

And at this point what I have left to do but cook Sicilian??
This dish comes from a recipe taken from my mother on one of the Montalbano books ... years and years ago he began to read them one after another, and I realized that I was reading one of his books when I heard her laughing ... Then I went to her and found her with the book in one hand and a handkerchief to wipe his tears on the other, I read the passages that the more fun and we laughed in the two ...
One day he prepared this dish here and told me that he had read Montalbano ... What a myth! Here's to feel a bit 'less homelessness is the only thing I can prepare ...

squid Montalbano

1 kg of fresh squid

3 cloves garlic 50 g black olives (I use those gaeta)

30 g pine nuts 3, 4 tbsp tomato puree 1 tablespoon
tomato paste parsley

extra v.

a little pepper ½ cup dry white wine salt

white polenta to go with (you do not read MONTALBANOOOOO. .. hahaha) I

clean squid well, removing the skin and clearing your head, I cut them into rings, I put them in a crock pot and I added the peeled garlic, pine nuts, olives, crushed red pepper, a dribble of olive oil, tomato and salt. I switched to a medium heat and once they started losing their Arquette I added the tomato paste, causing him to dissolve well. I let simmer for half an hour, then I added the wine, turned up the flame, fade and I have done in serving dishes served hot with a sprinkling of fresh chopped parsley.
I had prepared a white corn polenta, the most schiccosa idea would be to make it cool, cut into small pieces and fry:))

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dragon Age Infinite Health Xbox 360

Io so rollare...

game element of surprise! Admit you never imagined that after only 8 days I would have ventured to write a post in the company again:)))

The title says it all but you explain mo ...

I am a former smoker, or as I always say, maybe with a bit of luck, for now I do not smoke ...

I smoked my first cigarette at the age of thirteen, at that time it was said that if you smoked during the age of growth would have stopped development, and I think that I am an example of the fact that the theory was absolutely founded:)

Obviously at that age I had a lot of money in my pocket and I found a great trick: because for years I tortured my parents to make them stop smoking, I decided that was the case of rationing cigarettes my mom, so I wanted them to him, hidden hidden in some drawer in my room, and so strange that she would end very soon ...

Then came the summer and me and my friend Ornella (classmate from and forever) we came together to pass the days with ... cigarettes that she rationed her mother (maybe actually my original idea was not so hahaha)

So he went for a while 'until me and my girlfriend Ornella we could afford to buy our first cigarette packets. .. Accountancy doing that we could not buy 100's merit (which I s is the final mica here I have never understood), I guess you know them all, cigarettes are a bit 'longer than the other, practically were longer in my face, and I was really impressed with this thing in your mouth, but the technique developed by Ornella came to my help, in fact, during class at school she went out to go to the bathroom, he smoked the first half, let me lit on the windowsill and then I come to finish it:)))
Every time you come to class there was a whiff of nicotine incredible, and in fact today I wonder why no one ever said anything ... mah ... Perhaps the times were different ...

Towards the 22 years I realized that mine was a real addiction ... and fortunately, since I can not stand the feeling of depending on something, I started a long time they start and stop, stop and start over, until one morning nearly four years ago, my friend Akhila (which is always in my heart) made me promise in the dark, yes, indeed! He asked me, promise! Given the trust I had in her, I promised, and immediately after I discovered I had promised to quit smoking ... so, I gave away my pack of cigarettes just bought one of my colleague and I texted a guy I had met a few weeks ago to tell him that I quit smoking ... the boy answered immediately by writing:
"I'm happy because one day I hope you are the mother of my children ..." Gp in fact there has always seen along :)))))

Here, this is the history, in short, to me as smoker .... you wonder what does the title is not it? eh well ... in each story of a smoker who respects there is always the phase now of cigarettes me I do, so I know what smoking and especially smoking less considering the time it takes to roll a cigarette ... and then ... How long you want to put "toca" a girl who rolls cigarettes??
the experiment failed miserably as it began to make myself at home and put them in a pack of cigarettes ....
PPperòòò the manual experience helped me to prepare this turkey roll, ohhhh we finally got the recipe!!

On the availability of turkey in my freezer I will speak in an upcoming episode, nel frattempo vi anticipo che la preparazione mi è stata consigliata dalla mia cheffa preferita e che io, Gp, Barbara e Davide, dopo essercelo sbafato, la ringraziamo commossamente :)

Rollata di tacchino
una sovracoscia di tacchino (la mia pesava un chilo all'incirca)
qualche foglia di salvia
qualche ago di rosmarino
50 g di lardo di colonnata
una grossa cipolla
due carote
una costa di sedano
una foglia di alloro
2 grani di ginepro
noce moscata
mezzo bicchiere di latte
mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco secco
olio extra v.
sale e pepe

Ho disossato la sovracoscia, l'ho un po' battuta con il batticarne, l'ho spolverata di sale, di pepe, e ho messo le fettine di lardo. ho preparato un trito di salvia e rosmarino e l'ho spolverato sul tacchino, ho rollato (ghighighi) e ho chiuso con lo spago da cucina.
In una pentola ho fatto riscaldare due abbondanti giri d'olio, ho rosolato la rollata da tutti i lati, ho fatto sfuamre con il vino, e ho aggiunto le verdure, dopo qualche minuto ho aggiunto il latte, il ginepro, l'alloro e ho regolato di sale, ho coperto e ho lasciato cuocere a fuoco basso per 45 minuti. Ho preso il tacchino, l'ho messo in una teglia l'ho ricoperto con due cuchiai di fondo di cottura e l'ho lasciato finire di cuocere in forno a 180° per altri 45 minuti. Ho tolto il ginepro e l'alloro dal fondo, ho frullato il tutto e ho fatto stringere la cremina sul fuoco per una ventina di minuti.
ho fatto raffreddare bene il tacchini (per qualche ora) poi ho tolto lo spago e l'ho affettato.
Ho servito con la cremina ed una macinata di pepe.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

How Do U Know If U Have Crabs?

I study with TIM: TIM promotion for students with very affordable pricing plans.

If you are high school students of grade II, you'll like to know definitely the result of an agreement between the Ministry of Education and TIM, an initiative the first of its kind in Italy, which enables pupils possessing The student card to save a lot on phone calls, SMS, email and Internet access.

I study with TIM is the plan to which students can join high school grade II in possession of the student card (who does not have one may ask the secretary of your school). The plan is divided into different fields, including ways to talk, browse, send SMS and chat with gli amici a prezzi agevolatissimi.

Le offerte per gli studenti si articolano in 4 proposte .

TIM@school è l’opzione con cui è possibile parlare, videochiamare e inviare SMS/MMS a tutti i numeri TIM senza nessun limite e senza scatto alla risposta per soli 2 euro a settimana.A questo piano si può aggiungere l’opzione Internet@school e inviare email o accedere ad internet e ai social network dal proprio cellulare.

Per navigare con il PC abbiamo invece due offerte BROADBAND entrambe con chiavetta.

La prima include 30 ora al mese per 8 euro o 100 ore al mese per 25 euro, mentre la seconda offre anche un notebook e 100 ore al mese per 25 euro, ma è vincolata ad un contratto della durata di 24 mesi.


Se siete interessati a Io studio con TIM, dovete semplicemente accedere al portale e inserire i dati relativi alla propria carta dello studente. A quel punto potete scegliere l’offerta che preferite e scaricare il coupon da consegnare in un Centro TIM dove avverrà la vera attivazione.

La campagna Io studio con TIM culminerà con un evento off line che si terrà nel mese di Febbraio in piazza Duomo a Milano.
I ragazzi potranno recarsi in piazza, il giorno e all’ora prestabilita (le dinamiche dell’evento saranno diffuse in Rete!), to participate in the first Flash-Swapping organized in Italy on the culture during which students can exchange items (CDs, books, DVDs, etc.). which constitute for them symbolically, and actually the culture today.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Dark Brown Hair With Highlights Images

ehmmmm uhhmmm... Buon anno :))))

Sono le 8.32 di mattina, il mio piccolo dorme nel suo lettino ed io sono finalmente davanti al pc, con una tazza di the verde al gelsomino alla mia sinistra ed una fetta di torta al cioccolato e pere alla mia destra.... come avrete capito oggi sono ASSOLUTAMENTE INTENZIONATA a scrivere un post!!! :)

Mi sento anche un po' ridicola nel chiedervi per l'ennesima volta scusa per la mia sparizione... in effetti I do not understand why even I can no longer have time to devote to this blog but remains a huge source of joy and satisfaction of my life ... In fact, I would like to thank all of you one by one, in recent months, although there has neglected, you went to check if I had written something that I have written mail to find out how we were and that you sent me sweet gifts ... you make me feel important and wanted good .... Thank you thank you very much!

And now for updates in my life: first of all need a little 'preparation, yeah, you'd better plug the ears because I'm going to scream, there are the stages? Very well: I became ZIAAAAAAAAAAAAA hihihihihihi è nata Alessandraaaaaaaaaaaa. Finora l'ho solo vista tramite mms e fotografie, tra poco la tecnologia mi farà il regalo di vederla tramite webcam, ma soprattutto a fine mese andremo a conoscerla di persona personalmente :))) Adrina mia , avete fatto un capolavoro di bimba e non vedo l'ora che i due cuginetti si mettano a farci disperare ahahahah

Il mio patatino è sempre più bello e simpatico, adesso se la ride in continuazione e sta scoprendo tutta la gamma dei versetti disponibili, io continuo a chiedergli se intendesse dire mamma o papà, ma lui mi ride spudoratamente in faccia quindi forse è ancora troppo presto :))) ppperò una grandissima novità c'è! Ormai quando eat the potato is closely following the journey of food through a strange instrument called discover that settled, what has changed from a plate to our mouths:)) Ooooo food is beginning to incuriosirloooo! for now I will only bring them closer to what most attracts him, he smells it and looks at me and laugh because I and Gp is \u200b\u200breally funny watch it become familiar with the food ... almost like it next to mouse:

One of the dishes that particularly intrigued me was this, perhaps because they like the orange, or maybe because it was really good, the fact is that despite being a simple dish and matching also quite obvious I will write it the same, so remember how I have cooked since the preparation is a bit 'different from my usual way of cook:))

Weeden pumpkin and bacon
200 g of grass
quarter valance pumpkin (small and green) onion
white medium-sized
125 g of bacon and chopped (you could also use sausage)
extra v
a finger vino bianco
sale pepe nero
parmigiano grattugiato

Ho tritato la cipolla e l'ho messa ad appassire con un po' d'acqua in una capiente padella. Appena si è asciugata l'acqua ho aggiunto l'olio e l'ho fatta rosolare, poi ho aggiunto la zucca pulita e tagliata a piccoli cubetti, ho fatto rosolare qualche minuto, ho aggiunto un mestolino d'acqua e ho lasciato cuocere una decina di minuti a fuoco basso e coperto. In un'altra padella ho fatto saltare la pancetta con un filo d'olio, quando è diventata più chiara ho aggiunto il vino, ho fatto sfumare e ho spento, nell'attesa che si cuocesse la zucca, poi ho unito i due condimenti nella padella più grande e lasciato a fuoco molto basso (in tutto la zucca cuocerà in 15-20 minuti). Nel frattempo ho cotto la gramigna ben al dente, l'ho scolata (tenendo un po' da parte l'acqua di cottura nel caso il risultato finale fosse troppo asciutto), l'ho messa nella padella e l'ho saltata ben benino con l'aggiunta di un po' di parmigiano. Servire subito subito con una spolverata di prezzemolo fresco.