Friday, February 3, 2006

Mucus During Period -pregnancy

Educational Farm MASO AL SOL - Trento

in Bosentino (TN)-Italy

What is a Teaching Farm ? Educational farms are farms, preferably carried out with techniques organic farming, in which the school is open in a vital and active, it's outdoor classroom where children learn about animal life and the origin of the products they consume, and then to educate them to consumer awareness and respect for the environment.
For boys it is extremely important practical experience and not just theoretical. It 's why so many schools out of the classroom and make concrete experiences, outdoors, in contact with the natural environment with animals, the trees, breathing in deeply. The ecology of open-air schools are ideal places to offer real environmental education tours where you can discover the world around us through the use di tutti i sensi.Fare scuola all'aperto ha un profondo significato educativo: significa ritrovare i collegamenti, ricostruire il legame col mondo naturale, col mondo agricolo, organizzato sul fare e sull'uso intelligente delle mani. Si usano quindi le scienze naturali, le tecnologie appropriate, le scienze umane ed il gioco come strumenti per comprendere le conseguenze dei piccoli e grandi gesti quotidiani. Si comprendono le relazioni fra la natura, la storia, la cultura di un determinato territorio. E' questo che viene offerto ai bambini,ai ragazzi e ai meno giovani nelle fattorie didattiche o più in generale nelle scuole di ecologia all'aperto.
Molte sono le componenti positive che scaturiscono con questo tipo di esperienza, come ad esempio:. la knowledge and respect for the environment
. sharing of new realities in order to improve interpersonal relationships. stimulus to communication and dialogue. development and capacity building motor, coordinative and sensory-perceptual


The project stems from the desire to exploit the territory of the new Park Castagneto (public property) which arise in the Maso Sol is thought to involve school children in the municipalities participating in the Park Castagneto, giving the school a practical tool to approach in a simple and compelling issues related to environment, land and nature, to stimulate children to engage in responsible and environmentally friendly through the observation of the territory of its native flora and cultivated species of livestock.
With a thorough understanding of what surrounds us can get to
safeguard our environment and our health, discovering and trying to restore balance now lost.

GENERAL OBJECTIVES - To have a direct approach to nature, watching closely.
- Encourage exploration and discovery of our territory.
- Stimulating conscious behavior in ethical and cultural projection.

Il progetto è destinato a tutti coloro che vogliono riavvicinarsi alla natura, ma principalmente agli alunni delle Scuole Elementari e delle Scuole Materne.

Le attività proposte (per le Scuole) si articolano in due incontri, di cui uno a scuola ed uno presso il Maso al Sol; è possibile concordare un numero maggiore di incontri o eventuali variazioni dei programmi proposti in funzione delle esigenze della classe.
Per i bambini della scuola materna le attività saranno adeguatamente modificate, dando
maggiore spazio all’aspetto pratico e di esperienza diretta.
Di volta in volta i bambini saranno invitati a produrre materiale (disegni, cartelloni, etc.).
and ask questions, and questions to better understand and meet their expectations and curiosity.

1) Goats.
2) The garden, from sowing to harvest.
3) Path and Botanical castagento.
4) The campaign: the history, traditions and the seasons.
5) Nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is .... Recycle.


objectives - to test the direct relationship with the animal, knowing the characteristics and habits.
- Experiencing and understanding the stages of milking and milk processing.
- Rediscover the value of the food they live in nature.

Activities The project consists of two educational theory and practice meetings: First meeting of a

'hours in the classroom:
"The goat, an animal generous."
Know the characteristics and history of the evolution of the goat time. According to Maso

meeting all day
goats. ... Meeting with the children.
Practical experience of milking, processing of milk into cheese curd processing
Secrets of artisanal cheese. Cheese copyright: practical laboratory of
flavored with various herbs, nuts, raisins, ...

the garden, from sowing to harvest.

Goals - specifically the ground work for developing the manual
- know the main vegetables, their characteristics, methods of planting, cultivation and harvesting.
- Understand and communicate the importance of garden products for food.

progtto The teaching consists of three matches theoretical and practical:

First meeting of one hour in class: "The soil ecosystem."
Importance of manure, mulching, and what is what. Know the main products orchard
, which are the tools of the farmer and what they are.

Second meeting in Mason all day: Morning: "The seed, compost, sowing
." Sow in containers that are kept in class to follow the growth of seedlings
and these will be transplanted later.
Afternoon: Laboratory practical "rebuild the scarecrow's grandfather

Third meeting of one hour in class:
Processing and soil preparation, transplanting seedlings grown in the new class.
E 'can be arranged with teachers of any changes in the availability or
less of a garden at school.


- Mostrare, sensibilizzare i bambini e gli adulti all’osservazione delle molteplici varietà di piante, fiori, insetti che abitano e convivono con l’uomo. Particolare risalto viene dato al riconoscimento delle piante attraverso le foglie, la chioma, la corteccia; all'utilizzo delle piante medicinali ed aromatiche presenti allo stato naturale o raccolte nell'orto botanico. La partenza del percorso botanico avviene dal Castagneto di marroni e prosegue verso l’orto botanico sito nei pressi del Maso.

- Progettazione e realizzazione di un erbario. Creazione del relativo percorso botanico con cartelli posti dai bambini nel parco.


- Conoscere le stagioni attraverso l’osservazione ed il contatto con la natura.
- Scoprire l’ecosistema bosco-prato.
- Le piante da frutto: il loro ciclo di crescita.
- Scoprire come si è evoluto nel tempo l’ambiente “campagna” e capire perché.

- il progetto didattico si articola in tre interventi teorico-pratici:

Settembre, primo incontro nel Maso al Sol , solo metà giornata
“Il frutteto, il bosco, il prato in autunno.”
“il castagno”
“osservazione birds.

January, meeting in the classroom one hour:
"The cycle of the seasons: winter-spring to wake from sleep, summer-autumn
from blossom to fruit."
"Chestnut: history and rural culture of our grandparents. Evolution of agriculture and the agricultural environment by the celebration of local traditions.

April-May, second exit at the farm all day
Morning "The orchard, forest and meadow in spring: observation in the field of flowers and fruits present"
smells and colors of nature. "
practice Afternoon activity:" Draw with the colors of nature. "

materials and tools needed to perform the activities (slides, films, posters, teaching cards, tools, seeds ...) will be provided by operators.
For the day the company will provide a snack in the morning, the closure-based products made from goat's milk fresh from the cow and a taste of goat cheese for lunch. Will also be offered to children of the typical products of the company to take home.
We guarantee the simultaneous presence in all the activities of expert operators.
Transport to Maso at the Sol is paid by the school.

Project Reference:


welcome at the hotel will be available at the Sol Maso rooms or areas covered equipped with essential furniture for the implementation of educational activities in bad weather .
cleaning of the places next to the central building will be treated in detail, the spaces are free of material space, equipment out of use or which may constitute another obstacle, danger or otherwise unpleasant effect.
There will be limited areas where children can enjoy a snack and / or play in freedom and security.
will be suggested to visitors Comfortable clothing, suitable to the season and outdoor activities.

will accept a number of children in proportion to the number of workers in the company.
classes will be provided to support the teaching material prepared by the Province of Trento, in addition to the specific educational farm Maso al Sol
will be agreed before the visit, teachers, educational objectives to be achieved and the program to be implemented with the class.
predisposzione The itinerary will depend on the age of children and programs of school cycles.
will be a prior interactive approach: the subjects of the meeting are farmers, teachers and pupils.
of the evaluation will assess the experience of the farm between the company and classes.

compliance with health and safety regulations.
liability insurance will include the risks of food poisoning. Dangerous substances will be made inaccessible to visitors.
will be properly reported, even in verbal form or contact the teacher in groups, areas and equipment at risk.
will be the responsibility of operators to G Maso, check with the presence of teaching children with allergies, intolerances or problems (handicapped).
will this farm in a small first aid (first aid box with content) under the Law 626/94.

It is considering the possibility of incorporating such activities within the Farm to the Sun, even that of pet therapy and hippotherapy, followed by a well-qualified staff in this area.

Some details
Terrae with insects and fauna "minor." I'll keep not located within a room but are arranged in secluded places and may be visited only in a "discreet".
Botanical Gardens. Botanical garden will be spontaneous and indigenous flora that can be observed in the Park in this case the various species will be placed in the most suitable for their growth and preservation.
The animals are confined in special and appropriate fences, some of them can be accessed freely.
will not be eliminated problems typical of small rural
A large lawn will provide young people free rein to their moments of euphoria.
There is also a special equipped area for a picnic and toilet facilities.
E 'provided the necessary production and marketing of brochures and souvenirs
E' plans to sell kinds of comfort food

The actions described above are directed to the development of entrepreneurship "light" linked to the origins of the rural environment and landscape capable of producing stable and lasting achievements in particular young people.
The construction and operation of private initiative and devolved young entrepreneurs.
is assumed a cooperative youth, which must necessarily also perform functions of tourist services, products and within the organizational structure.

minimum actions necessary to achieve the objectives
usufruct of land the park owned by the Municipality of Castagneto Bosentino. Construction of a
stable and a structure designed to host activities and educational farm complete with torture. All to be identified within the Park.
restoration and functional recovery of the blacksmith workshop "El Ferari" owned by the family of Demattè Bosentino.
Making small park playground for children 2 to 8 years
Realization Realization of you keep
botanical garden containing native insect fauna of the area and "minor."
Education Project agri-environmental "Live the farm park" to school on the farm