Saturday, July 31, 2010

Marlin Model 36 G 30.30

Tre anniiiii????

Ahhh però come passa il tempo!!!
Ricordo perfettamente il 31 luglio del 2007, e specialmente il momento in cui, finalmente, quell'ostacolo appeared to be insurmountable, it was easily bypassed by calling on the phone to ask Gp: Love ... What do you get ready for dinner?? Eccoloooo!! finally got the title for my blog! Well perfect .. I write the first post ... I wonder if anybody will read it ... and who knows where this adventure will take me ...

From that day on my blog has become a passion, a stimulus, an outlet for my creativity was not that good a space, a source of joy, a means of communication, a channel from which to draw and try to give positive , joy and desire to express them through all the food ...

If I think of the last three years I see the great joy that overwhelmed my life: our marriage, the new home , our baby ... Great joy, but also small and everyday, I tried to share with my readers.

Lately, for reasons forces raspberries, I eased the pace of my stories and my recipes: on the one hand I am sorry and I miss my blog often, but then I get your comments, your mail, and I realize that the wealth that I get from my blog has not changed at all ... Thank you thank you thank you ...

Yes it is true, this is a cooking blog ... to put a foodblog chiccosa:) So to celebrate
terzo compleanno del mio bloggetto mi sembra doveroso pubblicare una ricetta!! Petta allora che penso... sì perché... eh... ci vuole una super ricetta! Vorrei qualcosa di dolce, di allegro, di unico... e specialmente vorrei che fosse una ricetta preparata insieme al mio Gp, in quanto il mio amore per la cucina, per questo blog, e per ogni singolo giorno della mia vita è indissolubilmente legata a lui...

Ecco... ci sono!!!

Vi dedico la ricetta migliore che abbia mai fatto.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Least Crowded Dmv In Southern California

Hamburgerone con salsa barbecue

Oggi la prendo un po' alla lontana...
Voi guardate molto la TV? Vi piace? Vi tiene compagnia, vi diverte?
Da quando io e Gp viviamo insieme abbiamo preso l'abitudine di perdere l'abitudine di accendere la tv :)... la mancanza di un sottofondo è stata facilmente sostituita dalla musica oppure da milioni di parole e centinaia di bacetti :)))) ghiiii

Al di là del mio romanticismo... Sono felice che a casa nostra ci siamo già disintossicati dalla TV, e questo lo dico perché sto imparando che nell'educazione di un figlio l'esempio e soprattutto la coerenza sia fondamentale, quindi... dato che non vorremmo far vedere troppa Tv a Samuele, anche noi stiamo, con noi stessi, rafforzando questa scelta.

E' vero però che delle volte dalla TV arrivano delle ispirazioni formidabili!!! Come ad esempio la recipe that I dedicate today: I was looking at a service to the TG5 when talking about the record heat, and in fact I was starting a little 'to Stranizza that's hot in the summer, when a chef began to talk about his burgers and sauces Accompanying ... Chicken burger?? MMMMM ... For more matches a light sauce with apricots that I have not had time to write, but I immediately remembered that I had written a few days before the sauce ingredients in another .... the barbecue sauce! I dedicate it to you heart because my taste is delicious!

chicken burger with barbecue sauce
(for 5 burgers)

600 g chicken breast ground
a boiled potato and crushed
two tablespoons of Parmesan

two tablespoons of bread crumbs, salt and white pepper For the sauce


20 g of butter (but I always made with oil)
a small white onion a clove of garlic

3 tablespoons white vinegar 2 tablespoons tomato paste 2 teaspoons mild mustard
(I also put a teaspoon of mustard Ancienne)
4 teaspoons of sugar (I use the cane only) 3 tablespoons Worchester sauce

(the dose of salsa are my TV because I do not provided the information ... of course you can vary them according your experiments)

To complete the burger ingredients + will you enjoy such as: bread for hamburger (which I like, but I have not been able to complete mica with him ...) Swiss-type cheese , tomato, lettuce, onion cooked in sour pickles etc etc ...

Come to order and prepare the sauce:
I browned the butter (but in my case was the oil) with the onion and garlic finely chopped, when the onion is wilted I added the vinegar and after a few minutes tomato paste. I let it cook for 5 minutes then I added the sugar, mustard and let it go for 5 minutes. One minute before shutting down I added the Worchester sauce. I let it cool, I whipped around and put it in different bowls.

For the burgers I mixed the ingredients (I added the potato because I made two versions: with gluten and dairy products, or adding breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese, and gluten &milkfree; version so I needed a binder and softener that I identified in potato ... to that of Gp was super then add it again when I can use the breadcrumbs and Parmesan), then I used a large pastry rings and a meat mallet to shape it. I've cooked on a griddle 6 / 7 minutes per side, around the side I put the sliced \u200b\u200bcheese on that and a cover for GP.
I toasted the bread in and then I made the dish:) good

Ahhhhh .... I wanted to share with you my happiness at having finally found the table and the chairs of our dreams :)))))) now we just have to wait until October to deliver him to ..........

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Marble Blast For Goldcustom

Gnocchi cinciaulìn

Samuel is here, spread about me sleeping, and together we are quickly reaching a temperature of liquefaction, but this only makes me think of how great the love between mother and son:))) if we think well pretty well but I even think that in reality are a little 'warmth instead of days ago here ... :)
summer, despite everything, it is still my favorite season ... Despite slow quest'afa make my every move, I feel super life, so I do half the things you usually do in winter, but it seems to me to make it twice:)
In all this, the raspberry was over 10 kg and I realized that raising children is the pursuit of fitness most gentle and effective I've ever experienced in recent years ... GHIII

Since I have some 'limitations in the choice of food, Asian cuisine is much more common in our food .... Rice, rice vermicelli, rice noodles and rice noodles never fail in my pantry, but now that the need is to vary mostly in the form over substance, have head also ... the rice dumplings!
I had always intrigued, but despite them I had bought several months ago I had never prepared ... I do not know why ... actually ... uhmmmm ... actually I know why:)
Rice dumplings have a special feature: you must make me want to eat at least 12 hours before, because they must be soaked!

the remainder of the preparation is simple and can give rise to endless varied ... that my fridge has been decided:

Chinese dumplings with shrimp and vegetables
200 g of Chinese dumpling soaked 12 hours before
a stalk of lemon grass (I had it in the fridge, but not essential)
a leek (or onion)
two zucchini onion

shrimp seed oil, sesame oil

toasted black sesame seed sauce
Soy (*)

I put it to soak the dumplings and I've waited 12 hours:)
I cleaned the stem of lemon grass, I beat him with a meat mallet and I chopped. I clean the leeks, I cut them in half lengthwise and washed well being I attneta that there was no land between the leaves. I dried and sliced \u200b\u200bin half rings.
I clean the zucchini and carrot, and I sliced \u200b\u200bthem.
I shelled the prawns and I pulled off the dark yarn.
I put a few tablespoons of vegetable oil in a wok, I turned on the heat and I put the lemon grass and leeks to cook a few minutes, then I added the rest of the vegetables and cook on high heat I made for a few minutes until they are crisp.
I moved the vegetables around the edges, leaving space in the center of the wok to cook the shrimp, then I added a little olive oil, shrimp, I've blended with a little white wine, then I mixed all the vegetables and added drained gnocchi. I mixed well for a minute, then I poured on the edges of the wok around a half of soy sauce and toasted sesame oil around, I turned it off, I sprinkled with sesame seeds and I served quite quickly:).

(*) soy sauce usually contains wheat on the market then this recipe is not suitable for celiacs, but could use tamari. in the comments you will find directions to Stella that suggests one in particular.

Ah ... since today is July 15 ... that is the day of the feast of Palermo, I have to scream a little phrase:
W Palermo and Santa Rosalia :)))))))))

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Brazilian Wax How Long Grow After Shaving

Good Trip.

I mondiali di calcio Sud Africa 2010, quelli dove la sorte della nostra Nazionale non è stata per nulla simile ai mondiali di Germania 2006, sono quasi giunti al termine. Tra stasera e domani conosceremo le 3 Nazioni che saliranno sui gradini più alti del podio, dopodiché non ci resterà che aspettare altri 4 anni, qualificazioni permettendo, per provare nuovamente a salire sul tetto del mondo con la nostra Italia, o quantomeno sperare di fare un bel mondiale.

Oltre ai mondiali di calcio, in questi giorni si sta disputando anche un altra avvincente sfida che vede contrapporsi diverse nazionali, tra cui anche una su cui svetta il Tricolore, dove però al contrario di quanto accaduto in Sud Africa, questa volta anche noi possiamo help to confirm the victory of our colors.

Very Good Trip

Very Good Trip , the name of the race, see fight each other in teams of eight European nations besides to walk the miles needed to reach about 20 cities around Europe, they must also demonstrate their skills by passing the compelling evidence.

Italy Rituel 1

Everything can be followed on the official website , or on YouTube where you can view videos of the chronicles daily per team ( com / watch? v = TVZMSiepx3k ), and finally on Facebook Fan Page ( ).

As I said, the fans here can actively participate and contribute to decide the victory of their nation by voting for the team on the official website .

Very Good Trip - Website
Very Good Trip - Fanpage

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sunfish Sailboat Hull

Era ora...

Um ... Uhm .... My fingers are a little numb ... Does anyone know why?
addition to the fingers a little surprised to touch the keys on my pc so I feel so embarrassed ... I received many emails and many comments asking me what had fatto e non sono mai riuscita a rispondervi...
Cioè... Ecco... in realtà ogni giorno che passava diventava sempre più difficile ed imbarazzante scrivere le motivazioni di questa mia lunghissima assenza.... pensavo che potesse interessarvi sapere del mio viaggio verso Marte in compagnia di una simpaticissima venusiana, oppure del mio tentativo di scalata del K2, fallito miseramente perché la guida mi ha immediatamente imposto di togliere i tacchi a spillo...

riehmm... riuhmm... mi conoscete no? Sapete che preferisco dirvi sempre la verità. Ebbene: Mi son goduta Samuele :o)

Mister Pernacchia è diventato decisamente grande... da un mese gattona, da qualche giorno si sets up clinging to my ex-clean lacquered handles of my kitchen and now ex-lucidalucida improntine all studded with small small ... So most of my day spent trying to prevent dips different style: a flight of angel, fish, a bomb, a sack of potatoes ...

I'm starting to stop saying "HHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" every time he falls or bangs his nose or bangs his head is crushed or the finger ... not saying it because I noticed that it would notice unless one was hurt:). Despite these hitches
small way, is great to see the satisfaction on his face when he realizes he has exceeded a limit that had until a moment before ...
It 's wonderful to hear call hear me call mom and dad ... Gp
's wonderful to see him grow and see how well I and Gp are growing thanks to him ...

And these are the top stories of my family :)... As for the news from my stove, well here, there is a great news! Case of Samuel overt intolerance to gluten and dairy products, and since much of its power supply is based on my milk, I also do not eat for two months or more gluten or dairy products and this has made two things happen: first, I also realized that I just did not do as well well I've lost 4 kg (ghiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii) are therefore thinner than when I got pregnant, but most return to that pair of jeans in the last 4 years I had given her for not killing me in the hope of returning to breathe even wear them inside :))))...

The second is that almost every night I dream of sitting at a table, take a knife and fork, wish you good appetite to my GP and then start stuffing a double pizza dough with tomatoes, mozzarella, butter and soft cheese: (( (((then I wake up, I look at my baby that was good, I look at my jeans that I come and I go back to sleep :))).

then I'm preparing all the recipes in my knowledge no (*) of gluten and dairy products. .. and then some Sunday ago I made ....

Paella Valenciana

This recipe was given to me by my sister, who was given one of her colleagues, who gave it to her friend, that 's Valencia gave a relative .... I leave the original text as I think it is considered assets of the international culinary word, brackets and pointing you to my edits.

1 onion (1 large red) 250 g of sausage

250 g chicken breast 150 g
seafood risotto prepared for
1 small yellow pepper (and a little red) 400 g of rice
½ sachet saffron
150 g
spring peas about 1 liter of vegetable broth salt

a lemon pepper oil

pepper (half a kilogram of squid, a kilo of mussels, prawns 15)

In a frying pan rather large (in paelliera:) jokes apart ... paella in fact, means pan) Saute the sliced \u200b\u200bonion, add the sausage (sliced) and chicken cut into pieces (small) and let cook a bit ', add the bell pepper, cut into small pieces and continues to cook a few minutes at the end add the seafood (I put the squid and peeled prawns, mussels instead I made them open in a saucepan over low heat, I slipped and three quarters le ho messe da parte, ho filtrato la loro acqua e l'ho aggiunta al brodo) fai rosolare per pochissimo, dai una bella spruzzata (generosa) di vino bianco, aggiungi un pizzico di sale e di peperoncino.

Fai tostare il riso, (se vuoi ribagna con poco vino). Quando il vino è evaporato aggiungi il brodo vegetale (deve coprire tutto il riso), in un mestolino di brodo sciogli lo zafferano e aggiungilo, dai una rapida mescolata copri e fai cuocere SENZA MESCOLARE. Dopo 5 minuti unisci un pugno di pisellini primavera, mescola e porta a termine di cottura il riso. La paella è pronta quando, infilando nel riso il cucchiaio di legno rimane dritto

Sarebbe bello aggiungere anche un mezzo peperone rosso arrostito e tagliato strips, even when cooking is over, then me the other night it took me over the mussels and clams open ... so you can already do some 'what you think ... (I added the cooked and shelled mussels is with the shell which is kept for decoration)

The gem, according to the girl Valencia, would be a grattugiatina lemon peel in the end even if I never tried (I do, I Siiiii is truly a chiccaaaa). The preparation time is 3 / 4 of an hour.
important Ahhhhhhh! You must not forget while preparing the sauce to give the super mix and spread a little 'pepper here and a little' sausage ... there it is important not to lose even a small piece of chicken ... I do not know what could happen, but I do not even try!

Bon appetit!

(*) as celiac disease is a serious thing I wanted to specify that I'm not cooking using the formulary, so in my recipes can be no traces of gluten!

In comments a reader will find explanations of Valencia, which made me discover that the mixed meat and seafood paella is an urban legend. The next time you prepare this dish and then follow his or condiglio using only the flesh (and also what types specidfica use) or just the fish. grazieeee