Saturday, March 5, 2011

Piercing Course Brisbane

IX Domenica del Tempo Ordinario, Anno A - Domínica in Quinquagésima (06 March 2011)

Missale Romanum
Sunday, March 6, 2011


Extraordinary Form
Quinquagesima IN DOMINICA

our heart is restless until it rests in you

From the Confessions of St. Augustine, bishop
( Lib. 1, 1. 1-2. 5. 5, CSEL 33 , 1-5)

"Great is the Lord and worthy of all praise, his greatness is unsearchable, his knowledge has no borders "(Ps 47, 1, 95, 4, 144, 3, 146, 5). And the man wants to praise you, he fraction of what you've created, and the man who carries around his being mortal, the man who is accompanied by the witness of his sin and proof that you resist the proud. Nevertheless the man, a small part of what you've created, wants to praise you. You push him to find his delight in the praise, why have you created for yourself and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.

Grant me, O Lord, to know and understand if you first must invoke or praise, or if you know you first invoke. But chi ti può invocare se non ti conosce? Chi non conosce, non sa a chi dirigere la sua invocazione. Ma, per caso, non sarà necessario invocarti per conoscerti? «Ora, come potranno invocarlo senza aver prima creduto in lui?». E «come potranno credere, senza averne sentito parlare?» ( Rm 10, 14).

«Loderanno il Signore quanti lo cercano» ( Sal 21, 27); poiché, cercandolo, lo troveranno e, trovandolo, lo loderanno. Che io ti cerchi, o Signore, invocandoti; che io ti invochi, credendo in te, perché sei stato annunziato a noi. O Signore, è la mia fede a invocarti, quella fede che tu mi hai donato, quella fede che, mediante l'opera del Your preacher, you have inspired me for the humanity of your Son made man. But as

call on my God, my God and Lord? Of course I'll call it in myself, when I call on. And what place there is in me, when my God can come inside me, he who created the heavens and the earth? There is thus something in me, O Lord my God, able to contain? Or maybe the heavens and the earth that you created and where you made me too, you can hold? Or, because without you there is nothing to what exists, what happens there that you contain?

Meanwhile, being that I exist, why do you ask them to come inside me, I do not exist unless you were me? Have not yet fallen Hades, although you are also there, because the Scripture testifies: "If I go down into hell, behold" (Ps. 138, 8). So in

not exist, my God, do not exist at all, unless you were me. I could be, if I were you, from whom, to whom and in whom all things exist? (Cf. 1 Cor 8, 6). It 's so, Lord, yes, it is. Where then I'm going to invoke, if you are in? Where you would you come with me? Where it takes me out of heaven and earth, because there is in me, my God, who said: 'Do I not fill heaven and earth? "(Jer 23, 24).

Who'll let me rest in thee? Who will grant me that you come into my heart, so I can forget my evils and embrace you, my only good? What are you to me? Have mercy, so she can talk. What am I to you, because you command me to love you, and you do not obey you angry at me and threaten me with great misfortunes? And perhaps this very small misfortune, not love you?

Oh, tell me your mercy, O Lord my God, what you are to me. "Tell me I am your salvation" (Ps 34, 3). He speaks well, and I listen. See, my heart is listening to you, Lord, make it available, and tell me: 'I am your salvation "(Ps 34, 3). Chase the sound this'll be joining you and your word. Do not hide your face, I die to stay alive to see your face.


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