Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blueprints For Tv Stand




Paul VI Hall
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

[ French, English , Italian, Portuguese , English , German]

Dear brothers and sisters,

today, marked by the austere symbol of ashes, we enter in time of Lent, beginning a spiritual journey that prepares us to celebrate the Easter mysteries. The blessed ashes on our head tax is a sign that reminds us of our condition as creatures, invites us to repentance and conversion to step up efforts to follow the Lord more and more.

Lent is a journey, that rises to accompany Jesus to Jerusalem, site of the fulfillment of the mystery of his passion, death and resurrection reminds us that the Christian life is a "way "forward, consisting not so much a law to be observed, but in the person of Christ, to meet, to be welcomed, to follow. In fact, Jesus tells us: "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me" (Lk 9.23). It tells us, that is, that to come with him to the light and joy of the resurrection, the victory of life, love and goodness, that we ought to take up the cross each day, as calls us a nice page of ' Imitation of Christ : "Take, then, your cross and follow Jesus, so you will enter into eternal life. We preceded himself, carrying his cross (Jn 19:17) and died for you, so that you to bring your cross and I wanted to be crucified too. In fact, if you die with him, with him and like him live. If you have been the companion in suffering, you will be a companion in glory "(L . 2, c. 12, n. 2). In the Mass of the First Sunday of Lent we will pray: "O God our Father, with the celebration of this Lent, the sacramental sign of our conversion, grant to your faithful to grow in knowledge of the mystery of Christ and to bear witness to a worthy way of life "(Colletta ). E 'invocation that turn to God because we know that only He can change our heart. And it is especially in the liturgy, participation in the holy mysteries, that we are led to take this journey with the Lord, is a teaching from Jesus, to retrace the events that have brought us salvation, but not as a simple commemoration, a remembrance of past events. In liturgical celebrations, Christ is made present through the Holy Spirit, those saving events become current. There is a key word that occurs frequently in the liturgy to indicate this: the word "today" and it must be understood in the original sense and practical, not metaphorical. Today, God reveals His law and has given us today to choose between good and evil, between life and death (cf. Dt 30:19) and today "the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the Gospel "(Mk 1.15); today that Jesus Christ died on Calvary and rose from the dead and ascended into heaven and is seated at the Father's right, today we are given the Holy Spirit today is a favorable time . Participating in the Liturgy, then, means immerse their lives in the mystery of Christ, in his permanent presence, take a journey in which we enter into His death and resurrection to have life.

On Sundays of Lent, in a special way this year liturgical cycle A, we are introduced to live a baptismal journey, as if to retrace the journey of the catechumens, those che si preparano a ricevere il Battesimo, per ravvivare in noi questo dono e per far in modo che la nostra vita recuperi le esigenze e gli impegni di questo Sacramento, che è alla base della nostra vita cristiana. Nel Messaggio che ho inviato per questa Quaresima , ho voluto richiamare il nesso particolare che lega il Tempo quaresimale al Battesimo. Da sempre la Chiesa associa la Veglia Pasquale alla celebrazione del Battesimo, passo per passo: in esso si realizza quel grande mistero per cui l’uomo, morto al peccato, è reso partecipe della vita nuova in Cristo Risorto e riceve lo Spirito di Dio che ha risuscitato Gesù dai morti (cfr Rm 8,11). Le Letture che ascolteremo nelle prossime domeniche e alle quali vi invito to pay special attention, are taken from their ancient tradition, which accompanied the catechumens in the discovery of Baptism are the good news of what God is in this Sacrament, a beautiful baptismal catechesis addressed to each of us. The First Sunday, called Sunday's tempting, because it presents the temptations of Jesus in the desert, invites us to renew our final decision to God and to courageously face the fight ahead to stay faithful. There is always a need for this new decision, to resist evil, to follow Jesus in the Church this Sunday, after hearing the testimony of godparents and catechists, celebrates the election of those who are admitted the Easter Sacraments. The Second Sunday is that of Abraham and the Transfiguration. Baptism is the sacrament of faith and of divine, like Abraham, the father of believers, we too are invited to leave, to go out from our land, to leave the security we have built, to put our trust in God, and the goal can be seen in the transfiguration of Christ, the beloved Son, in whom we become "sons of God." Is presented in the following Sunday Baptism in the images of water, light and life. The Third Sunday lets us meet the Samaritan woman (cf. Jn 4.5 to 42). Like Israel in the Exodus, we too have received the baptism in water that saves, Jesus, as he says to the Samaritan woman, has a water of life, extinguishing every thirst, and this water is its own spirit. The Church celebrates this Sunday in the first round of the catechumens during the week and gives them the Symbol: The Profession of Faith, the Creed. The Fourth Sunday makes us reflect on the experience of "blind man" (cf. Jn 9.1 to 41). In Baptism we are freed from the darkness of evil and receive the light of Christ to live as children of light. We too must learn to see the presence of God in the face of Christ and thus the light. In the journey of the catechumens is celebrated on the second ballot. Finally, the Fifth Sunday presents the resurrection of Lazarus (Cf. Jn 11.1 to 45). In Baptism we have passed from death to life and we are enabled to please God, to kill the old man to live by the Spirit of the Risen One. For catechumens is celebrated on the third ballot lasted a week and is delivered to them the Lord's Prayer: Our Father. "

This journey of Lent we are invited to walk in Lent is characterized, in the tradition of the Church by certain practices: fasting, almsgiving and prayer. Fasting means abstinence from food but includes other forms of deprivation for a more sober life. All this is not yet the full reality of fasting: is the outward sign of an inner reality, of our efforts, with the help of God, to abstain from evil and to live the Gospel. Not really fast if you can not feed on the Word of God

Fasting in the Christian tradition, is also closely linked to begging. St. Leo the Great taught in one of his speeches on Lent: "As every Christian is obliged to do at all times, must now practice with greater zeal and devotion, because it fulfills the norm of the apostolic Lenten fasting consistent not only abstinence from food but also and above all sins. These obligations and holy fasting, then, no work can be associated più utilmente dell’elemosina, la quale sotto il nome unico di ‘misericordia’ abbraccia molte opere buone. Immenso è il campo delle opere di misericordia. Non solo i ricchi e i facoltosi possono beneficare gli altri con l’elemosina, ma anche quelli di condizione modesta e povera. Così, disuguali nei beni di fortuna, tutti possono essere pari nei sentimenti di pietà dell’anima” ( Discorso 6 sulla Quaresima , 2: PL 54, 286). San Gregorio Magno ricordava, nella sua Regola Pastorale , che il digiuno è reso santo dalle virtù che l’accompagnano, soprattutto dalla carità, da ogni gesto di generosità, che dona the poor and needy the result of our deprivation (see 19.10 to 11).

Lent is also a special time for prayer. St. Augustine says that fasting and almsgiving are "two wings of a prayer," which allow it to more easily take its momentum and reach up to God, he says: "In this way our prayer of humility in and charity, fasting and nell'elemosina, in temperance and forgiveness of injuries, giving good things and not returning the bad and away from evil and doing good, seek peace and follows. With the wings of these virtues, our prayers fly safer and more easily is taken up into heaven, where Christ is our peace came before us "( Sermon 206, 3 on Lent: PL 38.1042). The Church knows that, for our weakness, it's hard to get to be silent before God, and become aware of our condition as creatures that depend on Him, and sinners in need of his love for this, Lent invites us to a prayer most loyal and intense and prolonged meditation on the Word of God St. John Chrysostom says: "Decorate your home with modesty and humility with the practice of prayer. Make your home beautiful with the light of justice, its walls adorned with good works as a film instead of pure gold and precious stones of the walls and places the supernatural faith and magnanimity, putting above all else, on top of the pediment, the pattern of prayer to the entire complex. So prepare a worthy dwelling place for God, so welcome him in a splendid palace. He will only allow you to transform your soul in the temple of his presence "(6 Homily on Prayer : PG 64.466).

Dear friends, in this Lenten journey we are careful to take the call of Christ to follow a more determined and consistent, renewing commitments and the grace of our baptism, to abandon the old man that is in us and clothed in Christ, giungere rinnovati per poter e alla Pasqua con san Paolo say "io non vivo più, my Cristo live in me" (Gal 2.20). Buon cammino quaresimali a voi tutti! Grazie!


I greet you with joy, dear French-speaking pilgrims, especially the young people! I invite you to take very seriously what Lent to live in a spirit of faith and make it a time of authentic conversion. By participating in the holy mysteries, you enjoy a drink at the fountain of living water in God! With blessing!

I welcome all the English-speaking visitors present at today's Audience, especially those from Ireland, Japan, South Korea and the United States. My special greeting goes to the priests and semi-Arians of Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. With prayerful good wishes for a spiritually fruitful Lent, I cordially invoke upon you and your families God's blessings of joy and peace!

I cordially greet
the German-speaking pilgrims and visitors, especially the diocesan committee of the diocese of Regensburg and the priesthood of Eichstätt Seminary, of course, the Surberg and Traunstein. I cordially thank the Allgäu Marching Band for their wonderful music. We walk with fasting, almsgiving and prayer the path of renewal in Christ, so that we can say with the Apostle Paul: "No longer I who live but Christ lives in me" (Gal 2.20). I wish you all a blessed Lent!

Saludo Cordialement a los de lengua española peregrinos, en particular a los grupos provenientes de España, México, Chile y otros países Latinoamericanos. Queridos amigos, en este camino cuaresmal, os invito a la invitación de Cristo Acoge de un modo más a seguirlo decidido y Coherent, renovando la gracia y los compromisos bautismales, para que revistiéndoos de Cristo, podáis llegar renovados a la Pascua y decir con san Pablo “ vivo yo, pero no soy yo, es Cristo quien vive en mí ” ( Gal 2, 20). Deseo a todos un santa Cuaresma.

Saúdo cordialmente os fiéis das paróquias de Calhariz do Benfica e Brandoa no Patriarcado de Lisboa, os professores e alunos das comunidades escolares das dioceses de Coimbra e do Porto e ainda o grupo de peregrinos, médicos e professores, de Guimarães. A vós e a todos os presentes de língua portuguesa desejo um caminho quaresmal abençoado, que vos permita encontrar, acolher e seguir mais de perto Jesus; e assim poderdes dizer, com São Paulo, «já não sou eu que vivo, que é Cristo vive em mim ". Obrigado pela presença Voss. Ide com Deus.

Saluto in lingua polacca:

cordial greetings to the Poles. Lent is a time sposobnym to strengthen our relationship with Christ and to imitate Him in sacrificial love. Resuming our baptismal commitment, Leave the old man, who is in us, and put on Christ, we live Passover renewed and ready to repeat St. Paul: "This is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me." Let Allah błogosławi!

Traduzione italiana:

Un cordiale saluto rivolgo ai polacchi. La Quaresima è il tempo opportuno per consolidare il nostro legame con Cristo e per seguirLo sulle vie dell’amore disposto al sacrificio. Accogliendo nuovamente gli impegni del nostro Battesimo, abbandoniamo l’uomo vecchio che è in noi e rivestiamoci di Cristo, per vivere la Pasqua rinnovati e pronti a ripetere con S. Paolo: “non vivo più io, ma Cristo vive in me”. Dio vi benedica!

Saluto in lingua croata:

Srdačno pozdravljam sve hrvatske hodočasnike, a osobito vjernike iz župe Svetog Antuna Padovanskog iz Sesvetskih Sela.
Dok započinjemo korizmeni hod, potičem vas, dragi prijatelji, da iskoristite ovo milosno vrijeme posta i molitve za osobno obraćenje i djela ljubavi. Hvaljen Isus i Marija!

Traduzione italiana:

Cordialmente saluto tutti i pellegrini Croati particolarmente i fedeli della parrocchia di Sant’Antonio di Padova in Sesvetska Sela. Cominciando il camino quaresimale, vi esorto, cari amici, ad approfittare di questo tempo favorevole di digiuno e di preghiera per la conversione personale e per le opere di carità. Siano lodati Gesù e Maria!

Saluto in lingua ungherese:

Isten hozta a magyar híveket, különösképpen azokat, akik Budapestről és Bodajkról érkeztek. Szeretettel köszöntelek Titeket.
Ma kezdődik nagyböjt időszaka. Negyven napon át a liturgia segít abban, hogy újra átélhessük megváltásunk titkát. A böjt és és az imádság egyesít bennünket Krisztussal, Aki az Atya akaratát teljesítve Önmagát adta a keresztfán.
Szívesen adom apostoli áldásomat Kedves Mindannyiotokra.
Dicsértessék to Krisztus Jezus!

Italian translation:

I greet with affection the Hungarian-speaking pilgrims, especially the groups that came from Budapest and Bodajk.
Today we begin Lent - forty days during which the liturgy will help us relive the mystery of our redemption. Through the sacrifice and prayer, we unite with Christ who does the will of the Father and gives himself the offer of the Cross. I gladly impart my Apostolic Blessing.
Praised be Jesus Christ!

greet in Slovakian:

greet pilgrims from Slovakia.
brothers and sister, the apostle Paul calls "In the name of Christ, you pray to God be reconciled with one another." At the beginning of Lent počujme this invitation, which is addressed to each of us happy and it nasledujme.
bless you with love.
Praised be Jesus Christ!

Traduzione italiana:

Salute di cuore i Pellegrini provenienti dalla Slovacchia.
Fratelli e Sorelle, l'Apostolo Paolo Invite: "Vi supplichiamo in nome di Cristo: be reconciled to God "We feel the beginning of Lent this appeal addressed personally to each one of us and let's put it into practice with generosity. I bless you with affection.
Praised be Jesus Christ!


extend a cordial welcome to the Italian-speaking pilgrims. In particular, I greet you, Montecalvo Irpino faithful gathered here in memory of San Pompilio Maria Pirrotta, and I urge you to make a generous Christian witness everywhere, following in the footsteps of your patron and supported by the maternal intercession of Mary, whom you venerate the title of Our Lady of Abundance. I greet you with affection, pilgrims the parish of St Matthew in Asiago, and encourage you to faithfully follow Jesus and his Gospel, to be authentic Christians in the family and in any other environment. I greet the members of the "United World" and invite them to continue their generous commitment to projects of solidarity and peace.

I offer, finally, my greetings to the young, the sick and newlyweds. The Lenten season, which begins today, will lead each to a more intimate knowledge of Christ, for you in different situations where you are, have his own feelings and do everything in communion with him

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