Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bible Black Streamo,h

Ash Wednesday - the fourth Cinerum Feria (March 9, 2011) The Pontifical Commission

Mercoledì, 09 Marzo 2011


Extraordinary Form


From "Letter to the Corinthians by Saint Clement I, pope and martyr.
( Lib. 1, 1. 1-2. 5. 5, CSEL 33, 1-5)

We fixed his eyes on the blood of Christ, to understand how precious the sight of God his Father was shed for our salvation and brought al mondo intero la grazia della penitenza.

Passiamo in rassegna tutte le epoche del mondo e constateremo come in ogni generazione il Signore abbia concesso modo e tempo di pentirsi a tutti coloro che furono disposti a ritornare a lui. Noè fu l’araldo della penitenza e coloro che lo ascoltarono furono salvi.

Giona predicò la rovina ai Niniviti e questi, espiando i loro peccati, placarono Dio con le preghiere e conseguirono la salvezza. Eppure non appartenevano al popolo di Dio.

Non mancarono mai ministri della grazia divina che, ispirati dallo Spirito Santo, predicassero la penitenza. Lo stesso Signore di tutte le cose parlò della penitenza impegnandosi con giuramento: Com’è vero ch’io vivo - Says the Lord - no pleasure in the death of the sinner, but rather his repentance (cf. Ez 33, 11). Added more words full of goodness: Remove, O house of Israel, from your sins. Of 'the sons of my people, Though your sins from the earth touches the sky, were more red and scarlet, and blacks more of a hair shirt, as long as you convert all my heart and call me "Father", and I will deal as a saint and people will hear your prayer (cf. Is 1.18, 63.16, 64.7; Ger 3.4; 31.9).

Wanting to enjoy the blessings of conversion to those he loves, he put his will seal of the Almighty to his word.
obey because of its magnificent and glorious will. Bow down before God, begging him to be merciful and kind.

Convertiamoci sincere in his love. We repudiate all the works of evil, any kind of discord and jealousy, cause of death. Therefore, we are humble in spirit, brethren. We reject every foolish boast, the pride, foolish pride and anger. We put into practice what is written.

says, in fact, the Holy Spirit: not the wise man boast of his wisdom, nor the rich in their riches, but who wants to boast, boast in the Lord, research and practice of law and justice (cf. Jer 9 0.22 to 23; 1 Cor 1:31). We remember especially the words of the Lord Jesus when he exhorted the meekness and patience: Be merciful obtain mercy: forgive, because you may be forgiven, how you treat others, you will be treated so you too will be donated and reciprocated, not judge, and will not be judged, be benevolent, and will experience the kindness, with the same measure with which you measured others, you too will be measured (cf. Mt 5, 7, 6, 14, 7, 1.2). We stand in this line and adhere to these commandments.

always walk with all humility in obedience to the holy words. He says a sacred text: Who will be laying my eyes if not on who is humble and peaceful and trembles at my word? (See Is 66, 2).

So, having lived large and prominent events, we run toward the goal of peace, prepared for us from the beginning. We fix our gaze firmly on the Father and Creator of the world, and aspire to his strongly to his wonderful gifts and unparalleled benefits.


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