Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Numbness In Limbs After Flu

Celebrazioni Presiedute dal Santo Padre Benedetto XVI per il Mercoledì delle Ceneri, 9 Marzo 2011




March 9, 2011

Basilica of St. Anselm on the Aventine 16.30
State and Penitential Procession

Basilica of Santa Sabina
at 17.00 Holy Mass, Blessing and Imposition of Ashes

Stazione Santa Sabina

After the reform of S. Gregorio Magno in the seventh century, Lent begins with the "Ash Wednesday". Originally started on Sunday "in capite jeiunii" with the station (probably "Monitor", ie at night) in the "cathedral" of Rome, S. Giovanni in Laterano.

The imposition of the "ashes" was a ritual reserved for the first public penitents, who had asked to be "reconciled" during Lent. Humility, recognizing all in need of "reconciliation", the Pope, the clergy and the faithful then they all wanted to be associated with that ritual are also getting the ashes.

Why Santa Sabina was chosen precisely do not know: some think that the Pope, in view of the labors Lenten, retreating there for a few days of rest. Could also have been chosen because, to get there, the procession started from St. Anastasia had to make a strong symbol of the efforts needed to climb "up" toward the spiritual perfection of the soul.

The current basilica is "dated" as reported in the large enrollment of entry "was built by Peter Illyrian priest, at the time of Pope Celestine I (422-432). But you know a Titulus Sabinae "prior to that time, perhaps built over a Roman house were seen in the ruins. The owner Sabina was probably the donor of the land and so on. then, when in the sixth century "Titulares" were Only the Holy Martyrs, was (the cases are numerous) frieze, surely rightly, the title of saint.

The basilica of the fifth century it was restored and modified many times, like almost all the ancient churches of Rome: fires, earthquakes, invasions, new fashion styles, were their greatest enemies! In 1914-18 A. Munos her back to his style, using many original parts, which fortunately was not destroyed: it is that we admire today.


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