Thursday, March 10, 2011

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The new program. "TV2000, the words of Benedict XVI"


TV2000, the words of Benedict XVI

Angela Calvini

One commentator exceptional, Benedict XVI , the Gospel of Sunday. From next Saturday, the eve of the first Sunday of Lent, the Pope will guide us for the festive mass, a new program Tv2000 ( Sky channel 801, digital terrestrial channel 28 and web ). Sunday with Pope Benedict XVI will be broadcast every Saturday at 17.30, with a replica at 22.35, and will accompany the whole liturgical year without going on vacation. Art and music combine the best of the preaching of Pope: the sermons of the masses and that of the Angelus.

The word of Ratzinger will be the central point: from the archive of six years of preaching, will be taken in hands-free image and more songs that will help us understand the development of the next day. To make overtures to the program, three works of art related to the theme, illustrated by the art critic Monsignor Timothy Verdon, and to the accompaniment of Gregorian chants of the Mass of the day, a choir directed by Fulvio Rampi, among the best performers of liturgical song di rito latino.

«Il programma nasce dallo stesso Benedetto XVI: lui è considerato il "Papa delle omelie". Grazie al mezzo televisivo e al web ora le sue parole potranno raggiungere un pubblico ancora più ampio» spiega l’autore del programma, Sandro Magister, giornalista e curatore di tre volumi sulle omelie di Joseph Ratzinger Papa, pubblicate da Libri Scheiwiller. Magister proprio ieri ha presentato il nuovo programma di Tv2000 al Santo Padre, al termine dell’Udienza generale del mercoledì.

«Il rapporto diretto con l’ascoltatore è un tratto tipico di questo Papa – aggiunge Magister –. Lui vuol fare arrivare il messaggio unmediated by the written and spoken word, just as in his books about Jesus of Nazareth, in the book Light of the World interview in encyclicals such as the Spe Salvi. " For example, next Saturday from the voice you hear the words of the Pope's Angelus is a dedicated to the temptations of Jesus in the desert, but also a track from his first book on Jesus, he speaks of the last temptation, that of power.

"Do not forget that the homily is the central element of the liturgical celebration itself - explains Magister -. The Word becomes a fact, highlights the realization of the word of God but the Christian liturgy is also made of art and music, even if the mass, as Pope Benedict said "it is not theater, not show." Art and music are not accessories, but they are a constituent part of the liturgy: beauty is a way for the sacred, and we unfortunately we are unaccustomed. "

For the program, which was directed by Pina Cataldo, the TV directed by Dino Boffo, therefore, has enlisted the great professionals. Verdon, in the first episode, show so popular, the Gospel of the temptation with a painting by Tintoretto's Scuola di San Rocco, a table of Duccio and kept in New York with a mosaic of Ravenna of the fifth century. As for the music, during Lent the Gregorian Singers will be conducted by Maestro ramps Sant'Abbondio in Cremona. From Easter onwards the songs will be performed in other places, like the most beautiful churches of Rome, alternating with a choir that will perform motets by Palestrina and Monteverdi, to music on the liturgical texts for each Sunday.

Copyright © 2011 Future

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Pope Benedict XVI to the Roman parish priests: be men with the heart of God, proclaim the truth even if uncomfortable, especially the poor love

Pope tells Roman parish priests:
be men with God's heart,
proclaim the truth even if inconvenient,
love especially the poor

The priest is not an "administrator", but a man chosen by God to imitate Christ, as He knows that to be humble, love humanity, have feeling for the poor, support with courage the Church wherever it is threatened. With a comprehensive lectio divina inspired by chapter 20 of the Acts of the Apostles, Benedict XVI this morning he met with the priests of the diocese of Rome, led by Vicar Cardinal Agostino Vallini, in the traditional annual meeting held in the Hall of Blessings . ; service Alessandro De Carolis : ( Audio )

Avere l’occhio di Dio, non quello del burocrate. Non c’è alternativa per un sacerdote. San Paolo lo aveva compreso e San Luca descritto in quel capitolo degli Atti degli Apostoli che il Papa ha definito come “destinato agli uomini di ogni tempo”. L’attualità del testo antico è diventata materia di riflessione per il prete del tempo moderno, centellinata dal Pontefice frase dopo frase. Il sacerdote, ha affermato, anzitutto “non è un padrone della fede”:

“Prete non si è a tempo solo parziale; si è sempre, con tutta l’anima, con tutto il nostro cuore. Questo essere con Cristo ed essere ambasciatore di Cristo, questo essere per gli altri è una missione che penetra il nostro essere e deve sempre più penetrare nella totalità del nostro essere”.

Il servizio, ha proseguito Benedetto XVI, chiama l’umiltà. Che non è esibizione di “falsa modestia” ma amore per la volontà di Dio, che proprio grazie all’umiltà del servitore può essere annunciata nella sua integrità, senza condizionamenti o preferenze, e senza “creare l’idea che il cristianesimo sia un pacchetto immenso di cose da imparare”:

“Questo è importante: non predica Christianity à la carte, according to their tastes, preaching a gospel according to their own favorite ideas, according to his theological ideas, not subtract from announcing all, all God's will, the will also uncomfortable, even the topics that personally I do not like them much. "

The Pauline text was then suggested to the Pope thoughts on the subject of conversion of heart. "Conversion," the Pope said, is above that of thought and heart, so they are not really tangible things or events in the world as it appears, but actually recognize the presence of God in the world. From this vision, the priest shall conduct its "race" in the world, without ever losing - he recommended Benedict XVI - the beginning of the enamel:

"Do not lose the zeal, the joy of being called by the Lord let (...) renew our spiritual youth (...) the joy of walking with Christ to the end of 'to finish the race' in the excitement of always being called by Christ for this great service. "

The priest, as Paul, said the Pope must not think of his mere "biological survival". Of course, guard is a must, but do not forget that the offer itself, even to the gift of life, his model treats the priest, Christ

"Only God can make us priests, only God can choose their own priests and if we are chosen, we chosen by him here is clearly the sacramental character of the priesthood and the priesthood, which is not a profession that must be done because somebody has to manage all the things (...) It 'an election by the Holy Spirit. "

Pius XI, Benedict XVI recalled, remarked on the problem of sleepiness good ", ie the lack of levees that Christians themselves often resist the forces of evil. The priest, insisted, is called to "watch" and to pray intensely:

"'Take heed to yourselves', we are also attentive to our spiritual life, our prayers be with Christ (...) and meditate on the Word of God is not a waste of time for the care of souls, but is provided so that we can be truly in touch with the Lord and so to speak first hand of the Lord to others. "

The Church is threatened, and always will be, said the Pope But this knowledge must never be forgotten and other immodificabili realtà:

“La verità è più forte della menzogna, l’amore è più forte dell’odio, Dio è più forte di tutte le forze avverse ... a Dio. E con questa gioia, con questa certezza interiore prendiamo la nostra strada (…) nelle consolazioni di Dio e nelle persecuzioni del mondo”.

Nell’indirizzo di saluto a Benedetto XVI, il cardinale Vallini aveva definito la lectio divina l’ideale conclusione del recente pellegrinaggio a Cipro dei sacerdoti romani, quindi – ringraziando il Pontefice per il suo nuovo libro su Gesù – ha definito il volume "A good companion for Lent. Affectionate and touching, then, the words he addressed to the cardinal vicar pope recalled the of priesthood - which falls on June 29 - and highlighting the quality of priestly Benedict XVI most appreciated by the clergy:

"The loyalty, humble and joyful, without cracks, the Lord Jesus, and the total availability to serve the Church in which Providence has given him up to the formidable weight of the supreme pontificate, love the Word of God and the Liturgy and the joy of life time to the rhythm of the liturgical year, the exercise of intelligence and passion for the pursuit of truth without compromise to propose and defend, the sweetness of the stroke and the magnanimity of the heart, the soul's serenity of total dedication to Christ. "

© Copyright Radio Vaticana

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A conversation with the editor of Benedict XVI "From Pencil to 'e-book "(Giulia Galeotti)

A conversation with the editor of Benedict XVI

From pencil to e-book

Giulia Galeotti

Seven initial editions for a total of one million two hundred thousand copies and signed contracts with twenty-two publishers around the world. These are the first issues of Benedict XVI's book Jesus of Nazareth. The entrance to Jerusalem to the Resurrection. The book is presented in the afternoon of March 10 in the Holy See Press Office. Of its genesis, the background that led to the creation and especially the complex publishing operation that is at the base, talk to Don Giuseppe Costa, director of the Libreria Editrice Vaticana (LEV).

In the interview last January 20 with our newspaper, she provided for the output volume for March: perfectly on time thanks to whom?

The credit is a bit 'all, but first author, who has delivered very early. Then there was the long process of translation into several languages, and by February, the press and an organization that really took a lot of effort

What was the history of book publishing?

Almost a year and a half ago, Monsignor Georg Gänswein gave me the memory stick and paper: the Pope had entered the text in pencil, with his unmistakable handwriting minute, then, as always, Birgit Wansing has transcribed to the computer.

In Italy, the first volume was published by Rizzoli, while the current goes out with the Lev: not just a change.

I would say so. The book, printed by the Vatican Press, is distributed by the RCS, with its excellent organization that has guaranteed distribution of three hundred thousand copies in three days.

One thing not easy to be that of the translations.

especially in Italian it was not easy, because in these decades, Joseph Ratzinger's books were translated by different hands: the challenge was to find a degree of uniformity of language. It should also avoid the risk that the various language can not keep or even betray the author's thought. Fidelity to the original has been insured with care and commitment by the translators of the Secretary of State.

For the first volume, there were translation problems?

Yes: for example, that China was not flawless, and others did not respond to theological language. We received more requests for translations from the first volume?

Yes, the interest is higher, and consequently the number of publishers has grown. And this is just the beginning: we have signed contracts with twenty-two publishers around the world, but we are negotiating with others.

How is the choice of the publishers?

When you know that the Pope is working on a book, there's several requests from several countries, so that the editors at the end are only a part of those who had come forward. In the United States, for example, it seemed Ignatius Press il più adeguato, anche se avevano fatto richiesta editori importanti come Doubleday e Our Sunday Visitor. Per l'edizione in francese, abbiamo scelto Parole et Silence, una casa editrice in crescita, molto impegnata nella diffusione del magistero papale, e in Spagna Encuentro.

Il cambiamento è stato completo...

Quasi completo: non tutti gli editori del primo volume hanno stampato anche il secondo. La scelta è stata dettata da più criteri. Di serietà editoriale e organizzativa, certo, ma anche di affidabilità: abbiamo deciso per editori capaci di promuovere non semplicemente il libro, ma anche il suo contenuto.

What issues are scheduled?

On March 10, leaving seven editions - in German, Italian, English, French, English, Portuguese and Polish - for a total of one million two hundred thousand copies. The German edition is playing with one hundred and fifty thousand copies, but Herder has already added other fifty thousand and is ready to run. The Italian edition has already distributed three hundred thousand copies, and we are reprinting other hundred thousand. And while in France one hundred thousand copies are ready, Portugal began with twenty thousand. In late March, then, comes the Croatian edition.

It will provide the e-book?

Yes, certainly, and in some languages \u200b\u200bis also available for the first volume.

And the future?

In the preface to this book, the Pope announced a third part devoted to the Gospels. And there is the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a single edition of the Lev to the three volumes. We believe that this new book by Pope Benedict XVI will be a long seller. As such it will be well promoted through presentations, meetings and other activities.

The book is dedicated to the last days of Jesus' life output in the vicinity of Easter is a case?

No, this is certainly the best time. You could also post before, but there was the book's release in November interview.

Benedict XVI is surely a sign that it will save on advertising ...

Not only that, but as a publisher I must say that the Pope has increased the Lev because we had to adapt structures and organization, demonstrating a capacity that had previously not had. Obviously, the Pope also calls on the cultural side, because we offer essays in response to his works and books that disseminate for the general public of her teaching.

There is no author, if there is a reader: even in the case of Benedict XVI?

The Pope is always read, even the most complex. Benedict XVI is a distinguished theologian, and sometimes also delves into issues concerning the research method, but who is interested in the story of faith, the spiritual dimension or even human communication, always finds its pages very understandable. And engaging.

(© L'Osservatore Romano, March 10, 2011)